List of Suggestions, Quality of Life Part 1

I think this could potentially break some planned game play, especially if the weather is not visible in any way…

It’s in the pipeline…

Sorry - didn’t mean for my post to just focus on what could be just seen as negatives (I was limited on time)!

Ok … on a more positive note…

Definitely agree on this … they should be organisable how you want (possibly with a bunch of preset auto-tidy rules… like - By Planet / By System (Region) / Alphabetical etc.

I honestly don’t mind this the way it is… a bit of ‘chance’ involved in this would more likely mean people would clear the whole tree, instead of just ‘cherry picking’ (pun intended :stuck_out_tongue: ).

This makes a lot of sense - I tend to mass craft about 3 full stacks of tools at a time, and the extra ones always stack up into a mini stack, but they take out space in the output queue.

This would be cool! I don’t think it would need a brand new block model either… @james could this be implemented via a decal over the block type in question?

Definitely!! Actual ornamental wood carvings would be cool too :smiley:

Not sure if this is on purpose or not, but most feedback I’ve seen (and for which I agree) is that it doesn’t make sense. I think shovel is just the ‘default’ tool for mining things, so this may be changed later.

I would be against this … If I had set my home location to the first planet I started on … and had built a significant base … and then decided to move to a new planet to be with friends, new guild or just because I wanted a change, then this would be wasted completely. I think it needs to remain versatile so that players can set it as they see fit. Maybe just needs more visual identification as to when you have changed (or originally set) your home location. I think it should still cost money though.