How to stay loyal to Boundless?

How to stay loyal to Boundless? when…

  • there are buttons for support in the game, but they haven’t had any function since the beginning
  • there is supposedly support via e-mail, but you only get an automated e-mail as a reply, which says “sorry, we can’t help there”
  • almost every function in the game is bugged and nothing is done.
  • there have been no signs of life from the DEV for months

and much much more…

:crying_cat_face: :crying_cat_face: :crying_cat_face: :crying_cat_face:

Maybe play the game “as is” or play something else until Monumental has enough time to get enough support to begin developing Boundless again :thinking: i think they already announced support is limited right now :sweat_smile:


How? thats simple, just playing game

i think now we all playing Boundless showing our loyalty to this game and i think our loyalty will give them strength to develop game further :smiley:


You must know, if you’re on the forums that they are in a state of flux. We won’t see bug fixes and such.
I do think any customer support, esp. around anything related to payments of things bought should be addressed but Ihaven’t had any issues in that area to know how it is.

in other words please wait patiently until THEY announce something.
if you are really getting frustrated by the game take a break.
there’s no need to rant about it every day :smile:


No one has to stay loyal to Boundless. Play it if you like it and play something else if you don’t.

With that said, complain about everything you don’t like, complain about things that need to change and express your feelings about the game be it bad or good that is pretty much what forums are for, discussion.

If people praise you for saying how great the game is and then turn around and tell you to shut up when you complain or want something changed that’s just silly.

As seen below he hasn’t “ranted” about it every day.

Profile - Balkinus - Boundless Community (

Enjoy the silence

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Just gotta have faith that the game will overcome having 1 foot in the grave. But I don’t think anyone would judge you if you were to play other games for a bit, many people have done that but a lot of them keep returning here eventually…


You can’t remain loyal right now. Monumental is transparent, open, and honest right now. No empty promises or misleading statements being made. So just sit back and enjoy the game or do what I am doing is watch from the outside. Let them do what they have to do and give em time/space. Until they get experienced team members…not much they can do with it. Just hoping they can expand on this hidden gem and be able to expand the game to things other than building.

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Just my thought., but monumental havent done anything yet… Just worlds. Keeping events going… Hooray?

Basically the game is in this state For next half a year At least until they get a team To work on this… Even Then its unclear what are their future plants For boundless.

I can say anything here but When comes the time that you need actions… Then you gonna see the real monumental… Hopefully the better version of it

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Why do you need to be “Loyal”? This is a game, not a cult.


Just play when you feel like it. The game is as it is for the foreseeable future. Take a break if it is bothering you. No need to overthink it.

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You’ve already shown how much you like the game by playing it.
If you need to label that as being ‘loyal’ … well ok then. grins

Even so, is a player that is in a game for 10 hours less ‘loyal’ than one that has 1000 hours? Nope. Life always comes first. For most anyway.

I see so many take such a serious stance on things in a video game, that is supposed to be entertainment.

As stated, if you are getting enjoyment/joy/hours filled/time spent with a friend, or however it is that you personally react to entertainment, great!
If it becomes apparent to you, for whatever reason, that you are no longer getting anything positive out of it this activity … step away.

You can always come back. How ever many times that needs to be for you.

It’s like a car or a cell phone. It’s a tool for a purpose.

Don’t let it run your life :wink:


One doesn’t need to be/stay loyal. Having a break of a game can be very refreshing. Many people can confirm that, no matter which game one is talking about. It doesn’t need to be always a long break. A week or two off can do already miracles. Sometimes it can also help to change your gameplay.

Definitely needs boundless a little love by the devs to improve the game experience. But as for now we can’t expect anything soon.


Hello, the support via email does not give an automated message that says we can’t help you. IF you’re having trouble with something and reached out to support please DM me with the ticket number. There are many things we can’t do right now because we’re switching the game over to Monumental, but there are things we can help with too.

I posted updates and try to stay active on the forums and discord, I’m sorry if you feel we’re not here and watching / reading.

