Quest Boards would be driven by the wants and needs of the players. The Quests Board would then be linked to a single planet, and anyone can build a Quest Board, but can only be placed in a beaconed Settlement.
Essentially you would get three tabs displayed on the Quest Board. (Materials, Construction, and Hunting) Then in these tabs, players are given a list of available quests to complete/fulfill.
Material Requests would work like how request baskets function, where the player seeking the materials would deposit the coin reward, and the reward would be distributed to the person who fulfills the request first.
Material Quests could be accepted with a time limit of twelve or twenty-four hours, which is given by the player issuing the request. If the quest is canceled or the time limit is reached, the quest is recycled back up on the board for whomever to take.
Construction requests would be more like ads. They would display the project’s name, the location of the build, and a description of the project. Meaning the players would have to come to an agreement among themselves for payment.
The Hunting tab would essentially be Looking for Group but include a date/time, a location, and the name of the group leader posting the hunt.
After reading the forums for the last week or so I think this could a be a viable solution to hopefully stimulate the economy even just a little, or at least give another fun RPG aspect to the game.
Then possibly this design could be applied to Guilds, but more of a physical notification board for all guild members to interact with.
I also feel if a Mailbox system was implemented this would complement a Quest Board system nicely, but that is an idea for another time.
*** I may add some mock-ups if I have time, for those who like visual representation haha***
These are just my ideas, I know they aren’t perfect but it is just something I was cooking up in my head and wanted to share.