IMPORTANT: Beacon reservation abuse is officially banned!

Damn 1 more question in an existing build will there be a problem with an existing road 3plots wide x long? (After there is always a way to figure things out)

If so I would like to know before hand so i can change things as they connect the TNT/TTC Lambis hub to Land (its in the middle of a lava lake).

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:point_up_2: @DKPuncherello @AeneaGames

Do you have enough plots @Peyago :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The system was to address not having control over who plotted directly next to you. Which it in fact does and to good measure. The snake pattern mass reservation was ā€œemergent gameplayā€ and was never said (until now) if it was abuse or not.

This is the Devs drawing a line in the sand. James even said the behavior didnā€™t exist before the reservation system was implemented. And this action is only hitting the more abusive cases.

The behavior of snaking land is not something a new player would think to do initially, it does NOT make the system more complicated (plot what you plan to use is still in effect, not ā€œreserveā€ what you plan to use).

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So therefore, the system is at least partly to blame.

To some degree, in certain situations, with newer builds.

I disagree.

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in no way finished but the ā€œnorthā€ road is the longest of the 4.

[edit] 3 wide and 36 plots long wil this be an issue? (Maybe a plot or 3 longer)


< sarcasm >
Totally in violation. I see unplotted areas. People want that unused lava space :rage:

</end sarcasm>


Its free to plot. Have every thing 4 the hub and all without plot protection :wink:


@james Curiousā€¦Is it possible to have a planet or a test-planet-that-may-be-deleted-at-anytime, that uses different plotting methods/rules? Or are they all auto-generated using the same code/servers?

If rental planets are still on the menu, will they have a different plotting system?

I guess Iā€™m just a bit annoyed about changing things over and over. Iā€™ll get over itā€¦& still concerned, but gimme 5 minutes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I donā€™t really get why this is any sort of surprise.

Itā€™s not like James was in any way unclear about it months ago, the last time they had to make an update in the hopes of curtailing the deliberate abuse of the system:

The only people who could be forgiven for being mad about it are people who werenā€™t around back then as itā€™s not fair to expect them to keep up to date with everything historic that ever happened. But that does imply that at no point did they stop and think ā€œHmmm, his seems wrong, look at all the space I can reserve if I use this cheesy plot layoutā€


Rather than a setting to be enabled disabled just a blanket inability to plot up against someone without perms would cut a lot of bs about force merge etc and for noobs or freeweekenders or long term gleamclub offenders (yes it rhymes) stops the head ache of parked plots up against you.
At least then you can maintain a road between builds should it ever be needed and you build isnā€™t closed off from one side expansion plans aside.


I wonder if you have in mind a better plotting system, Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot but seems like the real problem is people interacting with people lol.

I remember minecraft servers using a very similar system and afaik It worked beacuse:

a) Minecraft maps are endless so never running out of space (Unless the admin restricted you from going to far)

b) Usually there was a player limit.

In boundless we dont have that so, here we are!


I have enough. Quite a few people do I think.

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I think there have been several threads that have brought up some good ideas. You are correctā€¦there really is no way to stop people from doing people stuff lol

The main problem I see is trying to apply a new system onto and existing one or existing builds. This is why I asked James if it was possible, in any way to add a planet that has a different plotting system that we could try outā€¦instead of layering stuff onto the current one.

I agree that for some reason, we donā€™t experience these plotting issues in most of the other games we play. I think the player limit could be applied to rental planets, possibly?


Wot in tarnation did I just come home to :upside_down_face:

So if I have a build that sticks out in parts (I have a couple of pathways, vertical plotting, and some weird plotting done under my base), and Iā€™m in violation what happens? Will my beautiful build be removed, what will happen?

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If it doesnā€™t look like the example in Jamesā€™s post, youā€™re fine


Well I am a new player and this seems fairly straight forward. The screenshot clearly looks like the buffer is being used strategically to multiply the amount of space they can reserve.

I also read it that to resolve the issue they just need to fill in the buffer space with plots and they are good.

I also expect/hope their system will also take into consideration the number of beacons within a region and their average size. I would suspect itā€™s fairly obvious detect city/malls. They should also detect if the plotted areas are roads or purely in claimed areas.

I also suspect that the most flagrant abuse is most likely very easily detected and also has virtually no building around them so again easily detected.

In summary I see this as play nice and if you want a massive plot go for it but you just have to pay for it.


As I new player I just want to echo some other peopleā€™s questions and comments. Will there be a centralized spot ā€œin-gameā€ for these rules? A spot, where itā€™s very clearly outlined and laid out as easily as possible?

I think anything official needs to be ā€œin-gameā€ in some way shape or form.

My 2 cents.


I think it would be cool to have a mall like planet where people are restricted to a certain shop size.

Obviously there would have to be some rule for roads

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@james is the plot reservation for a public mining spot still allowed ?

as example here for shadow orbs

some player has protected some farm spots for plants like inky leaf, beans and orbs for a public access, that all player can use them.

if the plot amount is from interest, my public inky farm has around 200-250 plots

i dont ask for privat closed mining spots, only for public spots


If itā€™s nothing like the example the devs posted at the top of this, then you should be fine. If you or anyone feels they run the risk of this, I believe based on what devs have said is you wonā€™t be able to place further plots from that beacon if it gets flagged. However, Iā€™m certain that if you just place your plots so they touch instead of spacing out plots to have the empty rows of reserved space in between all plot rows, (if you have row upon row like they show in the picture, no good) you should be fine.

So, unless Iā€™m mistaken, if you want large chunks of land, use your plots to have them. Instead of spacing the plots out in a way that then abuses the reserved land gaps each plot gives to essentially claim land without having to use more plots. This reserved land works just fine if itā€™s outside of a massive plot claim.

You should be able to have bits and pieces where this is the case, but not all over the place spanning massive chunks of land (unless it is just solid plots between you, friends or multiple owned characters)

In reality of this, itā€™s not all bad. If you fear your plots fall into this category, spend some time to fill in the gaps with a few more plots. If you donā€™t have enough plots, maybe consider the area you claim may be a bit more ambitious than you can currently handle?