There is issues with this event every year. Hopefully it’ll work out
Yeah I had a lot of troubles last time but still got a nice quantity of gleam colors!
Forged Gleambow totems will be sold at Q-Mart!!
With an extra speedy totem, tear apart the gleambow in seconds!
Seconding this. I preferred gleambow racing on the less populated planets, as I felt both that I was more likely to actually get to the meteor in time and that if I wanted all of the blocks, I wasn’t taking them from other players also trying to gather them. If there are only four planets and we have to wait for regions to reset before we can get new meteors, it feels like only a handful of people may get to even spawn the gleambows.
That being said, I am really looking forward to seeing what new items and buffs will be available, as I’m always here for more variety in the game. Don’t wanna be a downer, because I’m still pretty hype for gleambow coming back. I just am not sure how it will work with only four planets to race on.
Though we might well have exos that are better than the permanents for hunting as far as terrain goes, I’m working on a plan right now - currently left myself off on Circ, and finding myself very glad of the hunting platforms now, spotting and running to one after another and saving the locations with the easiest terrain. Assuming the spawn rules (center of regions) will be the same?
I’ll hit Xa Frant next, but thinking personally I’ll stick more to Circ. Biitula pretty heavily plotted, and Boori AUS which can give me trouble.
If any are interested in what I’m doing, let me know, happy to put up plinths with the tokens of the places I save. Who knows, maybe the rules will be different or the new item will make this unnecessary, but figure worth a shot to spend a little time doing.
How much time do you get to harvest the meteor?
It got down to less than 20 seconds last time. Whatever time is left on the clock when you reach it, is the time you have to collect items. You may end up with 5 seconds - or it might revert to local colors before you can complete it.
From the hints they’ve given us above, it looks like we may be getting some agility type buffs - possibly faster running, jumping, etc that may help us this time
Time for the 10k pieces of black gleam
Still have a couple from last year. Worthless stuff lol
It can still be a race but still provide everyone involved with something for their troubles… Couple pieces (2, 3 maybe?) of impossible-to-get colored gleam in the meteorite core box…
Give ya 10c each
Lol honestly I’m down with that but won’t be on till around 10pm EST
It’s good for goo farming, I hear…
I have a feeling this will start a bidding war now.
I’d like to see some T1/T2 with Gleambows as well. Have some really new players in game who would absolutely love this.
And so we shall make a square.
and the gods will decide the fate of the gleam
Will be cool to see the new additions, for sure.
I’m somewhat concerned about cramming people into the same few planets, but we’ll see how much of an issue it ends up being with all meteors being gleambows.
The timers last time were… something. We all can agree 7 min, 9 min, whatever… timers are way too long, but during the second half of the last event it arguably swung too far in the other direction, 15-20 second timers being kind of meh. Might be moot depending on what items are added, but figured I’d mention it.
Anyway, appreciate the work bringing the event back and adding new stuff to it.
I feel a rise in t3+t4 lush exos in our future…hitting right around (grabs crystal ball and shakes it) the 21st!
I just hope we can get a T3+ lush exo for USW. Bittula is over plotted and AUS and EUC have connection issues for many of us at times.
Just spawn about 5 or more lush exo’s and we’ll be good. And give Aus the perm T4 lush world it deserves!