Added the basic exoworld post info to your original post.
Thank you so much for this.
Atlases done and up! Mine tokens too. I’m getting better at this, I only died about 10 times this time. Whoever gets to the Tana station first can grab the one I already put Blink in for the same 99c!
@Soju-VB just so you know…your atlases and location tokens are sorely missed. I don’t know how to live without them now that you have me all spoiled. You ARE appreciated and missed.<3 <3
Shoot, I love your tokens too!! Always good to find the lucent and gem hot spots!! You are appreciated and help with the spoiling too!! Lol
Thanks!! I enjoy doing the mines, get a lot of use out of them myself!
Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately still mostly unplayable connections for me so no atlases or tokens in the near future… from me anyway. I will still try to do exo world posts if I can when @Gorillastomp is not available.
Gorillastomp said he’s taking a break for the summer (I believe)
I will try to keep making them then (or editing other starter posts like this time), while he is away.
Added planet image to post
Nar II (T7-Blink Exo) samples and tokens are up in my museum… Location: PS G-TE - Lil Porkchop Block Museum (behind PS Gleam portal)… Note: Gleam (Cold Tan) is a perm planet color so I did not bother with it … Tokens for the following are available: Twist, Lust and Ancient (singles and double), Clay Concrete mats: My fellow concrete makers I have tokens to some Sand and Gravel … enjoy my friends
Man my miner dude has to be the most boring looking toon going round lol. Thanks for the taxi @bucfanpaka I got two runs in before I went to bed at 2am lol. Definitely going back tonight for some of that sweet ashen taupe meta, after work.
Restocked atlases and tokens a little while ago!
Is anyone buying the goo from this world? Just gathered
360 cool taupe
120 cold tan
180 ashen taupe
If anyone wants to hand trade or has a request baskets for them let me know
There are a couple places in DK Mall that buy at between 50-60c and keep baskets pretty full… though I sell mine at 20c to make it accessible, I’ll admit to dumping a bunch in those too for the coin.
I’ll get my baskets filled @ Alder Color Market soon.
… aaaaand filled with 35,000c per. All of these world’s colors are priced at 60c per seed.