This post was originally here but I think the numerous pictures may have hit a hidden data limit b/c it won’t let me add any more to that original post.
Doing this b/c I’m bored and because I said I potentially would.
A couple of notes here. I’m using the same palette for all of these (or trying to). Also the default heightmap and generator seem to be set such that all of these biomes include a river. I don’t think that will actually happen if we use these biomes in game but it’s something to call out at least. Finally, there are some biomes that are not categorized in tiers. I’m not going to show these right now.
Tier 1
Bamboo Forest
Carved Path
Coniferous Forest
Crop Circles
Curley Desert
Dead Coniferous Forest
Deep Sea
Farm Fields
Flower Field
Forest Ponds
Fun Mountain
Garden Lawn
Golf Course
Grassy Dunes
Grid Platforms
Low Mountains
Mass Rivers
Mud Flats
Pleasant Swamp
Praire (yes, misspelled but this is the name of the file)
Rock Pond
Rolling Hills
Small Lakes
Sunflower Field
Temperate Forest
Tiny Triangles
Tier 2
Algae Lake
Basket Trees
Cold Desert
Crater Field
Dry River
Flat Desert
Flower Field 2
Hand Ocean
Ice Forest
Ice Hex Mountain
Ice Ridge
Icy Pools
Jungle Canopy
Jungle Gleam
Natural Wells
Palm Desert
Peat Swamp
Pleasant Forest
Rice Fields
Rock Blades
Rock Desert
Salt Flat
Sand Dunes
Semi Arid
Shallow Sea
Shattered Desert
Snowy Hills
Spiral Tree Plain
Strata Slice
Tiered Lake
Tundra Forest
Twisted Forest
Upside Down (no, not the Stranger Things one

Water Forest
Tier 3
Ancient Cliffs
Ancient Structures
Anti-grav Forest
Carved Desert
Chocolate Hills
Cliff Islands
Desert Cliffs
Elephant Graveyard
Gleam Lake
Hazzard Sea
Heart Field
Ice Crack
Ice Gleam
Ice Lake
Ice Spike Hills
Layered Mushroom Swamp
Layer Hills
Moat Mounds
No Mans Land (not sky)
Old Villages
Open Mines
Pancake Mountain

Poison Forest Plateau
Rainbow Hills
Redwood Forest
Ring Islands
Rocky Desert
Round Floating Islands
Sawtooth Mountain
Scenic Mountains
Sheltered Lakes
Spike Mountains
Sponge Sawmp Forest (misspelling is the file name, not me)
Tier 3 (Including this one because it’s in the list but I think it’s a misnamed copy of Sawtooth Mountain)
Tier Mountains
Tier Swamp Forest
Toxic Wasteland
Water Swamp
Tier 4
Ancient Temples
Boreal Mountain
Castle Mountains
Colorful Mountain
Cube Hills
Desert Canyon
Desert Pools
Floating Mountain
Fooks World
Gleam Ice Forest
Hex Columns
Ice Levels
Jungle Cliffs
Lake Hills
Large Meteor Strike
Lush Cliffs
Man Made Islands
So…this one looks weird and I think it’s my fault. I think this is one of the files I opened when I first started messing with World Builder and I may have overwritten the old file with this mess. Apologies b/c I’m sure this is a cool biome.
Raised Plateau
Raised Rivers
Regular Pools
Shelf Cliffs
Sink Holes
Small Volcanoes
Snake Islands
Snowy Redwoods
Sunken Canyon
Supported Hills (ok I love these

Thorny Forest
Twined Hills
Water Grid 2
Tier 5
Alien Invasion
Bushy Hills
Castles (@Oortian, not exactly what you were looking for but on the right track I think!)
Clam Ocean
Desert Overhangs
Desert Spires
Dome Field
Flat Top (anyone else getting Thunderbluff vibes?)
Flying Foliage
Forest Cliffs
Giant Rock Outcrop
Gleam Cavern
Ice Spikes
Island Trees (if you look at the bottom, looks like the trees have rocks in the middle)
Kong Island
Lantern Field
Lava Field
Maze 2 (Hey look, one I didn’t mess up!)
Mountain Roads
Mushroom Forest
Overhang Cliffs
Pillar Forest
Sea Trench
Smooth Caves
Stone Pillars
Stone Walls
Sunken Forest
Tiered Rock Outcrops
Volcanoes (changed the liquid to lava just for this one

Wall Caves
Water Entrances
Tier 6
Ancient Inselberg
Ancient Village
Angular Mountains
Bridge Islands
Circle Islands
Cliff Islands
Corrupt Trees
Cube Field
Dagger Mountain
Dark Field
Floating Chaos
Floating Island Paradise
Giant Chasm
Giant Slice
Gleam Encrusted Plain
Gleam Spiral
Grand Gorge (wow, I want this one)
Light Mushrooms
Mouldy Sea
Mount Doom (there’s a little Boundless altar at the bottom of some of these but not all of them!)
Palace Mountain (one of my absolute favorites)
Piller Field (misspelling is in file name)
Piller Islands (misspelling is in file name)
Pitfall Field
Poison Cliffs
Ribbon Mountain
Sliced Mountain
Stunted Ice
Supports (where my fellow OW support mains at??)
Tiny Islands
Torn Canyon
Wave Wall
Tier 7
Angled Spikes
Bubble Mushroom Mountain
Crazy Circles
Crystal Mountain
Cube Sample
Filled Valley
Floating Shrapnel
Floating Structures
Gleam Rain
Growth Field
Ice Walkway
Jungle Twist
Olympus (note that this is very very near the top of the world)
Reverse Hanoi
River Mountains
Seaweed Mountains
Sky Pattern
Sliced Islands
Spiral Forest
Square Caves
Standing River
Stone ■■■■■
Sword Field
Tentacle Outcrop
Warped Mountains
Water Grid
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