Maybe I'm Overthinking but

yes, yes!
one of the many details that can be easily missed
crawl prevents sliding off slopes and falling over edges

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The forging part of the tutorial needs to be written; at some point there’s a healing boon exercise with no teaching whatsoever about what different potions have tendancies to do, or how “winging it” one is when forging.

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yeah, forging of course - another of the complex systems (I bet, even if part of tutorial, it would give you a headache to understand it all lol)
complex systems (farming, forging) could definitely use official videos that tutorial links to (no in-game tutorial*** can explain those systems without being too complex, tiring, confusing and making players want to skip it most likely)

*** I mean, ideal in-game tutorial (I suppose) should be something that:

  1. is part of game-play,
  2. doesn’t take too much time,
  3. doesn’t make you want to SKIP,
  4. allows you to understand things easy
  5. lets you apply newly learnt parts right away.

Complex in-game systems can’t really be introduced sufficiently in such format. Better to be told that something exists, explain basic ide and then give you link to external sources where you can learn more,

My experience is that I don’t read the tips. Skipped over any tutorials.
I have level 50 characters that I just realised have quests such as aquire sticks and make a wooden tool lol.

I recently had a friend try the game for three hours. Their complaint was the world looks ugly and too blocky in the distance and quit. Which I thought was a tad harsh given they didn’t want to explore and see other biomes. But It’s all relative feedback I guess.


The tutorial needs to have some thought put into some of it. A lot of the early objectives combine stuff from multiple levels of planet but don’t tell you that. The mushroom one has mushrooms on it you cannot find on a T1 planet. A brand new player is not going to know that. There is also one for gathering a bunch of different colors of rock, I forget how many exactly, but it is more than you can find on a single planet. Brand new players need to spend at least a couple hours on the initial T1 planet, not go running off to T2 and T3 before they are ready. Just little things like tweaking that would help IMO.

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That’s a big problem - I met new players running into my base on T3 because they were curious, got attacked by a cuttle and died in front of me sometime (I saved a few killing creatures on time).

So tutorial surely could be moved to sanctum or special tutorial world that you can leave only after completing basic lessons.

It can help to curb curiosity to explore everything around before learning things, meaning safety from strong creatures, deadly atmospheres or meteorites. If you don’t have much more to do and see than what tutorial is trying to show, you will not be able to skip it and miss on learning.


playing PC and having powerful enough machine to improve details at distance (if you know about the trick at all), helps a lot; but if you can’t access the full beauty of the game, it can look underwhelming;


I’m running max everything please tell what the “trick is” but yes he was likely on lower graphics.

What I think boundless could do a lot better. Is:
A tutorial world. Pre made. It needs to be epic, beautiful. Grand and a pleasant experience to be in as a new player.
And like any good game, give them a glimpse of how it could be for them at end game. The building. Powerful stats. Epic hunts and monster battles.

Something that shows them, this is all available. But you start here peasant. At 0 run speed with a wooden tool in your hand. Go get out there mighty warrior, builder, adventurer… and then their journey begins.

They also could use a lot more questing and achievement based progression for those people who thrive on that sort of thing. Not me, I’m an open world go get out there and ignore your guides type of guy with independent research. lol.


Continuing the discussion from Post Your Screenshots!:

there was another post somewhere showing the path better;

ok, I got this from my computer - took me a while to find it; so you are looking for gameoptions file in:
you change the lodSettingsIndex value to whatever you want (I use 24; apparently anything higher is hard to appreciate and will only be a burden for your PC - diminishing return basically)

xxxx in the path are folders that have a number as their name and the numbers are specific to you; the second of them number folders is the game folder; if you are unsure which of the game folders is Boundless , you can always go to steam to open local game folder for Boundless and you will see it then


Understandable. Only Playstation players and those that saw videos of Playstation players will understand that. I have the immediate comparison everyday. Since our screens are next to each other. The graphic would be a good reason to let go the playstation account and switch to pc if one can.

However, when it comes to NPE they can definitely improve a lot. Theres a good amount of things that people taught me that i would have not known otherwise for a good amount of time. I consider though my NPE as good. But wouldnt have been the same if not for the friends we made back then that helped a lot and also the malls that existed. The playerbase is just a very important aspect of the game and even if they will work on the NPE at some point, nothing is as precious as the community itself. There are few people here on the forum that stated in the past they want to play completely solo and those that are bugged by neighbors. But in the end, they reached out to the community for help and advice. And they did here and there some trades to get further in game. Boundless is simply not a single player game. Theres also so much to do, that playing together in one way or another is simply beneficial, even if its just product trading.


Boundless is a community driven game, but if theres no community theres no game.

Let that sink in.



I can use a new sink :smile:


On that matter, just this week, someone asked me why all the clashing bubble gum colors. I never thought of that, I kind of like it, but I am sure that is hard for some people to look at.

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I definitely prefer the more natural colors to the bubblegum. There are more natural planets, but you end up on your first world randomly.


Not really randomly. If you want a friendly Europe world its always Dzassak. Or Lasaina for Australia. Or Angel I for US WEST. Or Beckon for US East. I dont know the beginner dangerous worlds. One was eresho i think :thinking:

Its not always the same planet by region. I have had alts start on Angel, Beckon and Trior before. I don’t know how the algorithm picks exactly, but the starting planet varies.


it does indeed, as long as there are a few available

first it depends on whether you picked to start on T1 or T2 world - then the region you picked; then it picks a world from available ones (pretty sure it takes population of worlds into account and tries to land you on a world with less beaconed area)
in case of AU servers, there is only 1 world of each type available, so (depending on your initial choice of world tier) you land on Lasaina or Lutrion, but EU and US servers have a few worlds of each type


We started to make one … traffic was about as popular as a certain british prince at a kids pizza birthday party.


It would need to be integrated and like a dictatorship lmao. You have to learn xyz before it will let you leave. Or you could opt out haha…