Introducing the PS Planet Explorer

I’ve been thinking about this problem, and I can only think of 2 answers to the “what world has gleamballs and how do we get there” problem.

  • Someone builds and maintains a curated list of known portals and gleamballs
  • Someone builds some kind of crowdsourced application that shows portals and gleamballs people report as being in game.

I’m not sure which way is better, though, since they both have crazy downsides. I also don’t know if @Dhusk has plans for something like that.

Oh, a third option would potentially be scraping for portal data like we do with colors, but I’m not familiar enough with byte data to look into that.

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712 an hour later

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How is this community so great? Incredible work.


That is not currently possible. The only publicly available permission data for a world is if you everyone can warp to it (“Can Visit = Granted for Everyone”). The other permissions are only available to the owner of the Sovereign world or by making a private game API call that calculates the permissions for your player. Neither of which are easy to reliably get for all worlds.

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No. There is no way to get that data from the game and it would need to be crowd sourced from players.

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There are actually 928 worlds. There are just 720 active ones. The rest are expired Exo worlds.

Hey, so this is just outstanding work and off the charts helpful! If you did nothing further it’s a remarkable tool, thank you.

If you are taking suggestions for functionality, I humbly request:

  1. Alphabetize results by planet name
  2. Export results to a .csv or spreadsheet compatible format
  3. (Longshot) Exclude results where the item exists in the data but doesn’t manifest on the planet, e.g. Gleam on Trior. I’m guessing this might have to be a manual flag

Again, LOVE this!

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Ye i know.
We no hobos!!

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I wonder if a comments system would be beneficial for this so people can add portal info, gleamball info, missing items, coords, etc. I know everything here is client-side so far, so idk if that would be interesting for you or within your realm of expertise, but I think it would help make this a more complete tool.

I’ve been trying to think of how to handle data like portal info. Maybe upvote/downvote buttons to influence a score that goes down naturally over time and then hides low-score comments. I’m not sure if that’s the best way to do it, though, and there is of course the issue of authentication and ease of use. Also, if it isn’t fun for you to implement, or if you would rather be mining gleamballs(That’s my problem), that’s a hard stop to any of these ideas :wink:

Loading… ## / 727 planets…
Wow… just wow!

Cool resource!:sunglasses:

Well, technically, expired exo worlds aren’t there… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

BTW, can’t believe we already spawned more sovereigns than we ever had exo’s! :grinning:

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This is fascinating. I never knew of symbols for filtering either. I primarily use it in shopping websites, and they only use the word.

I think these collective expressions cover the boundless community’s reaction.



Dark theme also :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All done

Would have to visit again to update the API with the new colors.


Thank you very much, Soju-VB! And I only plan to change those few colors once more so I promise not to be too much of a long term burden on you lol. Thank you once again! :wink:

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Thats easy. Theres 590 sovereigns. 589 have gleamballs (someone’s bound to have forgot)

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You look at all the gleam colors, you find your favorite color. The perfect gleam. You search the Planet Explorer. There is one planet. One. You go to the parent planet and check all the portals. You find one. You go through, and the owner has made a portal straight to the most beautiful gleamball you have ever seen. You climb the stairs to the top, pop your traching pie and pull out your hammer and get to work… Insufficient permissions… Your gleamball is in another castle.


I know I’m a nerd but whenever I see filter funnel icons I think of these