Is this where we post our NMS pics?

Thanks so much Creegle! :slight_smile: I felt bad bugging you haha, really! I don’t want to be a pest, so to any of you reading this, if I get too annoying in here, just tell me. :zipper_mouth_face: I get a bit excitable about stuff I love! Got a new batch I was itching to add in though before they got too buried in my feed… a couple pics other than temperate worlds included this time.

There is going to be a games festival in Guildford at the end of the week - including a day for the public to interact with the local teams and try stuff out. I know I read mention of VR too. Wondering if there will be any news or anything then? Argghh, I wish I could go, it just sounds so cool!

nms11 nms12 nms13 nms14 nms15 nms16 nms17 nms18 nms19 nms20

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Wow. I really do want to pal around with you on NMS!

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Are you only on PC? Eventually, and I’m hoping sooner rather than later, I need to upgrade mine, and when I do, since I want to be able to play Boundless on PC also, I’ll make sure too I get something that can run NMS. :smiley: I’m thinking I’m going to go ahead and redownload on the PS4 really soon now too.

No new screenshots yet (maybe play some tonight) but did want to share this article with fellow fans, this is really good-

On the whole situation with the NMS turnaround and how games are now evolving so much after release. Also, sounds like we’ll be getting more info soon by this - wonder what the next big project is?

Though on the hype and the turnaround, not to brag on us too much (ok, I’m bragging), but in the end, though I hate that they went through such torment, perhaps it was a good thing that it went that way, as it drew the core base of us in early. Like he says, it is niche, but then, there are millions and millions of gamers, so any niche is going to be sizable if you get it in front of a lot of us. I believe in addition to all the wonderful additions and changes in the game itself, it was also partly the strength of the core of us who loved it that helped allow the community to evolve past the initial chaos and become what you see above, doing things like that billboard and charity. We outlasted the haters, and we seized control of the tone of the community. It is obvious when reading the difference in the comments within the community compared to ones on the outside articles about that. Oh, the haters are still around for sure, but if they stick their noses where I can spot them, I quickly shut them down with earlier aforementioned dumb meme- :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I’ve got to say, while Reddit is always pointed to as the center of the community, I think the true heart of it is within the interaction of the fans on Twitter and other places. The NMS Reddit has obviously been huge for the game, but it is just so chaotic and unpredictable, as I mentioned earlier.

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Ok, just a couple worth sharing from last night - cutest mini-diplo I’ve seen! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Unfortunately the planet was an always rainy one… though, in fairness, I haven’t hit too many of those lately, so I suppose I was overdue. In Boundless, when it starts raining, NMS’ “Weather Warning: Incoming Storm” blurb sometimes plays in my head. :wink:

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What a nice hairless floof. I hope you took him home.

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Ah, what I wouldn’t give to be able to keep a zoo in NMS! :heart_eyes: Like, teleport any creature to an enclosure you build on your freighter or base. That would be epic… if a little mean to the poor pixel creatures!

I’m going to try to backtrack to this one later… I left it, but after posting the first pic on Reddit people are actually interested in the planet. I didn’t think they would be because of the rain, but some like that I guess, so I’ll see if I can grab the coords.

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I remember in flight of the navigator that there were foreign species housed on the ship. I hope we can do that in NMS one day.

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Weekend insomnia hits again… a few hours sleep, then back to NMS and Boundless. :sweat_smile:

I had gone back to that rainy diplo world to get the coordinates for Reddit, so a couple more shots of that… but what was neat was, first planet I hit after leaving that again, I find MORE mini-diplos! :smiley: I’ve only ever found a few of the big ones and a dozen or so of the little ones in all my hundreds of hours of playing, if I had to guess.

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Might be last photo dump for a couple weeks, unless I find something really good next couple days. I’ve got to go play Bail the Boat and Swat the Skeeter for a bit. :wink: These two planets are in the same system, the first simply a beautiful world, the second having a really cool megafauna - I took a shot of me next to it and the details to show the size. I love the notes on the fauna. Like with the Blobs - the happy looking cheerful blobs bouncing everywhere - twice now I’ve seen the notes for them say “Evil.” :joy:

nms21 nms22 nms23 nms24 nms25 nms26 nms27 nms28 nms29

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Wow. You find the best planets. I really appreciate these photo posts.

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Thanks, and appreciate you all here being my audience, as I love spamming screenshots! :wink: Haha, even the forum software has had enough of me and is hinting I shut up and stop dominating the conversation. :sweat_smile:

I’ve got to add, I even have a couple of NMS shirts. :smiley: I want to get more, in fact. My only regret is that I went with a third party vendor, Redbubble, so I wasn’t supporting HG except for the advertising if you count that. They’re packed for the trip, I always take them with me when I travel, hoping maybe I’ll get a comment sometime. I would love nothing more than a Boundless shirt (or two) as well!

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Now that I’ve got my family obligations out of the way, back to your regularly scheduled bombardment of NMS screenshots… :stuck_out_tongue: I made the poor folks on my Twitter who mostly just want to see screenshots see all my random vacation pics so count yourselves lucky here you escaped all that. :wink:

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Beautiful as always. You raise the bar so high. I will have to do some fresh exploring and take some pics I am proud of to share them here. I am glad you got to enjoy a wonderful vacation. I’d love to see some photos, I love traveling and exploration. Maybe in discord or on another off topic.

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Thanks, can’t wait to see more of your screenshots!! :slight_smile:

One reason I’m wanting to upgrade my PC and start playing Boundless on it as well is so I can do better with the screenshots with it. I really love virtual photography, and as I mentioned, the community online is really great. :smiley: Some wonderful folks, and always cool scrolling through my Twitter feed and seeing everything. Extremely talented folks out there, particularly in the NMS community.

On the vacation pics, click on my profile, got a link to the account on there - but just to warn ya, you will be doing a lot of scrolling, lol. :rofl: Most of the time though it is mostly gaming stuff. For a long time I never even put anything personal on there but the NMS community is just so great and started making pals and enjoying getting to know folks. :slight_smile:

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Intergalactic Insomniac here… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: This will be mostly a Boundless Binge weekend, but figured I’d jump on and get some shots of this pretty world I recently found.

Hopefully we’ll have more company in here soon, several of my NMS followers have picked up Boundless. :smiley:

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super legit shots right there. I have gotta log back into NMS and check on things soon! I am about to be gone for a week so won’t be able to do it this next week.

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Thanks, and safe travels! :slight_smile: One more batch, did a little more NMS here while waiting for an OTC sleeping pill to kick in… which it didn’t. :rofl: Maybe I can still grab a few hours… then be up and playing games again wide awake at 2 or 3 am! Still got a lot of exo exploring to do! :wink:

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Wow, awesome pictures!!! You really do not want me to dump all my NMS pics in here, my PS4 is complaining often about having a full hdd all because I have like 300GB of screenshots and videos saved (most from NMS and Boundless, lol!)

But have to say many of these shots look way better than I can remember… Hmmmm


Thanks!! :smiley: Please share yours too, would love to see them! As I told C0ND1T10NR3D earlier, a thread like this is a good place to sort of store the best ones. I post mine to Twitter but everything there gets buried quickly. This serves as a good record where I can keep better track of them.

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Okay, my serve.

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