Gleambow Summary

Give me sometime I’ll share what I found out. It’ll hopefully help you & others understand the event. Hopefully help with how to best approach in the future.
I didn’t find this out until towards the end of the event and even then I can’t take full credit because of the group I was playing with helped.

Can’t do the post at the min as it will likely be a long post and I’m sorting food at the minute.


I would be interested in this post when it’s convenient. Some things have been stated pretty clearly and Monumental is not significantly changing code yet, I wouldn’t expect changes in those areas.

Each world server is independent in basically all ways. Timers or other things on one server aren’t affected by activities on other worlds. The race timers are affected by completion of meteors, with some lesser impact from long planet cooldowns. There is also a player timer and a world timer.

It seems one skilled player can push the timers down to 20 seconds or less for an entire planet within a couple hours of active hunting. Their personal timer could then get below 10s per meteor.

It takes a few (no data from me on threshold) incomplete for the timers to start moving noticeably back up, then they move back up increasingly fast - some sort of curve here it seems.

IIRC you have to make it to the meteor, then lose it, for it to lower the timers, Otherwise (if you spawn them but don’t make it to them) they will continue to decrease on the slower cooldown curve.

I don’t think they removed the personal timer with the addition of the gleamtrunks because it wasn’t presented as such and the whole group hunt method and “don’t finish the meteor we’re hunting sacs” dynamic seems to have been an emergent thing.

However, the personal timer may be affecting the group times. If you have a leader or someone who is fast or staying ahead triggering regions I would expect a more orderly progression vs. a less controlled/organized situation with random people hitting center first - it could really cloud any data being collected (or even just the ‘feel’ of it) on timers.

If you’re willing to share any observations/conclusions there are those of us that would love to hear them. Please take the time when you have the chance.


Yeah, we had over 2min 20sec all the time but the trick is very simple.

I will tell you the secret.

If you bring a good looking character like me to your hunts we are always rewarded with max timers on the meteorites.



You right all these event on top of one another was not a good idea it made us feel a lot of “fomo” since we don’t know when the next gleambow event will be. Abut the timers we would get to the meteor before it lands kill it before ends it ands and be penalized for getting max out of it not cool we should not lose time if we gather it it should add the time left for the next one and that’s it seeing 30 sec sucks in my opinion .


I’m sure more times a year than we ever had xD
but exact time no, i guess we do get better updates on event times in the future

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This is making me so sad.

I have to be honest I feel the event exhaustion. The oortmas event is not something I enjoy (I’ve realized the reticle is a big part of this) and gleambow coming literally on top of it was a bit much.

However there’s also a bit of social fatigue and while I was initially excited for the event, the reminders of how it has changed in the interim really discouraged me TBH. @glr nothing personal here others have made the same sort of comment during and, not surprisingly even before the event began.

That it should be “more fair” in some way or how the structure of the event is “penalizing”. It was supposed to be a competitive event and emergent group dynamics have made this into an odd conflicting situation.

However it still offers a compromise of choices and honestly trying to make everything awesome for everybody in all possible ways has been a huge problem in the course of growing this game. There’s a compromise on the table here and having to make a choice between maximizing short term advantage (blocks gathered) vs long term advantage (sacs gathered) seems pretty fair to me.

You give up the blocks from the meteor if you want to maximize your ability to craft even-related items, or summon a much larger number of blocks at your leisure later. This seems like a “fair” compromise to me :man_shrugging:

The number of sovereigns set up for this relieved a lot of the pressures that existed on earlier iterations of the event. Perhaps when they’re developing monumental can consider splitting these two aspects of the event. Because to be honest the existence of the sacs (i.e. augments specifically) really removed nearly all of the incentives inherent in the original event format.

I mean, considering the number of blocks brought into the game by the group hunting dynamic over time, why even stress a few blocks during the event?

Sorry for coming off as contradictory or a grouch, or whatever people want to call it. In a certain sense, I’m agreeing with you guys but, just from a different angle. I mentioned earlier that perhaps they should just have an event where gleamtrunks spawn all over the game and remove the race aspect completely.

While we still have some “gleambow-only” colors in game they’re no longer “event only” and there’s no way to gauge how many will come into the game, or on what timeline. This means, to me, that the event as originally presented is broken both in terms of the nature of the event itself, and the follow on economic effect.

I’d like to see an actual racing event. But clearly the blocks aren’t worth the race with the augments on the table, for most players. I definitely hope for some evolution in this area.

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Decided to make a separate topic so information was easily accessed in future.
Was a long post and I’m sure I’ve missed bits which I can add later

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Personally, I absolutely did not participate in this event. The reason is simple: I find the rewards unattractive…

Only Oortmas has been able to seduce me so far. Snowball fights are great fun and small string lights are great to work with. The roast animal is very funny.

Oh ! I forgot Halloween… Nothing in this episode made me happy. Mainly for cultural reasons and the googies to do are unfortunately not workable (for me).

I don’t know the mating season but I could see some interesting elements to place in a decor.

Don’t shoot me, it’s the feeling of one player among others.

Ps: I find that it lacks neutrality and sobriety (aesthetically and culturally) in relation to the themes addressed for an event.

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Had a good read after coming back to the forum now.

A lot of interesting points and perspectives.

All I miss is a few flagged posts :joy: :upside_down_face: :wink:


I think having this many hunting oriented events in a short time has really made me realized how much I truly dislike hunting. Not even FOMO could induce me to participate enough to get more than a couple hundred gleambow sacs. I did try with the winter event, but you get so few candy canes per meteor that in the end I gave the 100 or so I got my hands on to someone else. By the time gleambow rolled around I was just very much on the “I hate hunting” train and couldn’t get up much motivation.

I also have to say that the gleambow meteors themselves have to be one of the most annoying possible methods for gathering colors that anyone could possibly have come up with. Getting 1-5 pieces of random colors in random materials makes putting your loot away annoying as all get out. It would be one thing if you could pick a material or two to go after, but the complete randomness is just to much for me. Meh.

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The way to get a good amount of blocks is to spawn big gleambow meteors.
To achieve that craft the augments, gather 20 or so people and then each one runs after their spawned meteor. That way you get 100s of blocks with up to 40+ blocks of a color.

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The random material thing kind of puts a kink in that, though. There are really only a couple of materials I actually covet. I could care less about getting a bunch of thorns or tangle or foilage. All I really want is gleam and glass. :stuck_out_tongue: If the meteor you spawn turns out to be the material you want, then sure, that works great. Most of the time I’m just going to get a ball of unwanted blocks.

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luckily these are the most frequent - well, at least gleam

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