I'm just about do... WAIT! - Bucfanpaka Has a Heart of Gold!

Well, now you know you’ve got a whole bunch of GC waiting when you come back… you can’t refuse - it is done! :wink: Muahahaha… I acted quick before you could do anything, you know. And believe me, I’m stubborn as anything, my entire family calls me pigheaded, if I set my mind to something that is that and I set my mind to this - it is still yours, and now you know you have GC waiting for a LONG time.

No need to transfer the beacons, truly - if I can do whatever I want with the stuff, what matter whose name is on it? :slight_smile: You built it. Even if you truly never came back to it, that is YOUR work. It should remain as yours.


Holy carp I completely forgot about that! Is there a date set already? That’s gonna be some juggling of gaming time in my near future! :smiley:

BTW, will you still regularly check the forums? Or do you still get emails with PM’s and such? Because I so do wanna lure you back over time with new changes and stuffs :wink: (and I’m not a big Twitter user)


We are all eagerly awaiting the date, but in the meantime, if you haven’t seen it yet, some of us are hiding a NMS thread in the OT area - :wink: Love to get more folks in there! I bomb it with screenshots pretty regularly, muahahaha…


That’s correct


I have sooooo many hours in NMS! Well now have more in Boundless, lol, but still, was one of my first platinums actually. And then the last (not underwater, one before) update with more building I spend even more time on it. Build soooo much stuff! Shame I then hopped universes and couldn’t go back to my old creations, sigh. But after a while some of the little building bugs with terrain filling your builds (even after many updates still somewhat happened) and issue of items not really ‘clicking’ together I gave up.

And then something funny happened! I decided I liked building stuff, I remembered some game that was shown once during a PS4 press conference, I was intrigued then but was a while ago, totally forgot the name. Searched for it, saw Trove knew it wasn’t that, and gave up, couldn’t for the life of me find the name or the game. Then 3 days or so later I saw a news post about Boundless releasing soon and then I thought “Yes! That was the one!”, I immediately pre-ordered!!! And it released 10 days or so later!

(of course doofus that I am I for once did NOT order a Deluxe edition, sigh, since the game was so different from what I usually play I didn’t dare too even tho I normally always get the Deluxe edition of games, but did not now, assumed there would be an upgrade eventually, sigh).

Anyway! We need to find each other somehow in NMS VR!!!


Oh yeah!! Hopefully the social component with Beyond will make that easier, where we can all meet up more simply. I really can’t wait! NMS community on Twitter is big and great btw, great folks, my own link is in my profile. There really is a huge overlap in the fanbases - many of us are like minds, who like the same things. :slight_smile: My feeling is, had Boundless gotten the early attention NMS did, it would be doing the same or better… I’ll confess something a few of my NMS friends here might be shocked by. I love NMS of course. But Boundless is the better game IMO, both objectively and subjectively. NMS captures my imagination and allows me to escape and explore… Boundless does that, more and better, and adds a LOT on top of it. My ideal game on so many levels.

So, my mission last few months has been promoting Boundless to the NMS fans not aware of it. It is working, plenty of interest, a few new great fans in. :slight_smile: Even just the exo shots I was posting lately have been pulling new interested people. I think there is a huge niche here for further blending of the fanbases, hence my idea for R3DF1RE.


I’ve been a SciFi nut for as long as I remember, heck my username is from an SF book (which BTW is quoted in NMS when you die!!!) and the idea of exploring an enormous universe was what did it for me. I loved it!

I do like Boundless more at the moment, but I kinda, sorta, wish they could combine the games, imagine a Boundless with a gazillion planets! ha! :smiley:


thanks for all the hyping apreciate it
@C0ND1T10NR3D maybe we can change post to “bucfanpaka is awesome”
since this title keeps popping up on the forum and it sounds like you did not like the game while you where over liking it lolz


Haha, OOOHHHH YEAHH!!! :smiley: Now that would be a dream come true - No Man’s Boundless Sky, lol!


Thanks, appreciate it, and VERY happy to do it!! :smiley: Like I said, I’m stubborn… I made it my mission, and if I have to drag em all in here by the ear then so be it!! :wink:

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Hmm, ya know, come to think of it when I was getting up from computer, I had a thought, soooo many planets in Boundless that no one ever has seen them all, and then what if we could fly to them and discover them. We come across a lovely planet with fantastic block colours and get as many as we can and only we know where it is!

That would give a rather nice twist on block colour exclusivity and everyone could actually get them if only they knew where to get them!


Bless you, I can totally understand. I have accepted help here at times but have many times turned it down when it would have been of benefit to do, especially when I believed that I would Never have been able to go to a level 6 planet and face the critters and survive, even sometimes win a battle with a few of them.

It was hard, I knew intellectually that I should accept the help, that the majority of the people here are fantastic, helpful, supportive and willing to guide those who are new and give them the helping hand until they can stand on their own.

But the upbringing, maybe the Irish stubbornness in me from my ancestors on both side (or I think of it as four sides, my grandmother and grandfather parents on father’s side and same on my mother’s side) has me wanting to do it without help. The others in me says be realistic, when I am out, such as today, and met a new player I offer help. I offered to bring him some tools, I would do iron, get too good of ones and they feel a let down when they go back to the ones that aren’t as good, he said no. But did give him some food and a few health drinks as he said he had almost died from the critters, on a level 2 planet and his first day.

Anyhoo, accept the help, you are well liked and respected and let @bucfanpaka assist you, she and I are friend and she was so honored at your offer, your trust in her and wanted so badly, strongly, for you to feel you could step back in later in if you wanted that it gave her the strength to contact @james and make the offer, she didn’t want to be pushy.

I understand it is hard, but think of it as helping hands of friends; and get over the negative feelings, :slight_smile::wink: the support, offer, is from friends, not strangers. We want you back, feeling positive about the game and playing, take your break, play again as a total new player and work up to where you feel you are ready to take as much of your old base back as you want, all or none; get involved as much as you want or not at all. No pressure, really, do what you want, we will support and stand beside you in whatever you decide.

Wow, a lot of post after I read your reply and I was able to send my response. Hubby had supper ready and I stopped to eat.


In that case, Thank you so so much. I am extremely grateful. You didn’t have to do that, but you did and it was very very kind of you indeed. Thank you!

I will get you back one day though! Mark my words… I shall have my revenge! One day when you least expect it, you’ll find something in one of your online accounts that wasn’t there before and it’ll be something that I’ll know that you will need or something that I know you’ll enjoy. Yes, I shall have my revenge! lol. :wink:

Seriously though, thank you so very much. I will get you back though! :slight_smile:

I’d still like to transfer everything over to you one day though. Because not only was it my original intention, but also because you deserve it more than ever now after your incredible kindness. It would feel ‘right’ to do so even more now too. But for now, if you prefer to leave everything as is, that’s fine. Just never hesitate to get hold of me if you ever need plots added on top of what’s already plotted. I’ll be there in a heartbeat with plotter in hand. I’ve still quite a few unused plots and a nice number of Cubits saved between characters for more plots if needed. I kind of went hard at it the last few months grinding to accumulate them and they’re still sitting there waiting to be used up.

I’ll PM you with the location of the Guildbook. I kind of have it in an unlikely area of the build so I have a pic with an arrow pointing to it’s general location. I’d post it here only I’d like you to be in control of everything before opening it up to others joining. Because, it’ll of course be up to you to rename everything to whatever you’ve like it to be. The guild, the settlement, builds, everything. Once you have everything named how you’d like it, it’ll be your choice on whether to open it to others joining or not. It’s all yours. So, it’s all your decision. :slight_smile:

Oh, I almost forgot… I logged in earlier and reopened and fueled most of the portals. But, I had to take a new portal at the Lamblis PS Hub. It’s a 2x2 on the East side located between ‘Lake’ and ‘Dug Up’. Anyway, they’re all fueled for about a week and a few days and there’s about another 2 weeks supply of Oort Shards in storage. They should give you a good head start on keeping them open for a while and maybe even open a few more? Up to you. :slight_smile:

Oh 2: I also refueled all the beacons for 4 months lol. :sweat_smile:

There’s also the few outposts I mentioned. I’ve opened the portals to those too, so they’re easy to enough to find. The only one out of any of them that I’d like to keep is my little lake side cottages on Refgar. It’s the smallest of my builds and the one I’m most proud of to be honest lol. But still make sure you take advantage of it’s footfall. I’ve made everything Guild Controlled (You can change this if you like) but I think you’ll still have to go to each of the beacons to send the footfall to the guild before you can withdraw it from the guildbook. I thought the footfall was sent to it automatically but after looking at it today, I don’t think it works like that. Shame, because it would have made footfall collecting so much easier.

Wow, this post is getting long lol. But when do I ever do short posts? :thinking:

I’ll leave it there on the details for now. My mind is starting to draw blanks. I think I’m still a little overwhelmed to be honest. Thank you so so much once again. You didn’t have to do that but I really, really do appreciate it. Thank you so much!!!

I’ll PM you shortly. :slight_smile:


Haha, thanks!! :slight_smile: But I already do have my reward on one of my online accounts, you know - here. You sound happier, right? That is what I wanted. If someone is happy, and if particularly if they’re happy with me, that is better than any sort of gift. As I allude to sometimes in posts and Tweets and all, I’ve got problems in my life, I get very down sometimes, I know what hurt and trauma are. But the benefit of going through all that - they made me value kindness all the more. That is what matters. To be nice, one of the easiest things there is - sometimes all it takes is a word. To recognize hurt in others and fix that, that is what real meaning is, a real goal… not stuff. I admit I crave being liked, and kind words in return, and you have made me so happy with your words. Oh, and of course, to love and promote Boundless and bring some good feelz to this thread, that too was a big goal of course, haha. :wink:

I do work slow, but first objective will be to get a portal between our places. Oort is something a little scarce for me so I might have to let some go until a bit more secure, but then once I’ve got a few things in place and am promoting maybe open up even more, like to TNT.

Since I have a NMS guild already, I might scrap that one or let it idle (edit: scrap my old one, not yours, yours will be the new one), tell my current members to join the new one - I think the name might be Boundless No Man’s Sky Hub. :slight_smile: I’ll link it all to that, my place and any others I build. Changes will be slow but I think I could at least start with promotion pretty soon. I may grant building permissions to others I trust - that is where my big failing is, I can promote, I can make jokes, I can do nice things, but I’m not much of a builder… yet. I’m trying to learn. :wink:

Thank you so much once again!! :slight_smile:


Doh. I was almost done with a reply to some of the other posts above and the power in my apartment block went out. First time in 2 years living here. And now the lights are flickering. I could be in for a fun and eventful evening lol.

Anyway, one thing you should know about me, I can be quite stubborn too. It’s an Irish trait and @Janna55 touched on that in her post above. :wink: If I say that I’ll get you back, I’ll get you back. There aint no two ways about it. Just one. I will, get you back lol. Nuff said. :smiley:

And, @the-moebius is right. Something needs to be done about the title of this thread. I’ll take care of that momentarily. :wink:

I had no Idea that @AeneaGames played NMS?! You have to get back into it when Beyond Drops! See you in the Simulation, Traveler!

@bucfanpaka I think the ideas you have for the ‘Boundless No Man’s Sky Hub’ are excellent! It’s ideas like these I wish I had when I started the build. I think what you have in mind is perfect and not that I needed more reassurance, but I’m assured more than ever now that I made the right choice when I decided to offer it to you.

To be honest, I’m not much of a builder either. Most of my ideas and how I’ve done things are ripped from watching people on streams and videos. @Stretchious and ‘@Ovis the Wise’ are two that come to mind. Two very inspirational Boundless Builders! (Ovis the Wise - Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? :wink: ) And to be honest, it’s all in the chiseling. Slope things and round off corners. That’s basically all I’ve done to make it as it is now. And if I can do it, you sure as heck can too. You just have to trust yourself and give it a go. :wink:

I better hit reply on this before the power goes out again lol.

Thank you so so much once again… I’ll go try get that PM of to you while I can. Actually, I’ll just send the pic for now. I think this power can go any sec. Just let me know when you’d applied to join the guild and I’ll get you sorted with perms and such so you can get the ball rolling whenever you’re ready.

Thank you, Thank you! Talk soon! :slight_smile:


Thanks!! :smiley: I might not be back on again until tomorrow evening so no rush, unless the insomnia kicks back in and I wake up early - will try to get a little rest here!

I think at first the one main thing will be adding signs up to recruit in the game and just dropping Tweets and trying to bring people in… the people are what will make it. :slight_smile: But like I said, a slow project, and I’m sure like everything I do I’ll jump around on the details and things will come and go here and there. :wink:


I go busy for a day and @bucfanpaka takes over the post :grin:


Take your time and yea, get yourself some rest. That’s important. And I think it goes without saying but I’ll be looking out for and Retweeting those posts.

But yea, it’s all yours now to do what you like and at the pace you like. Just be sure to get hold of me whenever you need anything. I’ll jump in asap as long as I’m at home and within the waking world. :wink:

Thank you so much once again! (Yep, aint ever gonna stop saying that. Can’t make me! lol) Get yourself some rest and I’ll catch up again later. :slight_smile:


No rest for the wicked!!!

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Lies I get some sleep occasionally :sweat_smile: