Goo - I feel bamboozled

I just hope that game gets player tailoring or other new uses players don’t know yet, that could tell why paints are limited way those are.

That was basically it but I would never try to quote directly or give the perception that it was the full intent or reasoning since it is a whole team behind. All I do know is it makes sense since Gleambow and gleam has always been one of the most prized items. I support the decision and am on the fence on if it should be that way or not. People want rare stuff in this game for a variety of reasons so why shouldn’t gleam be that too… even if we all like it.

If people really do want more common gleam and stuff they just need to share their views and show how it hurts us more than helps us and they could influence change.

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It’s been awhile but I don’t think the threads back then were strictly people wanting this, though surely some did. Didn’t a bunch of people speak out back then(certainly a few are now, in this thread)? I know a lot of the conversation was around how difficult it would be to dye/tint the gleam, but with the assumption that it would be possible. It can be possible without being common, right? No doubt the system/process would need to be altered, but that’s fine.

Anyway I appreciate the post, hadn’t really seen a reason why this was the case.

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After a lot of careful consideration, I came to the conclusion that gleam is indeed special and should be treated as such. I pitched an idea to @james prior to the farming release concerning this. I thought of introducing a system called “Gleam Synthesis”. This would basically allow players to grow/multiply gleam utilizing a new machine. This would also allow the option of adding goo pigment for potentially mutating the colour gleam grown. To help balance rarity, gleam could only be grown in small batches over a period of time. I hope something like this can be considered a viable solution in the future.

This is a hard subject for me, so I’ve tried to refrain from diving into it again. I’m just gonna leave this here…


Well… i stopped playing because of all the duplicate gleam colours… then the exos started bringing even more duplicate colours.

All this extreme rarity stuff REALLY turns me off.
I will never farm goo. And very unlikely that i fam anything else… =/
All i wanted was some cool gleam colours.

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I personally don’t want gleam tinting. I like hunting for it and it being a cool rare thing people have.

I have been goo farming and I have had mixed feelings.

I don’t get the impression that goo is to “repaint a whole base”. It seems like a tint mechanic that can help make interesting color accents to enhance a build or change individual sections.

The player base wants all colors so tinting seemed like a way we would get that. But I don’t think it was designed to be a base changer so much as limited access to all colors.

Also, it seems to heavily rely on trading and buy/selling. It is the only crop that you may have to buy stuff to meet your needs with it. I.e. I want 3k spray cans of a color but need more pigment then I initially collected.

I am not worried though…small changes can happen. I am slowly getting more and more pigment which I can mix and use as needed.

So a barbie doll sized spray can instead, is what the loading screen needs =) Squeeze between two toothpicks.

I find it interesting that when the lighting change was made a lot of players suggested those with dark builds should just use the pigments to repaint their builds. Not as practical a solution as those players made it out to be is it?


I can understand the appeal of that. Personally I don’t mind it for a while too, but for colours that I like, such as ones found in Exos, I feel like it becomes a chore to go after it. I can’t go after it when and as I please, since the Exo won’t be around forever.

Though I couldn’t even participate in the Gleambow event since I was taking a break at that time…

For myself, being able to tint gleam wouldn’t stop me from gathering existing gleam, in the same way that the ability to tint rock hasn’t stopped me, and won’t be stopping me from gathering specific rock colours that already exist.

In all honesty, I don’t find any special appeal in mining the same gleam for half an hour either, just so I know for certain that I have enough spare to use in the near future and to give to any friends that might want/need it.

In any case, what I hoped from the tinting system was to avoid this:

This chunk of refined rock blocks is what I have to type-change from sedimentary->metamorphic->igneous to get the same mosaic visible in the screenshot.

I’ve made thousands of this mosaic so far. It’s not fun at all to type change that much refined rock, and I hoped I’d be able to just spray igneous rock with luminous red sprays as alternative to this process… But type-changing remains more feasible for the foreseeable future. :confused:

I can’t have been only one that had hopes to use it for this purpose.

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