Introducing the PS Planet Explorer

I’ve added the following new features to the Planet Explorer:

  1. Added a new card state for each card that displays data about the planet as shown in the screenshot below. Simply click the “data” icon from the card’s initial state to view. Unfortunately our data only captures whether a planet is claimable in the exo sense so you’ll see homeworlds listed as not editable and claimable which obviously isn’t true. I’ll look to fix this in a later release.

  2. With the addition of the data card state, there are now three states for the card so each state shows two buttons in the top-right that you can use to switch between them.

  3. Past exos are now retrieved and available in the explorer! Keep in mind we won’t have some of the resources card and data card information for these so if you see some blank entries, don’t panic!

  4. Updated the filters to allow filtering by Active Exos and Past Exos

  5. Updated a little bit of styling. The styling of this app is very far from finished.


Update: The tool was down for a little bit as I screwed something up. It has been down for around an hour. I’ll have it back up shortly.

EDIT: It’s back up


I’ve added the following new features to the Planet Explorer:

  1. New color watcher added where you can view all available colors for select block types easily. To access it, click the binoculars in the top-left:

Within the color watcher, simply select the block you want to see all available colors for:


I think that’s my favorite feature yet!

shows my world El-Adreal IV that you cant edit, but you can. and it dosnt show colors can i add them or who does . you can reach my world from trior .

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Likely need a scan from @Soju-VB for the data to be updated


Scan done, may take a bit for the API to refresh though.



Impossible to close this window on iPhone 6s Plus @Dhusk

Progress bar (or numbers) when retrieving worlds would be nice too. Loading might be broken for me, I gave it 20 seconds.

Amazing work guys!

Clearing cache doesn’t help nor does more waiting. It worked for me previously.

Will fix shortly

Edit: It appears the dump API endpoint may be down/broken. I’m getting a 504 timeout on the request. @Angellus could you take a look whenever you have a chance?

Okay it’s back up. Angellus did say that during the time that the entire world dump data (which is like 12MB) is being cached on his end that it can take a minute and during that minute the service won’t respond so it’s possible we both hit it at exact moments it was in the middle of caching. Seems to be back up now.

I’ve also fixed the height on the color watcher to be mobile-friendly.

I’m working on some performance enhancements over the weekend and will roll that out once I have them done.


I’ve added the following new features to the Planet Explorer:

  1. Filters are now combinational! Looking for T6 shock planets in the US East? Now you can find them easier.
  2. Removed the block name filter as it was kinda useless as all planets have the same blocks. The highlighting was nice but this filter was conflicting with the far more important color filter so it got the axe.
  3. Added a new Can Visit filter to allow filtering by planets that are visitable. I’d like to add a can edit filter as well but currently all planets I’m getting back from Boundlexx say can edit = null so we’ll have to look into it.

@Dhusk Is this how the new binoculars feature is supposed to look?
Firefox 81 on Windows 10 64-bit

Nope, not at all. Let me take a quick look.

Fixed /10chars

Must be a caching issue on my side or something, still looks as above.

Try ctrl-shift-r or ctrl-shift-f5. I think one of those will do a hard refresh in FF

@Dhusk is this not working now? it is stuck at Retrieving worlds…
it worked last night when I used it.

It’s being updated right this moment. Please hold!

ok, thanks :smiley: was just wondering.
it was at almost 1000 worlds last night.