First of all, sorry for my bad English, I never got it and use the Google Translator. I hope you can understand everything and ask you to answer in a very simple English.
Oh well. I would like to introduce my shop here. You will mainly find raw materials here. But most of everything you get when mining. But also other stuff. The shop and everything else is currently more or less a construction site, but is gradually being expanded. Please have a look from time to time, because of the footfall and who knows, maybe you will find that one opder another.
Prices too high? - Sorry, but I think it’s fair, I have to collect all that and eventually live on something. I also need 150,000C - 450,000C per day for tools. You are welcome to negotiate with in the Discord (Junii|Balkinus|Martin#7488), but considering I can not speak English, please express it easily and no foreign words or abbreviations.
You can find me through the Finata Ultima Hub, there you go through the portal to “Bayern” from there through the portal to “Seefeuer” and you since.
Es gibt auch einen Bereich für andere Sprachen, aber ich möchte ja Mass erreichen. Denn wenn ich genug T6 Werkzeuge leisten kann… wird es da sehr sehr viel zu bekommen sein… denn meine bipolare Störung hilft da ungemein, beim Mining
There is also an area for other languages, but I want to reach Mass. Because if I can afford enough T6 tools … it will be very much to get there … because my bipolar disorder helps immensely when mining
Many people are opening shops at the busier Malls. The advantage of this is you don’t have to maintain the portals; you probably get more portals; you get traffic from the mall. The downside is your store could be one of many. Might be worth looking at?
You can do both of course
You could also combine the 2. Have a Mall Shop with a portal to your main shop - if it’s worth the cost.
It’s very hard to get people out to look for standalone shops.
I also noticed that the players are apparently too lazy to look into standalone shops. Then I will probably have to keep looking for request baskets every day for hours, because the provided shops in malls are too small for me or the servers on which the malls are not reachable for me.
I suspect it’s not laziness. They’ve done the time / benefit analysis of hopping through portals looking for stuff that may no longer be there, against going to their favorite store or mall. You, me and everyone always optimize even if we don’t know we’re doing it!
It’s why people started putting in lots of portals to their store, but that was expensive.
It’s why people started putting portals in Ultima HQ and Ultima Mall, but you get lost in the crowd
It’s why people started setting up a small “special” store in malls, but now even they are getting too big
I don’t know what the answer is; I don’t know what the next evolution is.
Nah, not much to buy any more as of an hour or so ago…
You have some nice prices, some okay ones some expensive ones (or not worthwhile to me to spend more than needed).
Bought quite a bit.
Also if you can supply a steady amount of diamonds (and gold, so much gold, or silver, any metal really) we might be able to make a deal of some sort…
And can you collect exotic yams? Shimmering orbs? Beans? Saltpetre?
When I find new AoE tools like hammers and shovels I can pay. Then I am also able to deliver daily gold, silver, diamonds, in masses. The same with Exotic Yams