Hammer debate - Need opinions

Ok well on that first picture you didn’t have devastating damage at all, you got increased critical damage instead. But that is still not a worthless shovel, it is perfectly good for farming T1 and T2 sand/soil as it will 1 shot those blocks.

The level of devastating damage required will depend on the type of tool you are forging (diamond/ruby/sapphire/titanium/etc) and what level planet you want to break blocks on.

I recommend playing around with this calculator to help you figure out what type of tool and what level of devastating damage you will need to forge for specific tier planets:


As for my preferences : Diamond Hammer 3x3, lv8 DMG, High Dura + Speed brews + Persisting pie for T6 mining, offhand throwing stamina bombs => Result : fast, cheap, continously mining, got 1500 gems for each pie / 3 brews at 45 mins.

My personal favorite method is
Your normal tier 6 hammer
Generally am carrying diamond or ruby hammer
8/10 damage
8/10 to 10/10 durability if forge doesn’t hate me
Aoe 4 (obviously)
Then a mega speed brew to boost them up
Persisting pie or strawberry if i just want to keep swinging

Then mine like a mad man :grinning:

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Max zeal would put that at 1 hour not 45min btw

I think I am either going with emerald or diamond having AoE, t6 damage and as much speed as possible. At least try it out once I get to it. Still havent managed to move over 3m rocks from my last adventures… :sweat_smile:

But I gotta say I was kinda surprised over how many people choose speed over durability :thinking: profit/hammer will definitely drop quite a bit…

Skip speed/dura altogether and use that extra slot for easier AoE rolling. Cuts down on deconstructs/transmutes so the forge is really cheap and in the end more cost effective :woman_shrugging: Everyone optimizes differently, some optimize time, some cost.

For me it’s all about efficiency and as much possible xp / hr. So no speed/no dura isn’t really viable and I’d rather pay a bit more and receive for exp than to get more profits :sweat_smile: but I also want to atleast break even and profits always welcome :+1:

There are also some super skilled forgers who can work their magic for me anyway :+1:

The thing is that it’s not just a bit cheaper, a lvl 8 dmg + aoe forge costs about 1k, so a T6 1-hit hammer will end up at the 3k price range. I’d be interested in how much a “perfect” forge with 3 wanted boons costs in the end, as I don’t have the average number of ingredients used for them :thinking: Either most forgers charge 100% markup so a 8k hammer is actually worth 4k, or the forges really are expensive.

I normally pay between 6.5-9.5k per diamond hammer with AoE, T6 damage and 1600-2000k bonus durability. Last time I bought 110 of those hammers around those prices :sweat_smile: It really depends on the supply at the time I make the offer. I always look to many different forgers to know where the price is at. :+1:

I buy all the mats required to forge and yes, dmg 8, 3x3 and 1400 dura costs me about 3500c (just the forge effect, not the hammer).

  • It takes some time to forge, with a lot of frustrating deconstruction.
  • it takes extremely long to find all the mats on various shops throughout the world. This is a very boring task. (No, people don’t deliver to me. I don’t forge enough to have baskets with millions of coins in it.)
  • Forging generates no XP! (Big deal to me)
  • Creating all the forge ingredients is a mess and takes long to organize (I can create 2 mass crafts of Z, not not more, because at the moment I can’t find a shop that sells more of X and I might need X to create Y later.). Unless you have millions of coins and hours of time to just create multiple smart stacks to put in your storage.
  • Forging takes way to much glass. Farming sand is boring and not rewarding enough and I also need tons of glass to build… Luckily I get Earthyams while farming clay (which soon will be way less rewarding, too)

So, yes, earning 5k when I sell a hammer is nice. I can fuel a portals for two weeks with that. But for less I wouldn’t do it. The money is the only fun thing in this.


Well of course the cost of mats is also subject to RNG one time it could cost you 3k in mats and next time 4k

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Interesting, so if the extra boon costs you 2000c (if you take my worst case scenarios of 1500c for just the damage and aoe), it ends up at the same ballpark for cost per dura as skipping the 3rd boon. I’m obviously biased since I’m accustomed to my method, but I like the advantages. I can forge 9 hammers at a time (PBC 123 in deck) and after I successfully roll the damage boon you rarely have to deconstruct, special gum targets just 2 boons, and you have 2 slots left, high chances of one of them rolling aoe.

@FireAngelDth If you forge a lot you’ll get the average number of ingredients you use per forge.

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I do forge a lot(in my opinion) and the last 2 times I went to forge my hammers I had to decon a total of 36 times. And lost plenty of mats. So it’s not always going to be the same

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So you add those 36 rounds (all the ingredients used and how many) in to your forge history spreadsheet or whatever you’re using to keep track of them, and now your averages are a bit more accurate. Do that over the course of 1000 forges and you’re pretty close to the average number of decons and all other mats you use for one tool. Statistics don’t lie, right? :smiley:

Yea sure if you add every single time I forge together there will be an average. But it won’t change the fact at times some batches will come far ahead in “profit” and some will be far behind in “profit” and as someone who doesn’t sell on a huge scale like golden fist or nova golda each time matter not the average.


Yeah nothing can change the RNG factor, but if you want to calculate even somewhat accurate costs for each forge “recipe”, that’s the only way to do it. And in theory it should be accurate over a large amount of forges and average out even if you hit those bad rng streaks.

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That’s another good reason why you need a good bit of (potential) profit. You have to survive the bad streaks, especially if the “happen first”.


I mean, if the hammer has decent stats, I’d gladly pay for it. I remember when hanmers were 20k. That stinged. Now 7-8k is a good price for most.

Lol only 20k. I remember paying closer to 30k