Gleambow Racing Returns! Commencing 21st May

These are just incredible… :star_struck:

Devs - A :trophy: for you all as well, great stuff, love it all!! :smile::rainbow:

These will be great too for our own player-created events/competitions! :slight_smile:

Sidenote - Any who are needing a forged Gleambow totem but short on coin, message, I know those can be a huge help so doling some out on a hidden plinth. If you find the plinth, please just take one! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (May have to move the plinth around or go to handing out if it gets raided but hope to just keep it like it is, while supplies last, haha :slight_smile: )


Really looking forward to collecting these and the new Oorty figures. Thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately, given my last Oortmas experience, thoughts of potential materials required to craft full collections of these things is starting to scare the living hell out of me… (in a good way, I think :sneezing_face:)


Hmm, time to cook some metal ores…


I hope it’s that simple. Could just be careful colour selection for that gif, haha. :sweat_smile:

Less than four days to go!

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Same here. Hoping all the craftables use common materials. I stopped mid way during Oortmas and totally didnt participate in the last Valentine event because it felt like a chore.


Hmm, yes, of course! Trophies, gold, silver & bronze (copper)!


Sorry, metal ores? Its only platinum :joy:. I never win less than platinum trophies :joy:.


They still haven’t revealed the consumables ^^ can’t wait to find out what they are

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Different kinds of trophies eh?

Wouldve wanted the pink gem to take the color of a specific gem that was used in the recipe (refined sapphire for example). Would have a huge variety of metals+gems trophies. Still an awesome trophy nonetheless!


Same same :’(

If only there was a dedicated metal shop, hmmmmm :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If only… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

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Hey, who knows. Maybe it’ll use gleam as the gem colour. Fives different metal trophies x 255 colours… :upside_down_face:

Edit: I really actually didn’t help my previous thoughts one bit with this notion. :woman_facepalming:t2:



I dont think so. We have this same gem on the ornate wood storage i think and it has the same color no matter what the color of the storage is. I say refined gems are a good middle ground between a standard color and 255 colors xD.


I don’t know if I’m the only one to think that, but I’m feeling incredibly indifferent towards the gleambow items we’ll be able to make/get.

These stars, I guess they have some kind of slidding rainbow texture effect, right?
Or is there a way to have a version made of gleam that takes on the color of the gleam used? Then it’d be interesting.

My point is that these are just sooooooo specific. You have to have a specific theme in mind oriented around rainbows to make a good use of these.

It’s like how each year, the various holiday events get several additional outfits/objects that are time-limited because of the currency required, and meanwhile, I’m still sitting on my bland wooden chair in front of my bland wooden table, waiting for a proper furniture update. :cry:
Can’t wait for the devs to announce something on that front, I don’t know how much longer I can cope.
I’m already feeling the need to look for other building games.


I think creative things can be done with them…same was said about Emotes on signs then we saw some really cool build uses.

The part that sparkles looks 1/2 block up (the star). Maybe using a chisel we could bevel and just reveal the star and create cool looks.

Or put them up on top of a castle and make it Mario themed.

There are options. Adding cool stuff just adds cool stuff.


Like with the other events, I’m sure some people will like the items and some won’t.
I’m going to use them for something (it wouldn’t match my build either, but idc lol).

If they were to add basic wooden furniture/doors/decor, I’m sure a lot of players would really like that (I wouldn’t like it bc I prefer sci-fi/modern, but it wouldn’t bug me at all).

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Thing is, I’m far more hoping for something like “in this update which is about something else, we also add tables in wood, stone, metal, gleam”. Then the following update, they add chairs. Then they add library blocks. Then cooking props. Etc.
I mean, I’d love one massive update with ALL the props we saw in concept-art, but it feels unlikely.

Right now, the actual update in testing has pretty much nothing appetizing, aside from the metal doors fix, which is still a nice change, but… eeeeeh… far from enough to keep me glued to the game.

So much time was spent making new systems to counter-act one specific player who felt the need to play dirty with others, and was still allowed to scheme further.

To me, the last big update was when the devs added the various chests. I’m making good use of them! But Daddy wants moar!

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I’ve seen a “furniture” update mentioned many times, along with totem blocks. Perhaps they are still in the works? So, there may be something like that coming in the future :woman_shrugging: Or maybe we’ll get a player-created/submitted catalog with lots of items to choose from like Minecraft/Roblox/Etc (thanks to the new creative mode that they are working on)

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