I choose to be a better Oortian

Come visit The Dome!!! Accessible through The Hive (reachable many ways, we are located directly under the big robot) also reachable from Duskmoor main hub as well as Gyosha Mall many portal area! Sign will read “Down by the Shore with Pauly” most recent visitor I gave a tour to was @Creegle. Maybe they can find your favorite room? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Well I have a list of 5 bases to pay visits to on Saturday :smiley: plus 2 people to PM for a tour

Keep the directions/coords coming! :earth_americas:


What about you guys? Open for visitors?

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since release it been all open aqua embassy hub stage with blue roof links to all our builds at once cant miss if i remember i get you coords :smile:

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I’m currently stuck between three main projects haha.

My current home base is on Pheminorum. It’s through the N7 portal on the PS hub for Phem. I had another couple portals but I haven’t been able to be on much this month to go oort hunting.

A few of my builds are in Cloud City as well that I worked with other guild members to make. Most of the quest center me and a guildmate made. (There’s another topic I made that has pictures of that). You can see those by going to the Golden Fist. I also have a quaint little house on the third tier of the city there too.

The build I’m currently working on to be my big build is on Flan. I let that portal go down too because of not being on to get enough oort lol. It’s a giant ship with a port leading to a path that leads to a rainbow tree and land. I’m working on taking over the Capital of Flan with that one someday lol.


I really like that library idea too.

OOOOOHhhhhhh @the-moebius maybe that’s something we could do with the guild sanctum too, is suggest that people give out location tokens.

the thing is allready build just not activated lol

Oh, I meant for each of the guilds to give out tokens on the stands so people could come visit lol

I’m generally fairly quiet, but you guys are all welcome to poke around my exterior decor shop and cute little gleam house. The majority of the house is locked, but trust me, you’re not missing out on much. There’s a portal from the Biitula PS Hub - just go up the ramp on the left side of the Lamblis portal, and when you see the portal to Sasquatchville to your left, my portal is directly across from there. I’m on Alder, and am technically part of the FireBorn city.


awesome idea my intitial idea at guildsanctum was to provide small rooms for that in the innersanctum but atm im happy the mainroom is starting to fill up reminds me to get naughty there thx :smile:
def open for ideas for the innersanctum @georgegroeg @CorVeritas


This post warms my heart, I started a little under a month ago and clearly the big appeal for this game is the community. Being a small fish starting up my small settlement knowing I will never compare/compete with the major cities is a daunting task.

I find some happiness knowing that there are players out there who might go out of there way to find my plot and provide me with some minor foot traffic :smiley:


Absolutely will! It’s not all about the size, but what you do with it. You can do more then you realize! Setting up portals will be the best way to get some foot traffic!


I’m always open for a brainstorming session!

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i link you to the post ill make about it :smile:

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make it look good then you can be boss off pretty builds much better tittle then bigest city :+1:


Things are definitely looking pretty sweet there. Was checking things out again last night. Just notice the basement section at the illuminoorty. Nice work. Great work on the golden fist as well. Can’t wait to see what guild will pop up next.

I still need to chisel it and spruce it up a little bit. Can’t wait until placeable lava! hehehe

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As a relatively shy town owner, i love that people are searching for those “hole in the wall” builds. I’ve only now started trying to be more social and meet the good people of boundless (: Public hunts have helped but i rarely find my way back to their homes unfortunately.

So with that said, the sunlight guild town on trior will have a request basket for some location coins! Basket will be in the entrance to the guild hall. Drop me the location of your home or maybe just a random build. Ill bring some friends and a bunch of coin to explore your town or shop with :grinning:

Hopefully this will help me get out there and see some more of whats to offer!

You can find us from the TNT hub, meteor meet, kindred bay, hive hunt, or just look for the huge sunbro statue in Ultima on Eresho!

Hopefully i get some soon!

Should also mention we’re not officially open yet but feel free to poke around! We’ll open up the shop and whatnot soon lol


@Leodine let us know where you are when you’re ready and we can all come visit :smiley:

And you’re all added to my list!

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I am always willing to show tours of my town and builds(various planets). But I don’t think of myself as a good builder so I never actually say you gotta see this. Well except maybe for the current project that’s jumped to the top of the work list.


Well I’d still love to see @FireAngelDth :slight_smile: it’s more about putting a game location to a forum member… The two seem a little disconnected sometimes!