Name : Nar II
Type : Blink
Tier : 7
Atmosphere : Volatile Lvl 7
Surface : Water
Underground : Lava
42 blinksecs of Kol Huroo
Warp Cost : 3400c
Appeared June 23, 2020 2:21 PM
Last until June 28, 2020 2:30 PM
Server : EU Central
Blocks Color
: New Color to this date
: Block Found on the World
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
∞ : Obtained on Homeworld
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days
∟ - Gleam - 225 Cold Tan - ∞
∟ - Igneous - 184 Cool Taupe -
∟ - Metamorphic - 102 Ashen Taupe - 138
∟ - Sedimentary - 225 Cold Tan - 93
∟ - Ancient Trunk - 184 Cool Taupe -
∟ - Lustrous Trunk - 103 Ashen Yellow - 336
∟ - Twisted Trunk - 175 Cold Berry - 138
∟ - Exotic Foliage - 183 Weary Mustard - 336
∟ - Lush Foliage - 186 Cool Tan - 336
∟ - Waxy Foliage - 227 Luminous Red - 336
∟ - Clay Soil - 102 Ashen Taupe - 336
∟ - Peaty Soil - 84 Stale Tan - 138
∟ - Silty Soil - 101 Pale Sepia -
∟ - Mud - 100 Light Orange -
∟ - Ash - 136 Cool Red - 336
∟ - Gravel - 183 Weary Mustard - 138
∟ - Sand - 175 Cold Berry - - 9
∟ - Barbed - 184 Cool Taupe - 336
∟ - Gnarled - 104 Pale Tan - 336
∟ - Verdant - 169 Light Red - 138
∟ - Growth - 225 Cold Tan -
∟ - Ice - 228 White - ∞
∟ - Glacier - 228 White - ∞
∟ - Mould - 104 Pale Tan - 336
∟ - Sponge - 175 Cold Berry - ∞
∟ - Tangle - 185 Stark Mustard - 138
∟ - Thorns - 81 Warm Orange - 336
∟ - Cloneflower - 152 Stark Turquoise - 138
∟ - Gladeflower - 152 Stark Turquoise - 336
∟ - Ghostflower - 185 Stark Mustard - 138
∟ - Spineflower - 215 Light Viridian - 336
∟ - Desert Sword - 229 Cool Azure - 41
∟ - Oortian’s Staff - 160 Cool Blue - 41
∟ - Rosetta Nox - 190 Stark Yellow - 138
∟ - Spineback Plant - 152 Stark Turquoise - 41
∟ - Stardrop Plant - 175 Cold Berry - 138
∟ - Traveller’s Perch - 185 Stark Mustard - 336
∟ - Trumpet Root - 137 Stark Orange - 336
∟ - Twisted Aloba - 173 Bright Fuchsia - 138
∟ - Branch Funnel - 84 Stale Tan - 138
∟ - Clustered Tongues - 105 Light Mustard - 336
∟ - Glow Cap - 137 Stark Orange - 138
∟ - Mottled Tar Spot - 105 Light Mustard - 138
∟ - Tinted-Burst - 137 Stark Orange - 336
∟ - Weeping Waxcap - 107 Light Yellow - 138
Resources Tab
I’ll make this a wiki like last time I did one of these in case any want to edit the other info into it - but figured I’d start a thread so everybody knows it is there, and in case another doesn’t get started.
Warp from Kol Huroo. Cold tan gleam. I’m going to try to map this one but will likely wait until on PS4 later, too many interruptions right now so jumping on and off, but maybe get a few mines up before too long!
Took a shot of @MrAndo there after running a taxi!