It's beginning to look a lot like Oortmas... 2020 event starts next week!

… And REALLY love this!! :heart_eyes: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: (Always had a big thing for snowflakes!)


I’m surprised it isn’t just a white overlay! (I kid.) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :snowflake:


For the first night of oortmas my true love gave to me

The option to remove (or reduce) snow effects


Without having to equip something to do so :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah, I agree haha

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So there is definitely a way to get the weather buff of your choice stuck on permanently. Also, is it wrong to like, not report a bug you found? :joy:

ps. This is already a Support issue with the entire procedure on how to recreate.



You mean other than PC master race?

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I’ve had a few messages to me privately about this so wanted to confirm on the main post!

Oortmas will also take place on Tier 1 & 2 Sovereign Worlds :grin:

(@bucfanpaka I believe you had a special interest in this :wink:)


Yaayyy!! Thank you!! :grin: :star_struck:

Got a treat for everybody…! :wink: (Maybe be more than one, let’s see the interest on the first!) Thread incoming shortly…


Special request for double the amount of meteors on Finata please thank you :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Just half the amount on one of those other planets nobody uses :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s awesome. Kids gonna be happy about this!
Happy Oortmas y’all :grin:


Sorry to be a bother - I can’t seem to get them to spawn on my T1 Sovereigns? Been to a number of region centers and both and they aren’t appearing, though got a spawn on Alder very quickly, so working for me on the permanents. Thanks!!


I was able to get one to spawn on Oortmas Land, but I had to walk to a different region from a platform. Not sure why.

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Ok thanks, good to know they’re working there at least! I’ll try walking around a bit. Got one real quick on Raxxa too, and got my first red cane. :grin:

That could be it, on the other T1 too I have, I was warping into centers - so maybe have to enter on foot? :thinking:

Thanks for reporting. Please let me know if you’re still struggling to get them to spawn on the Sovereigns!

Will flag to the team in the meantime :blush:


Actually, I think we’re ok - @Rydralain figured it out, you have to enter on foot to get it to work! :smiley:

… In a way, it is pretty helpful - people won’t set them off just by entering the platforms or opening a portal. Just have to go to one then head towards the nearest. I’ll update the planet thread to show how to get it to work. :slight_smile:

Thanks!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Paka, how many canes per meteor? Is it just one?

Only one on my first one, BUT if like last time they can drop more! :slight_smile:

Now that I know how to get them to spawn, I’ll just be doing laps around my sovereign like a roadrunner to get what I can. :laughing:


Correction - must have misread on the first or something, as I just completed my 2nd, also a lv 1, and see I now have 13 red canes in my inventory. :grin:

Definitely trick with these, if alone, is to go slow on the fighting!