Let's brainstorm functional furniture!

So one thing that always annoyed me in minecraft, and now here, is there isn’t really functional furniture. People make some neat chairs, tables, beds, etc., but they don’t do anything. It defeats the point of making an inn and other non-functional items. So lets brainstorm what could be done!

  1. Chairs - By sitting for five minutes, gain max energy buff for one hour. Each person sitting in a chair within certain distance adds 100 max energy to a cap of 1000 bonus energy.
  2. Tables - Eating near a table raises the duration of food/brew buffs by 2x. Better tables increase buffs by another multiple.
  3. Beds - Resting for five minutes gives a 10% bonus to xp for one hour. Better beds increase duration or bonus.

So let’s hear those ideas.


Beds: return to sanctum immediately (no timeout) if you lie in one.


That is really good, and not game breaking. And you only can place them in beacons etc… To circumvent abuses :slight_smile:

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I like these ideas but I think for them to be implemented they either need to be nerfed a little or be difficult to craft. For instance chairs can give bonus max energy after sitting in them, but cap at 400 or 500. 1000 is roughly double the base max energy.
Tables - I really like the idea of lengthening food buffs, however double seems excessive. Maybe 10/20/30% depending on tier of table.
Beds - I like the idea of experience bonuses for resting. Many other games implement something similar, and it would help quell the people unhappy about the death penalty.

Or like @sztosz said, only be able to place them in beacons. But all good ideas!

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  • Baths: relaxing slowly removes the death penalty

I really like these ideas! I do also agree with Jake that they should be at at least level 3 crafting.

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Altar - interacting with it or spending a minute in its range would work like drinking revive brew. So you go on hunting right after and in case of defeat you can revive yourself. Time of the buff depending on altar level.

Also imagined resting areas for players with coin locks to access them. Would allow to create hotel/motel/hostel builds on dangerous planets for all the explorers hunters etc. And another way of earning coins.

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Toilet - after using you are slightly lighter and movement speed is raised for a brief period. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Drawing trable: opens up unlimited blocks of each type currently in your inventory and the ability to make a temporary build on your plots, save as a schematic when you’re done removing any placed blocks and putting a recipe in your inventory for amount of blocks used in your “drawing” for each type , as well as the outlining for the build on your plot.
(edit: a bit much to ask, it’s just an idea though , for the far future maybe :stuck_out_tongue: ? )

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Bookshelf, with different books related to lumberjacking, cooking, mining etc.
Can only gain a buff from one, lasts an hour and using chopping wood for example>Raises damage done by 10%, or crit chance or…something


Fridge, store food

phonograph-plays music/ make 8 bit music

picture frame. make itty bitty pixel art on them and can be used to make slide show

lights- makes areas lighter

de-atomizer, destroy unwanted items


omg yes, I miss the lava-trashcans from minecraft ^^

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Stove - cooked food will have 10% longer buff after heat up


Fireplace block - block with fire which can cook some basic food like cooked meet using fuel.
Because it could be 1 block only, should have no more than level 1 cooking recipes from furnace.


and maybe make the hot-stone food slightly less effective (less energy restored) - could be a quick fix out in the wild when you run out of cooked food but have a lot raw stuff gathered; I imagine this hot stone is hand crafted and easy to make like the campfire;

it could have limited durability and you wouldnt be able to fix it (so, lets say 20, maybe 30 rounds of cooking for your raw meat or yams)

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I like that idea, it would be a good choice for beginners to get food before moving to furnaces.

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Hospital bed - when died inside beacon you wake in hospital bed without death penalty.


I like that too but maybe just make that the bonus for any bed.

I think that there should be better functionality behind our workbenches. The machines as they are have lots of nifty contraptions in their four block space. It would be nice if I could use them, or even re-purpose them. Like… use the buzz saw on the workbench to cut down trees.

Use the trapdoors to make Dwarf Fortress style atom smashers? All we’d need is a pressure plate or lever to remotely operate it…