I’ve always wanted a T6 Lush to build on.
Alder’s planetary power has been brought down to 1% by 2 individuals siphoning the power and a barrier has been brought down. a new australia T4 will become theirs an a world at the end of norkanya.
I think it’s obvious that jelly will make your butt bigger to resist fall damage.
What are my eyes reading. Is this real life?
Wowza that’s like no time to harvest. I hope I can get something
I can’t wait to see the new stuff
The worst was running towards a perfect candy-colored-gleam meteor, with seconds left…then watching it turn to local resources right before you get to it
Or when the Gleamtrunks did this & you couldn’t reach the gleam…
@keeekeee hear this? we get gleambows again!!!
What’re you going to make this time @DJDancecraft?
@Parnwig ill probably make a cup of gleambow coffee to go with my sponge cake
@Leahlemoncakes On behalf of the community, I tell you we depend on you with this. Don’t let us down!
I can promise you that the sneak peeks are coming!
heres the sneak peek i want
thank you devs for bringing back my all-time favorite event. cant wait to get those gleambows!
Time for PVP Gleambow!!!
Guide for new players. Run past the mobs hit a hole in the side of the meteor and walk in. The cuttletrunks will try to pull you up and away. Since you are standing inside. The roof of the meteor will hold you down. Break all the meteor you can until the % is enough to complete the meteor. Theeen kill the mobs.
Tip #1 take alot of sponge/growth/mud ect to toss on opponents.
ULPT#1 Drop a bunch of augments
There might be new planets for the gleambow event. @james @Leahlemoncakes please. this could be the time to give aussies their T4.
More wooo
Hope they’re newww
Warp? To a friend? Using some new item?
Interesting. Related to the warp thing?
They drop stuff now? Nice!
Hopefully more than just the AUS T4 then since AUS is the only region I can have connection issues with…
Just release a bunch of Lush exo’s in each region! Wooo!