IMPORTANT: Beacon reservation abuse is officially banned!

I can understand that as a fellow player, hell I’d do that too if I could but I currently have even less plots to play with. You may just want to scale it back a bit until you aquire more and more plots. If you can’t provide the plots, building in that large an area seems like it may be difficult as well?

I get wanting that much land as fast as possible, but the system wasn’t designed for what’s being done in these ways. Basically I’m seeing a flaw in the system that everyone is aware of like a bug or a glitch that gets patched eventually from being exploited. It sucks, feelings can get hurt, but the devs are trying to reduce and correct an exploit with the reserved land benefit.

As it stands I think im going to craft a few million rock to stone to get the missing plots, I can understand why its being dialed back even if it puts me in a bad situation.

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Players potentially under fire of this change will adapt and it really won’t be that bad. It’s actually not a huge change and it encourages either better plotting, which requires more plots, more gameplay, more teamwork (if wanted) just have to greatly reduce those types of gap patterns. You got this with rocks woo!!


It really was never allowed they addressed plotting in previous patches. I believe the last one was plotting a 1 plot wide would not trigger reservation or something like that.

I completely agree.

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The thing is you are absolutely allowed to do this it just takes plots as intended by the game. The only thing that is being disallowed is accomplishing the same effect with buffers which greatly reduces the amount of plots needed and was never intended.


If there were some way to designate certain plots/builds as actual roads, that would be great. I guess a player would have to do it manually or use a “road beacon”? Right now, the system is only guessing that one-plot wide builds = roads…which isn’t always the case.

I don’t think building should be restricted to “fix” prestige issues. Fix prestige.


No one is dictating what will happen & no one is saying changes shouldn’t happen. The devs are engaging with the players and giving them a heads’ up on changes that are coming. We are simply discussing it and bringing up questions and issues.

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I’m honestly a bit perplex but all the kerfuffle around this. It’s absolutely crystal clear that the design is for players to buy plots and place plots to reserve land. It’s also crystal clear that using buffers to allow you to reserve more plots than you paid for is clearly not an intended use of buffers.

So if you have a huge area of land that is mostly undeveloped and using this reservation approach you are going to be impacted and I see that as a good thing. If you want a huge chunk of land simply buy the plots or grind levels. Let’s be honesty they are SUPER generous with cubits already. I have bought over 500 plots and haven’t had to spend a single cent which is insane in this era of micro-transaction games.

As to Malls/Cities perhaps they will need to add some logic to avoid this in those situations and I have complete faith they will add such logic should it become an issue.


I really wanted to avoid this conversation but I can’t stay quiet. The logic displayed in this statement is what I think violates the spirit of the game. Let’s call it what it is, it’s theft, on two levels. It is unearned gains against a monetized system which the developers depend on to fund their work. It is also an unfair advantage over those who do not wish to abuse the plot system. Every single player has lofty ideas for builds which require space. Some are big dreamers. But there has to be policy in place to protect those who are honoring the spirit of the game because otherwise, parties are injured in one way or another. Yes, at it’s core this speaks to honesty. Entitlement and special treatment tend to rear their ugly face when challenged. Rules exist and are created to prevent loss and injury.


I don’t see it as greed or an exploit (even if labeled by the devs as such), but merely just a means to protect my builds. However, since it is that now I wont be utilizing it futher. Also, this:


I appreciated you not taking my response as a personal attack. I was using your quote to capture the rhetoric that keeps regenerating in this conversation.

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Whoa. No, it’s not theft at all. Simply an unintended use that the devs are taking actions to circumvent. Many players have adapted to the new buffer system and were using it - well within the CoC. James decided to change the rules, and now everyone will adapt again, to the new rules.

There are some people here discussing this - and it won’t effect us at all. We are cogitating. That is all.

As for the people that will have to change their builds, like just everyone has had to do several times in the past…I don’t view them as being entitled nor are they stealing. They were playing within the rules and now the rules have changed. I see no reason to shame them in any way.


It could have been classified as theft yes it could have. I pay to plot a 100x100 square. Someone “owns” the same square footage of land for pennies on the dollar by abusing the system. That is pretty black and white. Any argument against is a justification.


I disagree.

If using strategy that is within the game’s rules to gain plots is considered theft, then there are many other methods that would fall under this descriptor:

Using mods & alts to quickly gain XP to get more plots instead of buying them, for example.

Edit to add: I respect the dev’s decision to make any changes they deem necessary & I am not against this one at all. I am not saying they shouldn’t do it.


My response was a direct response to the comment about having a public comment period prior to implementing a change. If the intent is to take the direction the majority of players voice in the public comment period then I am against it for the reasons stated. If it is to give players a heads up on what is coming and to ask questions that is different. So it depends on what the player intends to have the public comment period do. It all comes down to if the developers want to make a change and get comments or get a flurry of comments before a change is made trying to get them to change their minds when those players may have no knowledge of where the developers may or may not be pushing the game and what future changes they have in mind, we are not always in a good position to even fully understand the implications of changes they are proposing.

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I see. Yes, I would also like to know more about the direction every thing is headed in - this would be very helpful info. :+1:

When James makes a dev post and leaves it open for discussion, I view that as an invite to discuss any thoughts and possible issues. I view that as the dev team respecting/engaging the playerbase and hearing any suggestions or issues that are brought up.

If he wants to make everyone aware of an upcoming change, that is set in stone & not up for discussion, then he should make a dev post and lock it like a lot of game studios do.


I agree.

Even in this case, I do think we need to have discussion like some of the discussion in this thread where players are asking for clarification on what the change is and is not. But he could indicate the change is a “done deal”.


I didn’t see if anyone responded to the idea of not being able to encircle an open area where u can mine whatever resource is in the middle. Seems like it would use less plots to plot one or two plots over your resource so u could still regen the reserved area below it.

I really don’t think that is what it is when the title of the post states „officially banned“, that sounds like they are pretty damn sure they made up their minds.