Gleambow Racing Returns! Commencing 21st May



Holy canole Batman! I NEED that now… :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:


I’m so so excited about this…


hehe - w sound effects (not official)


please let the bubble blower have us breathe underwater.


EEK!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck: Totally in love… want bunches of these!! :heart_eyes:



WHY only lush worlds?



It’s the very question a lot of people are asking, will they spawn more t3+ lush exo’s to counteract with this or will they not.

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It doesn’t say exclusively on lush worlds. :man_shrugging:

It does seem implied though.

Yeah boiiii


It is interesting to see the forum (different users obviously) teeter between, there aren’t enough players we need more vs too many people

We have all grown accustomed to the way the game feels right now with low population. I can’t imagine +10,000 players to this game, it would be madness…(in an amazing way, give those $$ to the devs!)

By limiting the planets they accomplish a few things:

  1. Allow Oort stone to continue to be farmed by hunts without interruption
  2. Lean in to the ‘race’ mechanic by having a lot of people competing on limited worlds
  3. By focusing on ‘lush’ worlds is removes gleambow from worlds like Till with Lava so the race mechanic doesn’t need to specially adjusted for difficult worlds

I think this is a smart move. It addresses a number of concerns.

While it is normal for forums to worry pre release, the reality is we don’t know how it will turn out. The event is already queued up. We can give feedback after we experience it.

They do listen.

As an example, many in the community gave feedback on the Halloween event, I was one of them:

They have changed the way the events play out. With this past event offering more ways to gather the (now orbs).

The same is about the gleambow event. They listened and this event we are getting has been modified to address some concerns/feedback.

They don’t take orders from us, so they aren’t going to ‘do it our way’, but they certainly take the feedback into the design decisions. I think that has resulted in improvements year over year for these events!

They are also designing these events to function as the population (and number of worlds) grow. In a future that might have 20+ lush worlds…the event will feel different. They need to design for that type of growth…not just where we are today.

I am looking forward to Gleambow, like the changes and eager to test them out.

If there is a way to improve it, ready to offer feedback!

Just my 2c of course.


I’m happy to see changes as well. This event has always built a ton of excitement and then led to a ton of complaining. I was noisy last time too with the multiple changes during the event but not everybody complains about the same aspects either.

Wrecking oort hunts has been a big complaint and limiting the planets seems like a great way to help with that. As to how competitive the event will be if it’s really only occurring on a handful of planets, well it will be interesting to see.

In any case some evolution of the event is IMO an overall positive and I’m waiting to see how it plays out.

I’m also curious about the new buffs/consumables and wonder if they will be permanent additions or something requiring an active event or event drops to create. Perhaps a mix?

Also, rainbow bacon!



Its a new day somewhere in the world. Not fair to leave them without spoilers. Give us more spooooooiiiiilersssss :joy::joy::joy:


Soon :tm:



Some, not all. I’m still disappointed with how the event basically gives a middle finger to organized group hunts because only the fastest one(s) will get anything of value. This event from past experience, is the only way to get black gleam, since the devs seem so adamant about leaving it out of the exo cycle and other systems (spray painting, etc) … I need about 10k (if not more) raw black gleam for the builds I have in progress, but I just don’t have the coin to go and buy it from other players at 5k, 10k or more a PIECE. So I would rather gather it on my own. But I cannot because I lack the equipment, the skills, and the hand-eye coordination to properly grapple myself fast enough across the landscape to even be competitive in this event. Hence why I continue to ask about at LEAST giving a bone to those of us that CANNOT MAKE IT in time in group events. Come on, we have the central loot box in meteors, add a piece or two to it so EVERYONE at least gets SOMETHING for their time and effort. Its why I just refuse to participate in this event because I know I’ll just be wasting my time.

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Hate to break it to you… but even if you had double the coin, you could not currently get your hands on that much black gleam.

Maybe the next event has a nice surprise in store for you. Maybe not. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Which is why I’m rather disappointed with the spray paint system the game has to offer because all I want it for is plain black glass. But no, you cannot spray glass, nor can you use a non-light-emitting-block (Sand!!!) to determine the color of glass… Doesn’t make sense that glass uses GLEAM to determine its color when glass doesn’t have any sort of luminosity properties.

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So I missed the last one, what exactly is the loot from the meteorites? Is it only different colored blocks?

Yeah. Any natural block of any color. Bright yellow mould, stark purple glass, black gleam, etc. each meteor is one type of block and there’s 20-40 or so different colors
I think there were other things inside too, but I can’t remember, lol. Bit of oort and some brews and stuff I wanna say? Or maybe that was snowball fights…