Let's Talk About Forge Baby, Let's Talk About RNG

I don’t know if this has ever been brought up before but is there a way for the Boundless Universal Trade Tracker to list forged gear with buffs, quirks, ect? The best I can come up with is the higher priced items are usually forged.
But to stick to the topic I really don’t like forging. Last time I tried it I was actually getting worse at it. :confused:

Not as of yet. It is not exposed in the API according to Mayu… but I think it is something the devs have said they might look into in the future (but I might be remembering wrong).


slaps forehead

That’s the BUTT everyone keeps talking about…


Part of the forging pains would be alleviated if certain tools had inherently applied boons, for example diamond tools having damage boon applied in rank 5 for example, ruby tools already having cross aoe, topaz tools having lightness boon applied and so on. Forging those types of tools would be a matter of simply enhancing already present boons and would decrease a chance to get a boon you dont want in the other two slots since there is only two now that you have to worry about.

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As a preface, I have not read every post in this topic. Sorry if someone already posted something similiar.

All the ideas I have to make forging more available early game and to balance it for late game get halted by the lack of balance in risk vs reward across planet teirs and having an open economy. Around level 25 or so a character can easily move to a t6 to mine and gather. Unless there is something specific they are going for that is more available on a low tier world, its not beneficial to waste time in the mid zones.

Since this is quickly moving off topic and to prevent a book being typed on my phone, let me just say that I think a balance pass would be needed, along with a new distribution of resources, to create a tiered forging system that would allow new players to jump into forging without destroying it for the end game players.

It could even be that certain boons are maxed at different levels using different ingredients. Like a boon 1 can only get to lvl 4 damage, while a 2 can get to lvl 7. The boon 1 is made with items from t1, 2 and 3 worlds, while boon 2 is made from items on t3, 4 and 5.

Edit: to add, this would need a weapon pass to allow max forging in a tier range to be able to 1 shot on that range effectively to prevent the top teir items from making them obsolete for grinding that tier.


Wouldn’t that make it so boon 1 is only used as a stepping stone and all end-game forgers would only want boon 2/3 or whatever is the “best”?

I’ve forged, a lot, the reason I stopped was that the economy was too slow for my liking. I couldn’t source materials fast enough, buying bulk (20k+) gems usually takes a week, sometimes a month and I could burn through them in a couple days. On top of that you need a crapton of other materials, in the end I was waiting for the markets more often than actually forging.

I know I could’ve just forged less and it was a chore forging that much, but I liked it, mainly because it brought in so much money that nothing else can compare.

Another smaller problem is that I’d have to increase prices when the ingredient prices go up, customers would complain or just stop buying, slowing down the business even more.

The forge itself is fine imo, the only weird part is the effectiveness curve being pretty much neglible until lucent tools, and then it makes such a big jump that the prices are astronomical and can’t compare to gem tools.


The issue here is that we can’t look just at the forge itself, the forge is part of multiple other things that as a whole are not working great :frowning:

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Like the economy part I mentioned? :smiley: I haven’t read all the posts in the thread, what’s the rundown on the other things?

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I do a ton of farming on low levels for certain blocks. To make a tiered forge system work, it would have to be more cost effective (read less time consuming) to make one shot aoe items for a certain tier compared to the next one up. For example, making a 500c iron hammer that one shots t2 at max forge compared to a 2500c titanium hammer max forge to one shot on a t4 and a 6000c gem hammer on a t6. Currently to max forge them all requires the same basic items.

To answer the question, it would make it wasteful in time and money to just buy end tier items for every use.


Nothing in that game works great that depends on hunting. Unfortunately we still haven’t gotten alternative sources for hunt drops nor improvements for hunting to attract more player.

I don’t mind forging. Actually do quite a bit of it most days. I can’t sell to others though, cause I can’t bother to gather all the resources, forge, then sell cheap. It’s a personal problem.

not enough forgers?
not enough tools?

i dont think so…

got more than 500 aoe hammers 4 sale…9-13k

ive got forging stuff to forge a few thousand…

dont know what you talking about… :slight_smile:


Yeah im good i dont like gambling, the centraforge is basically a loot box with extra steps.

You are just rolling dice to maybe get what you want. Honestly its stupid, ill let some one else pull their hair out and just pay them. If it gets to where I cant find or cant afford AoE tools ill just stop playing :stuck_out_tongue:


I feel like forging, when compared to every single other mechanic in the game, is a huge outlier in terms of complexity and expense. This problem is only exasperated by the fact that it can 100% be bypassed by simply tossing coin at a shop stand.

Its further encumbered by the fact that it requires a huge skill point investment to optimize, 32-35 points, not including atmosphere protection or movement speed. Add in the skills to craft raw tools and equipment and that quickly reaches over 60+ skill points! When this skill page is set, don’t plan on leaving your base to do much else for a while!

The last nail in forging’s coffin is that mistakes can be costly, and you have a feature that few are able or willing to invest the time and money into mastering.

Bring the complexity more in-line with other systems, and reduce the skill point investment required to optimize forging and i guarantee you will see more people dabble with it on their own.


I usually use always pure boon3… It would make sense it would scale with the character too… Although trophy s are alrdy on higher tiers i like the ide Peyago presented

I might have to take you up on that offer once crunch time For my work season slows down a bit. Thank you!!!

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Once upon a time, people cracked the code and learned how to forge exactly wanted every time. This angered the Gods, and the forge was nerfed. Quirks were somehow the selling point for this nerf… something along the lines of you can still forge what you want but your results will have diseases =(

I thought what people called the nerf was no more then a fix to a broken system. From what I remember pure boon 1,2,3 used to give vigor back when using vigor cat. Which wasn’t an intended function.

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Yeah, I think you’re right but my friends were under the impression that this was some sort of intentional mysterious “forge magic” :joy:

Either way, nobody cheers when they fail a batch.

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