[Iotas IV] --[T6 - Fierce Toxic Exoworld]--

Name : Iotas IV
Type : Toxic
Tier : 6
Atmosphere : Caustic Lvl 5
Surface : Water
Underground : Lava
42 blinksecs of Alcyon
Warp Cost : 3400c
Appeared March 16, 2020 9:32 PM
Last until March 21, 2020 7:51 PM
Server : US West

Blocks Color

: New Color to this date
: Block Found on the World
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
: Obtained on Homeworld
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days

- Gleam - 191 Crisp Yellow -

- Igneous - 186 Cool Tan -
- Metamorphic - 104 Pale Tan -
- Sedimentary - 225 Cold Tan - 170

- Ancient Trunk - 107 Light Yellow -
- Lustrous Trunk - 86 Stale Moss -
- Twisted Trunk - 223 Luminous Tan -

- Exotic Foliage - 190 Stark Yellow -
- Lush Foliage - 189 Stark Lime -
- Waxy Foliage - 185 Stark Mustard -

- Clay Soil - 85 Warm Yellow -
- Peaty Soil - 86 Stale Moss -
- Silty Soil - 106 Light Tan -

- Mud - 83 Warm Mustard -

- Ash - 105 Light Mustard -
- Gravel - 186 Cool Tan -
- Sand - 101 Pale Sepia -

- Barbed - 107 Light Yellow -
- Gnarled - 107 Light Yellow -
- Verdant - 105 Light Mustard -

- Growth - 223 Luminous Tan -
- Ice - 228 White -
- Glacier - 228 White -
- Mould - 92 Warm Moss -
- Sponge - 175 Cold Berry - 32
- Tangle - 219 Vivid Moss -
- Thorns - 83 Warm Mustard -

- Cloneflower - 208 Vivid Cobalt -
- Gladeflower - 155 Bright Azure -
- Ghostflower - 189 Stark Lime -
- Spineflower - 202 Vivid Turquoise -

- Desert Sword - 205 Vivid Azure -
- Oortian’s Staff - 130 Light Blue -
- Rosetta Nox - 217 Vivid Mint -
- Spineback Plant - 202 Vivid Turquoise - 202
- Stardrop Plant - 224 Crisp Tan -
- Traveller’s Perch - 220 Vivid Lime -
- Trumpet Root - 106 Light Tan -
- Twisted Aloba - 98 Vivid Orange -

- Branch Funnel - 86 Stale Moss -
- Clustered Tongues - 219 Vivid Moss -
- Glow Cap - 143 Bright Yellow -
- Mottled Tar Spot - 92 Warm Moss -
- Tinted-Burst - 142 Bright Tan -
- Weeping Waxcap - 92 Warm Moss -


Resources Tab



Resource Tab is empty :innocent:


Still early doing the atlas, but big groupings of gleam underwater again… hopefully we find some on land this time too.


There is some gleam hanging too, found a spot with 8 gleams that are reachable standing on the tree… until we find better.


Oh my emeralds!

Ok, found 2 clams shells next to each other at the surface of the water, so can float inside and break the gleam and regen safely. 20 Gleams in each clam, would be good for 2 people since regen would cover both clams.


Good planet for Gatherers, Plants and Shrooms everywhere!


Oh yeah, pretty one, nice yellow colors, tons of shrooms! :grin:

Got a few gleam spots, two for 8 and one at least 17 (clam structure in water), will get some tokens up later but a few pics here. :slight_smile:

Looks like a lot of emerald here, but haven’t gotten that far yet… but mines sure to come! :wink:


Ohh lovely goo colors! Will be buying all 3 colors, if anybody is looking to sell for a good price :slight_smile:


its been 2 hours! how come nobody has a pic of the world yet? :thinking:

Been too busy “ON” the world to go to the sanctum and take a pic :thinking:

yeah was on the world doing stuff it’s coming in 5 min!

1 Like



Omg everything is new! Well not everything but a lot!! Thanks all!

Really neat caves here! :slight_smile: :+1:


Completed 99c atlases and some free location tokens now ready at the usual place at Exo Explorers on Lasaina (main portals from TNT Megahub and PS Hub Boori)

Couple of resource in atlas pics


Lotas IV T6-Toxic (Caustic Lvl 5) exo samples and tokens are up in my museum… Location: PS G-TE - Lil Porkchop Block Museum (behind PS Gleam portal)… Note: Gleam is NEW and have a 8 pc seam… …Also have tokens for the following… All trees, Mixed Foliage, Mud, Ash, Growth, Tangle and Sponge… My fellow concrete makers I have Gravel for you :slight_smile: … enjoy my friends :slight_smile:

NOTE: for the gleam token if you spawn above the cave just go to the side and swim under… 8 pc seam and easy to get…


Disclaimer: I’m stuck on my laptop for now & the pic quality is lower
(my AIO cooler on my big rig went :skull_and_crossbones:)


Here is a good spot for gleam (not in water)

Location here

Or you can also find free tokens for a direct warp to the spot at Sweet Candy (PS Biitula, west side)