Halloween Epitaph Competition

Long time ago I started working on a cemetery in Ashenvale (Lutrion). I started filling it with graves and tombs (surprise!).

Some of them got signs with names of fictional characters and 2-verse epitaphs describing their last moments.

Then I left it unfinished for months, until…

Big thanks to @Mystfit for reminding me about it with his request.

Now, I have a new section of the cemetery ready, with 3 new graves and 1 tomb waiting for names and epitaphs.

I am looking for some graveyard poets to write 2- and 4-verse epitaphs. Each epitaph should have a name of a fictional or real Boundless character attached to it (so I can mark graves with both names and epitaphs).

I need:

  • 3 epitaphs made of 2 verses (must have both rhythm and rhyme!)
  • 1 epitaph made of 4 verses (also rhythm and rhyme required)
    Each participant can enter up to 3 epitaphs of each kind (so 6 together). If you have more than three 2-verse epitaphs and/or more than three 4-verse epitaphs, you will have to pick which ones you post here.

Make it funny, witty (and use character names as part of that joke too - an example on the screenshot below).


I will pick epitaphs I like the most. I can chose more than 1 epitaph from the same author. I will award their authors as follows:

  • 10,000 coins and 9 Boundless spiders (randomly picked colors) for 2-verse
  • 20, 000 coins and 9 Boundless spiders (randomly picked colors) for 4-verse

Spiders come from my mini spider farm:

Have fun writing them and good luck in making it winning ones.


I am currently finishing off my cemetery in prep for the event tomorrow. We chatted about this in DM’s and even if I use your entry in my thread on a tombstone, do still enter this one!!!

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Amemyst loves the glorious Amethyst.
But found no protection from lava’s fist.



Leaping from short scaffolds
Damage received was a joke
After 10 leaps he was baffled
Small strokes fell great oaks

Harry Hardfoot

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He was thinking of poems
While chasing a steed
Death by tier 6 biome
The damage was speed

Oliver Wilde


Grappled a cuttletrunk
It was great, he thunk.

Pet store employee


it’s all good but bring me more!!! :sunglasses: :heart_eyes:

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We are just past Halloween but still some time left on in-game event and… I still don’t have enough epitaphs.

Come on, I know there are more graveyard poets out there!
I have plenty written and ready to use but it’s more fun to get people involved and hand out some prizes (even if small).

Update on prizes though: apart from coin and spiders I will also hand out bats and cauldrons in various colors.

I’m sure you already saw it, but I’ll copy-paste it anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s 5 lines, though, not 4.

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I have the power to accept 5 or 6 verses for the longer epitaph :sunglasses:

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Joke’s over !
let me out now


Here lies an atheist
All dressed up
And no place to go

Wherever you be
let your wind go free
for holding it in
was the death of me



just to clarify things - are these 2 epitaphs (atheist and then the wind breaker) or 1 long?
And is Barry D. Alive a full name or is it 2 names (Barry D. and Alive?)

P.S. haha silly me, just realized first two lines is an epitaph too and not your comment before epitaphs! Brilliant! :blush: So Barry D. Alive is the name for that one and the other two have no names

indeed , they are 4 separate ones

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“I hereby request that you blame Jeff,
As it was his fault if I fell to my death”

“How can my grave have so much prestige you wonder?
Better ask how much gleam there is inside my sepulcher.”

This third one doesn’t rhyme, I spent a while on it, but I can’t figure something out, and I gotta get back to real-life work, so I’ll just leave it at that :
“For all that is sacred in the universe,
Would you stop walking on my diaper”

For reference, here’s one from Monkey Island 2 that I love :
“The good news is - he’s dead
The bad news is - he bred."


Here lies Paka, rotting in the ground
Hopper snuck up quickly, and didn’t hear the sound
We collected most the pieces, quite a mess it made
Be more alert than Paka, lest next to her you’re laid!


I have to say the first is strong contestant for the short one (even though no rhyme, but I will ignore that requirement and make an exception).
And the last one is going strong for the 4-verse category.

Will see if someone writes something that can change my mind there.

wow - all of them could easily win - feels like I can pick at least one of them 2-verse ones

no rhyme ones are acceptable as long as they are funny! even though I made a request to rhyme first (at the end of the day I did one without rhymes myself - there is a screenshot somewhere above)

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Haha, brilliant!

I start thinking about building a few more graves and extend the competition to five 2-verse and two 4+ - verse?

Or maybe even do grave competition (so you can have a go at building graves and tombs in the cemetery?)

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I Was Hoping For A Pyramid

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But a hollow in mud is all you did.

Ok, was it a one verse epitaph or you wish for a pyramid to be the tomb for your epitaph?