HELP! What is "new content"?

I define new content on exactly what it sounds like – content that is new. Not a patch, not a reworking of something that already exists, something new in the game for us to do. That being said, I’ve been fairly content with what you guys have been releasing. However, I feel like I can agree with everyone else when I say I’ve been kind of running out of things to do.

As far as what I want to see come to Boundless, I feel like I want more events. They don’t have to always be large-scale like the Halloween and Oortmas events, but something that gets us moving. I haven’t played a whole lot of MMOs, but I feel like the ones I have played always have some sort of large-scale daily/weekly/biweekly event that gets people together and gives people something to do. These things don’t always even need to be created by you guys; based on everything I’ve seen on the forums, people have tons of ideas.

I feel like another thing I’d really like to see, that kind of goes along with that, is a way to bring the things like this that are already happening on discord, into the game. I feel like if I’m not constantly checking every guild’s discord server, I’m missing out on a lot of the event-type things players are doing in the game. I know my guild-mate has suggested quest boards in the past (Quest Boards (Player Driven)), and I feel like they could even be expanded to be message boards as well for the bigger things going on in the game.

Essentially, tl;dr, I want more things to do and more things that bring the community together.