Poll: What new content do people want?

It would be pretty dope if you could get modular vehicle pieces so we could build our own vehicles haha. I also would love to see hot air balloons.


oo hot air balloons sounds absolutely awesome!!!

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I want those hot air balloons now, as long as we can grapple onto them and hitch a ride


that would be me. LOL

Funny how so many people say they want stuff to do and a weekly quest entry is near the bottom.

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I still believe having a player run questing system would be pretty dope.


Grapple all the things!!!

Pin number doors to create content. pvp beacon plots for mini games. With advanced warning system to let players know when they are within one plot range of pvp. We could make quite a bit of content with these two features.

The one thing i want most of all is player made dungeons.


I want randomly spawned dungeons on Exoworlds! Which is not a current option unless you count it under “Exoworlds”


Brexit. 1337

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Whale rides would be amazing. I still think you should be able to grapple 2 cuttletrunks and “ride” them

Btw just a reminder to people to change your icon to armor or pants to advocate for these being added to the game! Also in case any new people were wondering about all the pants and armor icons haha


Close to 100 votes!

I just heard from the devs! They’ve heard your requests and will be adding Farming to the game!

another one of these? lol well hmm what do I want. Oh I know, I hate having to click through 250 colors to pick one. I’m surprised there isn’t a wheel or chart or something for choosing colors. Hell let us type in the code, my finger would be grateful.

I would absolutely love the ability for transformation chisels to have AOE. I tend to do that in bulk, and would kill for that! And while this thread is for new suggestions, not big fixes…may I slip in fixing aoe on spanners too :grin:

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How come no mount and pet system ?
No one want to ride a giant wildstock and walk on city street ?
Or have a hopper balloon on ur hand ?
and maybe craft some outfit for wildstock to wear ?

Imagine you wear cute / cool armor or outfit and do things i mention above. That will be the best part of this game in my dream XD


Yes I’d love a cool outfit and a mount or pet :slight_smile:

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Kind of interesting results. If you take out the confirmed content, then what comes out the highest 3 are armour, weapons, and blocks.
Seems ppl are wanting more mmo aspects.

Kind of disappointed clothes or passive creatures (that I lumped pets and mounts into) aren’t higher but… ( shrug ) The masses have spoken.

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