Let’s speculate: Ross said they’re adding something that’s been requested for a long time

I’m hoping it’s “I’m” right now, and it’s just design phase now, but when it gets to implementation he’ll have more resources? hoping?


You are completely wrong Vex.
They are probability calculations for the Boundless lotto numbers.
Ross tries to find out from this sheet how long it will take before the first T8 planet (complete with Hunters) reaches our :boundless: Universe :thinking:

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What if Ross found a way to duplicate himself and there are actually hundreds of Ross working on next update?


Clothing from the video?


He could be implementing something if the other assets have already been completed for it. I have a hard time seeing an armor, shield or weapon update without a skill revamp. I won’t be playing again until I get a few IRL achievements done, but will be tracking the next few content drops.


Chisel and bits: Boundless Edition?

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I’m gonna pick the low hanging fruit here and say they’re adding spreadsheets to signs :nerd_face:


New guild hub? :unicorn:


Ooooh that would solve so much.

Update will drop when corona is cured
See y’all in 2027

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Well that settles it! It has to be ladders!..

Wait, no? :thinking:


Let’s think here for a moment.
Ladders made of wood, stone, copper, iron, silver, gold, titanium, all gems, lucents, glass, gleam, wicker.
Each material in basic, stylish and ornate variants.

Yeah. Defo decent size of update.
Throw in pants so climbing ladders doesn’t end in all of us flashing our privates…

Ladders and pants confirmed!


I’m all about those updiaper shots

Edit: apparently trickyy is too
Hot :wink:


Maybe add that to the boundless Multiverse post directly in the lead in… because a lot of grumpy readers if that “was” the next major update… add the FYI into one :-p sure it is deep down into the forum thread, but mix together… because must admit there was some severe grumpy facepalm involved if the multiverse was the only part of the next update.

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I really think they need a community manager to help them with optics things like this. They should have someone they can go to and say “Hey, here is our private roadmap and where we are, help us communicate this part and that part”


yeah, they do seem to have a flair for loading 2 shots into the shotgun, letting the first round go off into the foot… then wait a bit for the bleed to start, then handle the right food… before the full medkit comes out later.

Edit: Instead of stating the next major update being X… sure you can only reveal the X… but maybe phrase it "as PART of the next major update is… " since it is actually X/Y/Z update not only the X.
A lot of the player base has invested 4 digit amounts of hours… if not 5 digits for some since the start, and the ravanous hunger for content … specially that hunter etc… and with the erh sorry to say lack of completion of a vanished roadmap then only mentioning the update is X and not containing the Y&Z is going to bite. Is like the Lootboxes… which isn’t actually a lootbox… since we know what is in it, but the visual of it… is more than enough to enrage and turn future players off from playing boundless. (Which I am still tired of trying to explain to new players…)


I am stuck in those xD. Haaalp Peyago!

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Wait, do I have to achieve things irl?