Gleambow Racing Returns! Commencing 21st May

Are these the only 4 worlds that will spawn gleambow? Will this change cause there are gonna be a lot of ppl going after these.

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4 seems decent, i mean the event is for 2 weeks don’t forget that’s plenty of time

Currently the only four, but might be exos as well - but even with a lot of people on the one I was on a bit ago, there were also a lot falling. :slight_smile: Figure 50 regions per permanent… my own strategy is, I have a LOT of locations saved (and there are free tokens in the Exo Shuttle Station on Tana VII at DK Mall!) and jump around as much as possible.

Actually, I think I’ll be racing the timer itself more than the other players - lot of people out right now but this is the start. I figure, hit as many places as possible, only go for ones that look like I can get to them.

Can those gb augments be used after the event?

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Compared to the last gleambow events, 4 is nothing. You can’t correctly farm for resources cause every comet has like 4-5 ppl hunting it.

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Only 14 on Biitula right now actually - checked the numbers, Circ was highest at 24. So still a lot of space, and sure to be down hours. :slight_smile:

… Now don’t y’all come rushing over to Biitula now, haha! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: RIGHT after I posted that, just got a Gleam one, landed right by me!! :grin: 3 sacs and bunch of gleam off it - had enough time to kill an extra cuttle before smashing, haha!


Wish chill was included as a viable planet so west could have a server

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I know. I have such a bad connection on all 4 planets if there are more than 5 people on them. Unplayable now.


They will work after, but can only be crafted with drops form gleambow…

Unfortunately oorty dolls and foods use the same items to craft. So basically nobody will be crafting those foods, and low level players won’t be able to use them. Poorly thought out IMO.


So my OCD is asking me to order my colours, but they are so many :frowning:

I don’t think i can handle it, I might just let them unsorted and sell them as they are. Let other ppl try and find them… idk.

And this is only after 5-6 meteorites. I Don’t Know what will happen after a couple of days of doing this :crazy_face: .

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Hehe, yeah… I know my current Gleambow storages aren’t nearly big enough for what I hope to get. :grin: My plan is to do more, showrooms basically, especially as I want to add a lot onto my Flan base. But that work can mostly wait… :wink: Did one room specifically for this one, but probably throw most of it into trunks and do all that later on.

Something too I’m noticing on Gleambows: Actually good to have people around in nearby regions. They can trigger ones that land near you! :wink: So far when there are no nearby icons, the Gleambows appear to be falling pretty far away. Doing better with others appearing to be in the surrounding regions.

JUST missed a glass one on Biitula, grr… but got some nice cool blue glass for my effort at least! :slight_smile: Plus the Oort.

My first 2 gleambow runs, I’m at 114 oort and 96 sacs at the end. This is going to be a very profitable event :smiling_imp:


And i am here just watching jealously while i cant play. @PendragonTheNinja share with me my sadness :joy:


How long a popsicle and jelly last?

No everything in the game has to be able to be obtained by every player. A bit of rarity is nice to have.


Can I agree double?


I’m stuck at work too :pensive: no gleambows til Saturday.
It’s ok though. Everyone else needs this head start. They won’t be getting any once I’m on : )