So, when I started out, and when I don’t have any good ideas, I just to floaty gleam lantern crystals regularly. For anyone who doesn’t know, you use a chisel forged with lattice and then bevel all six sides off.
I used the same crystals and a noise generator to get this starry ceiling
Last one of the simple crystals, I’m embedding them in the crook of some twisty trees I’m building with.
That matches the same theme as this:
The next one is this neon style workshop lighting. I’ve seen similar for grow lamps above inorganic crops as well. These are lattice chiseled as well, but leaving two sides up. The metal ballasts are latticed twice and then square chiseled. The lights are latticed three times and bevel chiseled.
Similar neon lighting, but vertical.
Glowy and industrial
It’s an uncommon need, but if you are doing signs, obvious lighting isn’t bad, so I did more of the crystals here. You can also see some tiny floaty ceiling crystals around. In this building, those are usually not noticeable because of weather.
I’d get a shot with weather, but it’s not cooperating with me.
In my basement, I use these stalactite lights. Lattice chiseled igneous brick in decreasing size and then gleam lanterns.
Machines got in the way so this got weird, don’t do it. Plan ahead better!
These top level spikes like this work unexpectedly well. Because your character’s ‘eyes adjust’ to what you are looking at, the spikes up high like this don’t affect your brightness like something more in view would. I’m using white gleam lanterns here so that you can properly see the colors involved.
This is what you get when you are actually looking at the storage.
Weird chest level light spikes for the opposite of what I just described.
I think that’s all the different lighting stuff I’ve tried. If you want to see in-game, most of this is at Serenity Lodge via TNT Raxxa.