I'm just about do... WAIT! - Bucfanpaka Has a Heart of Gold!

I have to agree on many points with this sentiment, this game is great when your new and your leveling and learning stuff and gaining access to coils and new machines and then you have this large area beaconed and your building and making it great and then the reality of what it actually is sinks in. A never ending never evolving chore to maintain everything you have just unlocked or achieved you simply plateau and the urge to build more dissipates as it becomes an equation of how much would adding this build or that portal affect the grind needed to maintain. I am also at a point after this update where I am just maintaining what I have, im barely forging as forging is nothing but frustrating and if it weren’t for another guildie our portals would go down because I hate the lighting so bad I don’t even want to go hunt and I cant be bothered to forge more slingbows. There needs to be less emphasis on grind and plot security and portal fuel and more emphasis on enhancing a players fun factor, where are the titans? Why does the game simply get to a point where if you go any further development wise it becomes a chore to maintain? There just isn’t an enjoyable end game here to motivate me to continue on. I love the game and the community but for me the urge to log in has dwindled.


Look I know the devs jobs must hard and they are never going to plaese everyone, like ever but I think paying a little more attention to the community and taking there input more with things like giveing us options to vote on ect wouldn’t do any harm


But isn’t that what testing is for? Feed back from the community? Farming was in testing for weeks. Yes some changed for the worse and some for the better. Like I’ve seen you can’t please everyone. So a happy medium should be acceptable. If not than it’s not the devs fault for trying to make everyone happy but the select few are not happy.


I see this stated a few times and I fail to understand why each time.

The community of this game is by far the least toxic that I have been apart of, Yes there will be a few rotten eggs in every basket, even here, but that is a unavoidable fact of playing any online game that is open to the public.

I encourage people who really think that the community of boundless is toxic, to go play league of legends for a while. Because that will give people an example of what a Toxic Environment really looks like and just how bad it can be.


The problem is that the game empowers toxic players. And forbids countermeasures.

Want to block of the best diamond spot in the game? Go for it.
Want to call the person out that blocked off the best diamond spot? Hell no, that would be terrible! You must be nice to each other!

Want to forcefully absorb a smaller settlement? Go for it.
Want to call out who absorbed the settlement you put in a lot of work? Don’t be mean! You can’t do that!

Want to plot some land where a settlement plans to build a road and keep it impassable? Sure, sounds like fair game.
Call out the person who just, only to troll you, blocked your settlement from expanding in that direction? Not gonna happen, sorry, name calling is the worst!

Any form of clever use of game mechanics to disturb or end a raid? Sure, that’s why we have bombs and why you can open portals.
Call out the person who, on purpose, grieves the raid and destroy the fun for everyone else? You could also torture puppies, that would be less hideous then calling these people out!


Completely agree. However I guess losing a player in the Boundless community is harder hitting bearing in mind that the community is under what, 250-ish active players?

Meh, I “quit” the game a while back because it was becoming a chore. I didn’t post about it, because well… I don’t take out a newspaper ad to tell the local 7/11 I’m not driving past there anymore. I built a few factories, had a few space battles, and after all of that came back to find that the world had carried on just about fine without me for that while. Now I’m back smacking rocks and yabo’ing around town again. Everything is different from when I left, and to be honest that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Hope you take some time to forget the bad parts and come back to see that there are many different new places, people and things to explore in a bit.

Will leave you with this little gem which usually helps me when I get angry at the world: “frustration is when reality doesn’t meet your expectations. To fix that, change your reality or change your expectations”. See you again bud.


Correction: Concurrent players. Active player count is much higher … they’re just not all online at the same time.


Honestly, someone quitting the game because it’s becoming a chore isn’t a surprise at all. Everything in this game seems to be designed to be a chore. The devs keep on adding more work and maintenance work for us to do. And yeah, some people see it as fun… I don’t really get them, but eh… I’m only staying because I’m too proud of my own build, but when a better game presents itself, I’ll jump ship…
…unless Boundless suddenly starts adding more stuff like the poles & beams. More affordable ways to decorate and builds.

I agree with what has already been said : you should take a break, try some other games for a while, see if you feel like coming back later. But maybe make sure you have enough fuel in your beacon to keep your stuff until then. Or who cares, you come back and start fresh.

You might find a straight-up better game and forget about Boundless altogether. Just don’t forget the friends you made there. :smiley:
Who knows, maybe you’ll be on Hytale when it comes out? <giggles>

Personally, I have a Discord server which is tied to any building game, so that the people there talk about any game of the genre, and we stay connected through that. I recommend having something like that.


It is a shame to have to read these threads, we are already few and that people like you leave here will greatly influence, the truth I am sorry for this.
I would also like to ask for patience, since some people do not know the work and the time it takes to develop such great updates, we must also take into account that there are few people doing this great project, so far they have done very good work despite Advance agriculture before other projects previously announced, such as the famous Titans, making an update is not from one day to another and once it has been updated that everything goes according to plan and at the same time users like it is the most difficult.
Now patience comes on our side, if there are failures, communicate them immediately, I assure you that they are pending any complaints or details and give priority to the most urgent ones, implementing arrangements to solve the small bugs that this update has caused takes time, first We must warn of the failure, I believe that they do not know the amount of failures that the update can cause and they hope that we can help them find them and thus provide us with a successful gameplay.
That is why I would ask you to take some time or to have more patience, since it will take time to adjust the parameters to benefit the whole community, I greatly hope you do not go.


That’s pretty much hammering the nail all the way into the board.


I just pace myself in this game. If I get a little tired of a particular activity I find another one to do. I have tried every activity in this game except farming and can have fun at all of them except forging. I accept forging the way it is because there are those who have exceeded well in the activity and I have no desire for them to be nerfed.

I personally prefer the last lighting system but have accepted that the lighting system has changed. I even found out what was hurting my eyes and adjusted my gameplay. I do believe that the lighting system is still overly dark (especially while hunting) but have decided to have faith that such issues will be addressed.


good advice

I’ve got a big setup of storage blocks I’ll never use and gleam club for 6months if ya want to stash stuff away? Currently storing a friend’s stuff who burned out incase he ever comes back and I don’t mind turning over more space if ya need?


Hi again, folks,

First of all, I’d like to thank you all for your posts of advice, well wishes, offers of help, plots, storage etc. etc. This is what I’ll miss most in this community. You’re all awesome and I appreciate each and every one of you and your kind offers. Thank you!

I’ve given it a bit of time and thought and what I’ve decided on is to never say never. So, I’m not going to say that I’m never returning to Boundless. I probably will some day. So, I’m going to call this an Extended Hiatus.

In the meantime, there’s the issue of R3DF1RE. I don’t want to see it go to waste and eventually regenerate. So, I’ve decided to hand over the keys to someone. I’ve already decided in my mind of who that someone will be. They haven’t asked for it and they don’t know yet that I’m going to offer it to them. But, I know that this person still loves this game will make good use of the build.

If and when I come back, I have around 2.5million coin to help get me started fresh somewhere. So, R3DF1RE and everything in it will be theirs to do as they wish. And I mean, EVERYTHING. The build, what’s in storage, the works.

The only issue is, the main build is over 1000 plots split over 5 beacons (Plus there’s a small outpost on Gellis and a Low Level Shimmering Orb Farm that’s also on Antar VI). So, it’s gonna be a blast for replotting lol. Again, I’ve given this issue some thought. So, I think the best way to do it for now is to make all the beacons Guild Controlled, including footfall. The new owner joins the Guild and I give ALL and full permissions to them. I have Gleam Club and I think there’s about 6 or 7 weeks remaining. So, this way, the new owner can take immediate control and take their time to gain the plots they need. If they need more time, they just need to refuel the beacons. Once they have the required plots, they can hit me up here or on Twitter and I’ll log in to start removing beacons so they can go ahead and start plotting.

Oh and, you may be asking why I’m putting all this here instead of in a PM to the new owner? Well, there’s two reasons. 1: I can direct the new owner here for the ‘How To’s’ on how I’d like to handle the transfer and 2: Maybe this kind of info will be helpful to some of you if you ever find yourselves in a similar situation or you’d simply like to transfer a large build. There may be a few ideas you could use.

Speaking of Twitter… I’m already connected with a few of you on Twitter and that’s pretty cool. I like how my leaving the game for now doesn’t have to be the end of the friendships and connections we’ve made here. So with that said, if any of you would like to keep in touch, you can find me on Twitter by searching ‘C0ND1T10NR3D’. But be warned, I’ll be playing a LOT of No Man’s Sky for the foreseeable. Especially with the new BEYOND update dropping soon and with that, PSVR Support! So yea, I’ll be living in the simulation and sharing lots of screenies on Twitter!

So, I guess that’s it for now folks. Thank you all once again for your kindness and support. You’re an amazing community of good people and like I said, what I’m going to miss most. Hopefully I’ll see some more of you over on Twitter.

Take care, everyone. See y’all later! :wave::cry:


I am incredibly honored, @C0ND1T10NR3D, and of course I accept. But I consider myself a caretaker, it is always yours. :slight_smile: And I have tons of Gleam Club. :wink: I will keep it basically as it is, though may move my store there eventually, or at least another store, and a couple little touches or rooms.

As I mentioned in my message - thinking about it more, if under my care, I think the best thing I can do for it and the game is to designate it the NMS Hub outside the NMS Multiverse. My own settlement simply isn’t worthy of being that, but I always thought that something like that would be really cool, and help to promote Boundless to the NMS base, which as I can see from my own Twitter is a group that is very likely to enjoy Boundless as well, from the interest I’ve gotten. Keep it at the center but let other fans expand out from there, build as they will, giant Atlases and such?


As I’m collecting my Umbris here, another thought hit me.

I’d like you to have more time to think, and if I have total control with the permissions I can still do anything I want to promote it and tweak as I like with you being official owner. I will be your steward and do my best to aid in my promotion efforts and though my skills aren’t much, perhaps add my own little touches.

So here is what I’d like to do, which I think will be easier on us both, especially if I can convince you to come back and join us :wink: - put a year of GC on your account. A couple ways to do this - most straightforward, I PayPal or Zelle you $60. Or I could ask if the devs would transfer it over from my own account if I buy it there, if you felt funny about that?


Good luck in the NMS universe.

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Your GC is paid for… PM James the location of the beacons… :smiley:

… Also, consider joining back in with me for the NMS Hub endeavor, if nothing else. :wink: I really think we could do some amazing things here. You know, Cobra just told me the other day he loves Boundless. He was trying to promote it as far back as when it was Oort Online. Imagine going a totally different direction here… obviously we’re both going to be in Beyond bigtime, who knows what social components are coming in, but think of a Hub outside of the NMS dimension.

Just some food for thought. :slight_smile:


Wow. I was in the middle of typing a reply to you and then you blew me away with your reply first. Wow. I don’t know what to say and now my thought patterns are bouncing between a rock and a hard place lol. Like, I mean, I was replying to say Thank you for your very kind offer but you didn’t have to do that etc. and that there really was no need. And now that you’ve gone and bought it, I don’t want to seem ungrateful and insult you by turning your kindness down. I really don’t know what to say lol.

You see, the issues I have right now are with the game and I think for the most part, I’ve just burnt myself out on it. I tried to do too much too quickly and I think in the end, trying to keep a shop stocked, keep portals fueled, gather and craft stuff to build with and gather more stuff to craft stuff to restock the shop stands with… All at the same time, I think it just all got the better of me. Then when the farming hit, I think I just got a bit overwhelmed because I’m that kind of player who just likes to do ‘Everything’! lol. So, I think I just need a bit of a break.

With that said, I decided what I decided on R3DF1RE when It dawned on me that I may come back someday, that when I do come back, I want to start again fresh and from scratch. And to coin a phrase from someone wise who PM’d me a couple of days ago ‘Come Back Later and Get that New Player Feeling Again’. (maybe not those exact words but, the idea is there). I think that’s what I was thinking I wanted to do when I eventually returned and therefore I decided to pass the keys of my build to someone I knew would appreciate it. :wink:

Wow, I’m still kinda lost for words. I don’t think I’ve taken this long to write a reply in my life lol.

I really want you to have R3DF1RE. I did then and I still do now. I love the ideas you have for it. I think a NMS theme would be perfect and I can’t believe I never thought of it lol. I know the whole transfer of a build with so many plots would be really really awkward. Especially with those towers. So, I was thinking of eventually reaching out and asking James if there was anything he could do with that special Dev magic of his that he could pull off to transfer everything as long as you had the required number of unused plots available. It would do no harm to ask, right? :slight_smile:

This is still really hard lol. Can you tell that I’m terrible at accepting or even being offered acts of kindness from people? lol. You’ve found my Kryponite! Doh!

Part of my brain is telling me right now to say, please, no. Thank you so very much but how can I accept such a kind gift? The other part is telling me not to insult you and sound ungrateful even though that if I straight out refused, it would definitely not be my intention to do so.

So, I really don’t know what to say.