Known/Active Issues List

It’s been a bit challenging to keep on top of all the known issues that people have been reporting and feeling significant pain from, along with their statuses. So! I’d like to make an attempt at a community-driven list of known issues, and see how it goes.

Please feel free to edit this wiki post and help keep things up to date. Some notes:

  • Please link to dev posts and relevant threads where possible!
  • Don’t bother listing issues that have a “thanks! we’re adding it to our bug database” response.
    We don’t want to duplicate their entire bug database here.

Recently Resolved

Issues that have been resolved the latest release, or via hotfixes

  • Master tier backers receiving Chieftain tier perks (post)

Resolved In Upcoming Release

Issues that the devs have addressed internally, and are being tested with the intention of including them in an upcoming release.

  • Fists aren’t receiving grapple mastery damage bonuses (post)
  • Worlds tab constantly flickers/refreshes (post)

Under Development

Issues that the devs are currently working on.

  • Chieftain and Oortian tier backers received higher tier perks than they should have (post)
  • AOE spanners don’t affect adjacent machines (post)

Needs More Information

Issues that the devs haven’t gotten to bottom of, and would like more information on.

  • Lag, rubber banding, and disconnections (post)
  • Shop stands might be incorrectly collecting or displaying coin in some situations (post)
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Is this just for things the devs have acknowledged? There is also an issue where you can forge aoe onto fists and it applies the negative damage buff but not the aoe effect. I also think the magnetic boon doesn’t work, but I’d have to test that again.

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Those seem like good ones to add to the list!

I think we mainly want to avoid the list being cluttered with minor issues that aren’t likely to be fixed any time soon

The ‘stuck mouse button’ issue. 100% reproducable when you shift-click an item into your hands and immediately exit your menu.

Somewhat less reproducable in a ton of other cases.