This is a Small Guide How To Use BB Codes or HTML in this Forum
I will Update this Post I found a new Function
If you know any one function who not here explained, writes down I will add them here in the Top Post
If you have a Question just ask
BB / Markdown Code List:
Bold text
value or value
**value** or [b]value[/b]
Italic text
value or value or value
[i]value[/i] or *value* or _value_
Underlined text
Strikethrough text
superscript letters
subscript letters
the forum do not allow more as 1 free line between text normal
but look
its possible
but look
its possible
Text Size / Heading
click for Example
h1 text size
h2 text size
h3 text size
h4 text size
h5 text size
h6 text size
normal text size<h1>h1 text size</h1>
<h2>h2 text size</h2>
<h3>h3 text size</h3>
<h4>h4 text size</h4>
<h5>h5 text size</h5>
<h6>h6 text size</h6>
normal text size
At the Moment i found no functional markdown or bbcode for that sry
Spoiler Tag to hide a Text
click to open / make it visible, click again for hide it againvalue
if you will show other person the code that not should be parsedvalue
2. Code tag without background
code tags need to be alone in the line
[spoiler]value[/spoiler] and **bold text**
[spoiler]value[/spoiler] and **bold text**
Seperating line
Attention ! You must add sometimes 1 empty line over the seperating line, otherwise the line over it get bold and you must add 1 empty line under it otherwise the seperating line and the line under it dont displayed--- or ___ or ***
different list style for listwith Point
- value
- value
- value
- value
* value
- value
with Numbers
- value
- value
- value
- value
1. value
2. value
- value
- value
- value
- value
- value
- value
- value
- value
1. value
* value
2. value
* value
* value
* value
* value
3. value

how to use Image in different ways - click here
uploaded to forum - with size set

uploaded to forum - with size set & default scale factor

uploaded to forum - original size

IMG tag (bbcode)
img tag (html)
<img src="">
img tag (html) + width & height (in px or %)
<img src="" width="100" height="100">
its possible to add youtube videos here, just simple imput the yt link
Hyper Links
many diffrent way to add a hyper link
<a href="">Google v1</a>
[Google v2](
Quotes and Comments
I Like Boundless
>I Like Boundless
[quote]I Like Boundless too[/quote]
[quote=Saint_X]I Like Boundless[/quote]
[quote="Saint_X, post:1, topic:3485"]I Like Boundless[/quote]
header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
<tr><th>header 1</th><th>header 2</th><th>header 3</th></tr>
Details / Dropdown
click to open & close
[details="click to open & close"]
Votes / Polls
Simple Poll
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
Multiple Choice Poll
- Black
- White
- Blue
[poll type=multiple]
- Black
- White
- Blue
Multiple Choice Poll with min&max votes
- Black
- White
- Blue
- Red
- Yellow
- Orange
- Green
[poll type=multiple min=2 max=3]
- Black
- White
- Blue
- Red
- Yellow
- Orange
- Green
Named Poll
If you want to use more as 1 poll u must give the poll a name allowed character in the name are nearly all (letter, number, etc) execpt "space"[poll name=vote1]
- Black
- White
- Blue
[poll type=number min=1 max=10 name=pollx-y_z][/poll]
The post owner or a staff member can close a poll any time. You canāt edit a Poll after 5 minutes
Keyboard Layout
Known Bugs
- Sometimes you must add a empty line before a BB-Code, otherwise some of the lines not displayed
- Seperating line Bug (ā) (look on Top in the Guide)
So now im finish with this Guide i hope i can help some people with it
reworked 25.10.2020 that all codes works and added new one