IMPORTANT: Beacon reservation abuse is officially banned!

What I understood is that the system will stop you from adding plots.
But I don’t think a spot like that should be reported since it’s actually a benefit for the community.

In any case you may want to plot the whole thing just to be safe.


Even just plotting a few areas to break up the rows from being rows may pass. It also could depend on the scale of the plotted area? If it’s only a couple hundred, maybe this is under the radar sort of thing.

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I like the idea of beacons being unable to be refueled if they’re violating rules. Bad actors will either have to comply or have their beacon die.

The thing is this will apply to current builds that weren’t violating any rules - people don’t play the game every day and some aren’t aware of the forums. There needs to be some sort of warning for existing players/builds.


I don’t like people building near me. The only way to stop people building near me is to reserve or plot land so that its impossible for other people to do the same.

I don’t want to be able to see anyone else’s build from my own, and I also dont have an extra 5000 plots to spare to plot an area out fully

I’ve plotted a large area on Malurialakrib in order to stop random people, no matter how unlikely, from building near me. I havnt enclosed any other builds, and if someone next to me did wish to expand I would be willing to unplot.

@james, is there any way I can keep this area like this? I have no intention of causing grief or trapping anyone in, this is simply to protect my own build.

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While I can understand your point, I think this exactly what @james is saying they are banning.


I am thankful I hardly started building there then, I suppose the only option I have right now Is to spend millions of coins buying rock and teaching pies so I can rapidly gain enough levels to get the plots I need

Ran around a few planets real quick out of curiosity…


Yeah I think this is a good idea in concept and intention but I hope the devs go slowly and carefully with this one. Like explain exactly how the system will work: what is and is not allowed, what will happen to existing builds, what happens to violators etc. and then have a public comment period of at least a few weeks if not a month so everyone can be heard before doing anything too fast. And maybe have a few weeks to a month grace period upon implementation so that people have time to get their builds in line with the new rules. Like @majorvex said, not everyone plays every day.


I was checking some planets the last weekend and this madness runs rampart and I wanted to post on the forum that something must be done. I am very very very in favour of James banning these rude land grabs.

The next issue James should really fix are these freaking prestige links that are everywhere. Civilization has a high cost for building big cities, maybe it’s time to add something to Boundless. A cost if your city spans a too big area. These prestige links should not just help you for free to be warden, they should also have a cost attached to it. Maybe road beacons should be fueled with rift, instead of leafs as fuel or something.


I don’t think that would be a good thing. The last thing you want to do in a building game is discourage/severely restrict building in any way.

I don’t see anything wrong with large builds or cities…I think the opposite…they should be encouraged. :woman_shrugging:

The game already tried to limit that, that’s why it classifies some things as roads which causes the bridging beacon error. People just found out that building a prestige link two plots wide works around this game mechanic. Which is the same as snake-reserving a huge area - abusing a game mechanic.

The game was never intended to have prestige links that connect two settlements on the other side of the planet. An update to the road detection code is urgently needed.

Having a road between two cites, does not make them one city in real life. Not even if the road is a 10 plot wide highway. Please fix prestige links next.


I get the Feeling we 2 have to talk About the comencing merge in Progress :)=

I believe, i hope at least, everyone in here knows Deep inside why this is implemented and unless they are an offender agrees to it.
I understand why this Comes and i honestly dont care.
If i am an anti social ******** and Claim huge Areas abusing a System not made for it i deserve what is coming.
I know common sense died 1994, still the older Generation which is playing games should try using it to see what is here.
Again, i am sure the majoritie, not everyone, understands what this is aimed for an what will happen.

I understand the game side concerns well and i think it is a good idea to bring them up and discuss those. But going down a System road to far, which is still in the making, before it is implemented will only create more confusion.
We should wait until it is here and then grab the torches… as every time when Things Change.

Agreed. A full explanation of how it all will work and even “commands” that go with it.
At least enough time so we can bring our current builds “up to code”.

Basically same as @DKPuncherello said but then in a different sock :joy:.

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I think people should be allowed to do what they want with their plots as long as they arnt impacting other players by doing so. If someone wants to claim a large area to avoid building near others you have no right to judge them for doing so.


This is definitely not an idiom that translates to English haha. But I like it!
You’re Dutch right? Sorry I forget everyone’s nationalities in this game, there are so many (which I love)!


@james you mentioned a “compact Beacon”…

What are the terms of a Compact beacon?

Plus I really want to know the answer to this:
IMPORTANT: Beacon reservation abuse is officially banned!.

Because as i am still working on this.

Ah my friend, this wasent aimed at you. Apparantly you feel it was, so i apologize.
Maybe seeing Things rational isnt welcome on this Forums, i should have known from previous Posts of mine.

Whats so irrational about wanting to build alone though?