Just got a T3 Sovereign (Wanna visit?)

What does everyone look for in a Sovereign World?
Do some of you just like having new worlds to explore?
Or is it more specific? I know resources and gems are a big one.
But I just got my first T3 Lush Rugged world.
I was hoping for a great flat type world. Which I thought with my biomes I picked, it would be. But it came out real interesting.
And have quite a bit of water (shallow, most areas) though I picked no rivers. And I only seen a bit of water in one biome picture. :woman_shrugging:
I still have to decide if I will keep it. But it’s kinda growing on me.
But I would love for some to visit to see what they honestly think.
It’s kinda broken up in some areas and even random holes.
Some not deep. But others, a big surprise fall.
Not sure what went wrong.
But I wanted to do a Autumn theme type world and just wanted a fun little world for resource gathering and hunting.
If you’d like to visit to give some much appreciated friendly advice, I would love that! :blush:

To get to my little Hamlet where the portal is located, go to …

GTG Global to Beckon portal

At GTG Beckon take Portal 3

Leads to my home: Lil’ Cozy Dream Hamlet (under construction :construction:)

You will find the portal to Autumn Dream Realm
to the right of leaving the little portal hub. :maple_leaf:
Atlas will be for sale as well.

*Also, I know it’s not Autumn yet… But one can always prepare early, right? :sweat_smile::+1:!
Also need to get my T6 going as well.



I usually make a sovereign for a few different reasons. Sometimes I make a flat one for hunting, or a specific gem type like sapphire, diamond, etc.

Sometimes I just go all crazy and pick some crazy biomes to see what it produces. I also enjoy them so I can pick some crazy wild colors.


Cave choices can play a part in this.

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Personally i picked biomes that i know have trees cause i Love them. My world has close but it was kinda what i expected.
If you know the biomes… You know what you get

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Do you ever think it’s worth it, to go with colors that are randomly generated, for rare? I’m guessing the chances are pretty low?
And I got myself a T6 is still want to open up.
I was going for diamonds. Done pretty good, for myself anyways. Not as good as the experts on here though.
It messed up also, even left a biome out I picked.
But I was amazed at how traversable it came out for a higher tier. I am definitely keeping it, despite the flaw.
And the lower tier was for fun. Specially when I am by myself. I love hunting and gathering resources.
Since I do everything myself, it’s nice to have meteors I can do alone. My fiance plays, once in a while, when I twist his arm. But typically will maybe do a hunt or craft a few items and that’s about it :sweat_smile:.

I really wanna do a crazy wild colors as well. :wink:

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I always select all standard caves and no rivers on any world I have gotten to try so far.
That’s why it didn’t make any sense, why it came out like it did. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t know all the biomes. Just try to go by those horrible small pictures :joy:. Still have much to learn.
But typically can tell when a biome is more flat.
But seems that no matter how, it’s to the fate of how it’s generated.

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checkout @Clexarews great post if you haven’t already, gives a lot more insight into what goes on.


Great! Thanks for that info. I will check that out.:blush::+1:

You can unlock a new color with a T6 IIRC and maybe any sovereign (I am sure someone can correct me) so rare colors are a big deal.

Once the planet is generated, I usually look on Boundless Info (and this is tedious) at every block, plant, etc. to see what other colors other sovereigns do not have and select those. I will say doing that color choice doesn’t usually produce a pretty palette though.

It’s all what is most fun for you.


Thanks for the info. I may just have to try that soon.
It definitely would be interesting to see what palette I would get. And the chance of a rare, would be very nice!

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Unless things have really changed with uhhh, the recent updates, or something., this happens when your world is generated.

It’s original palette will either include a new color, or not.

This will open up the new color (if you get one) for use. IIRC it doesn’t even matter if you ever actually “set” that color once you install a world control.

EDIT: Yes this part is done when the world is originally spawned. I bolded this

For reasons higher level (specifically gem) worlds apparently have broader palette selections. But technically any sov can pull a new color.


Yupp. Doubt things have uhh, really changed…
Since there haven’t been updates, obviously.
As one can easily tell, from daily complaints on the forums. :sweat_smile::+1:

I’ve found and read this before. Only question I ever had, but never asked… (For obvious reasons, since so many I’ve come across act as if I should know everything there is to know about this game since starting…) Is…
Does it still say “Default” or does it actually say “Rare!”
But I just assumed it doesn’t. Because I wasn’t completely sure about that.


I don’t think it tells you.

Just from following forum chatter, There’s not even a way to tell after the fact when the color was drawn, unless you set it on your planet, and it get scanned into boundlexx.

Even then as you can see from the above text, the first planet that used a color isn’t necessarily the planet that drew it first.

So as far as what it shows you, I assume it would list for you as “Default” since it was part of the planet’s default palette.

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Just a scan of anyone’s world contol would trigger the “new color discovered” webhook on Boundlexx.

There is no explicit in-game indication that you have unlocked a new color, but within a short time (less than an hour I think) of a world spawning with a new color, anyone can put it on theirs.

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This has not worked for me in quite some time, which is why i started doing my own checks of new colors every week or two by comparing world control JSONs.

Oh, I thought that got fixed :grimacing:

Thank you for that clarification. I was thinking it was rare to that specific planet. So it’s not technically rare, just the chance of a new color, added to the pool.
In a way, it would of been kinda interesting if it was rare to the planet. Being able to make things and sell resources, that only your planet could provide, would of been fun to do.
I would of thought it would help the economy even more. Though, ofc, one would have to want to do all that, I suppose.
So I can see why, it may not of worked out in the end.
Which would of been bad for others who would want the color, if things weren’t actively sold.

If any of these are your default colors for these 5 items, then there is a decent chance it unlocked on your roll since these are new unlocks within the last 2 weeks. If none of them are, then likely you did not get any new colors on your roll (which is quite common now).

Item Color
FLORA_FLOWER_4 Bright Cerulean
PLANT_LOTUS Light Fuchsia
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Yes, but also no. You can still hear occasional complaints about some monopolies before the game was even “released”.

Trolls that use it and try to crank up the price on it.
Trolls that refuse to use it and “deprive the community” of it.

After many many arguments discussions here on the forums, it’s best to just enable it for everyone as soon as it’s “discovered”.

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