Mineable or Gathered Oort

I actually really hope Oort doesn’t become mineable. Mining is already a know, valuable way to make money and xp and adding further benefits too it feels like it’d become even more unbalanced.

I’d much rather gathering Oort was tied to some other activity.

Maybe every time you craft something, you have a tiny chance to generate an Oort.
Maybe every time you perform some building-related action, you have a tiny change to spawn some.

I don’t have any solid, well thought out ideas but I’d definitely rather see it tied to something other than hunting (as that’s already a source) or an activity that is already popular at present.


An option for Oort not to break the market and not affect too much because the number of portals increases too much would be to make more items that require Oort, such as: Dimensional storage cube, which creates a pocket dimension to increase the space of the inventory, using an Oort technology similar to portals, spatial dimensional technology, so you would also need Oort. More could be done, such as that Oort is in the mix to make fuel for future vehicles, or for other machines that automate part of the routine (which I hope developers believe in the future).

That was my exact thought when reading the previous comments.

In the case of a miner or gatherer, the only limitation I’d see would be the durability on your tools, which is already enough.

I’m having serious doubts that the devs are reading this entire thread, though.
If you think the thread has a break-through of some sort, it might be good to update the OP, maybe with links to the important messages.

How about getting a small chance to get a small amount from the reward coffers we open every day?

This is how I feel as well and why I think it should be incorporated across the spectrum so everyone has a chance to gain it from doing their preferred activity in game. It would make it easier for people to put up portals to open shops. If part of the problem of making money is you need to spend it (via buying portal shards) to make it (hook up a shop portal and start generating customers) then this seems like another potential way to make the overall play experience better.

And if the argument is "it takes away from the money you can make hunting’ well that’s just bad design then. I don’t really agree with that argument though because the prices for monster mats are pretty solid themselves. As far as mining goes the money is on average with hunting before you factor in oort stones. Mining on exo’s is the most profit of course but you 're competing with may more people and less likely to do as well unless you are there first, unlike hunting where it’s basically welfare given out to anyone attending whether they are active or not.

{insert another chance to advocate of having a better chrysominter tutorial so people can utilize it better early game to give themselves a better chance at becoming successful and enjoying the game}

But creature mats dont sell well. Blood is 3c, fat 1c, bone .1c in most cases, 3c for the armor segments, cores even only get 350 at best in most shops and those are rare drops.

The only real money makers for hunters are oort and feathers. Mainly because of the amount and need for oort as is. Feathers because of ultra rarity.

I guess I just dont under stand what the goal the devs have for this game. Is it a multiplayer game or solo? You cant have both. Making everything soloable hurts the economy and multiplayer gameplay.

What are they wanting a multiplayer feel or a solo player feel?

You can have a multiplayer game where you solo everything, but in order to do that, you have to make things grindy or else it just becomes a solo game and no real interaction takes place.

And people complain of the grind, but if we don’t have that then we’d all be clones doing the same thing.

Sorry guys, rant over. I’m just so confused and kinda tired. It’s hard to multiplayer when the economy is so weak.

This isn’t aimed at anyone. Just venting. Sorry again .


It’s all good. I understand. I feel like mining is the same way(except for T7’s). So many stockpiled mats that don’t get used as much as oort Stone.

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I just want to say that when you need to make some coin, look for something that everyone is doing to sustain and DON’T DO THAT.

I made over half a million coins in a few hours of chopping the same tree down again and again and again this week. EDIT: to be clear I used 3 diamond axes and 2 sapphire ones. This was not “a full time job”.

Also don’t stab yourself in the foot selling your junk to lowball request baskets.

My shop stands sold eyeballs this week at prices that are almost offensively high. Aenea puts hundreds of thousands of coins into her baskets weekly for animal parts used in food and forging materials. As do many other cooks and forgers. People are paying up to 100c for adrenal glands lately, on some days this could be as profitable as the feathers from a long roadrunner hunt.

I know this is off topic a little but the economy isn’t dead here at all. The number of times I see someone saying "hunting for oort’ or “mining for gems/lucents” are the only ways to make money, it’s painful.

These specific activities are over saturated and have the tightest margins in the game because of it. Meantime you can make (profit) over 50k per hour with a single unforged axe and running around low level planets gathering forge mats.


You’re absolutely right, it’s just that requires people to do things they don’t enjoy doing. Like sitting in one place hitting a tree for hours on end. And if that’s the case, then why would new players play a game like that?


I think before we’re able to discuss how to obtain Oort, we have to discuss how plenty Oort could or should be. At the moment, for people who don’t hunt, the amount of portals that can be opened is limited by the amount Oort they can afford and buy.

We would need to know if the amount of open portals is up for discussion. Can we have more portals? Should we have less portals? Why do we have the amount of portals we currently have? Would to many portals be an issue for game play? Would to many portals be an issue of server cost? Would to many portals be an issue for server load?

Those are factors that directly limit how many Oort we can make available to be obtained. If it’s going to be a rare resource, we would have to decide who is “worthy enough” to get them. Should the first to an Exo be the one who gets it? Should it be based on difficulty? Luck? Endurence? Cash Shop?

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If it helps,here’s how I see it:

Get money is a task. It’s not always a fun task. but if you sort out how to do it well, it becomes minimal and enables you to spend the majority of the time doing whatever the heck you want.

If I spent 6 hours whacking at a tree in a week, and that brings me half a million coins - I’ve enabled tens to hundreds of hours (depends on your playstyle) of doing whatever I like with no worries about coins.

What this means long term is I can set up shop stands selling the output of my favorite activities at prices i feel are appropriate, and let them sit there until people come buy them. And that happens.

I have a shop that sells poles, beams, signs,etc … for instance. Because I like to mine and craft. Sometimes it sells nothing for three weeks, tbh - in large part because I don’t need to constantly monitor prices and try to be the cheapest, undercutting myself to get a few coins flowing.

But when someone sees it and they’re wanting to do something for their build, they buy a ton of stuff. because high turnover, low margin shops are typically not well stocked. So instead of selling a couple items here and there, I sell out of hundreds of items at once.

To be fair I enjoy a wide range of activities, and once you pull yourself over the hump so that you’re not needing more coin on a per-session basis, the whole thing becomes a lot simpler.

Sorry I’m not trying to be one of those people that just says “get more coin” like it solves everything about needing coin but, there are real life parallels in any system that emulates a society and in this case “get a day job” may be the answer to funding your desire to “party all weekend”, so to speak.

If getting coin is the obstacle to having fun, you can tackle it or not I guess. Personally I don’t enjoy the survival aspects of the game (having to eat all the time specifically) but i take it in stride as it’s outweighed by the parts of the game that I do enjoy.

To address the topic of the thread a little, if the simple idea of “put oort everywhere so we can mine it” needs to be balanced out by implementing entire new game mechanics to make it harder to get, it seems like maybe it’s not the best idea.

IDK why a standard “don’t put in more than you want to circulate” would be unacceptable balancing for this.


Yes make it like diamonds not everyone wants to hunt…all for it

What about new gameplay that allows for collected oort. Such as adding underwater systems and make oort spawn in deep oceans needing specific food brews skill points or items to explore!

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This type of information would need to come from the Developers to be accurate. Everything else is really just too much speculation on numbers. I didn’t want this topic to be about portals because that is a different subject than Oort and requires additional information like how many they can technically allow because of the ports that are opened. So it should kind of be in a separate thread.

Oort is used for other things that portals - block for decoration. Additionally people have suggested other ideas on where we could use it. Ultimately those are kind of different topics as well. As I mentioned in my thread, before we should really worry about balance and amounts I think we should just focus on delivery ideas. Maybe we have all the ideas regarding how to get Oort now and the topic could be closed… I am not sure.

I’ve always found coin use for warps annoying… but at the same time the thought of always having to have a stack of Oort in my inventory is also annoying. I would almost suggest making Oort shards like a secondary currency (stored like coin)

Of course a crazy idea would be to do away with coin altogether and replace it with Oort instead… such a currency fits with the tribal theme and makes since that portal fuel would be the foundation of the economy… it would also address the “there’s not enough coin sources/taps” especially if you can get it from more than just mining (surface resources, farming, Trade, hunting, footfall, feats/objectives, ect.)

But idk… just my crazy line of thinking :thinking:


Definitely on board with wiping coin and replacing it with oort. That always made sense to me and I never understood why it wasn’t a thing. Use oort to warp, to fuel, and to trade for other items. Seems like it has all the proper faucets (taps) and sinks in place already.


I guess the part that doesn’t work with that idea is portal hubs… currently portal networks make coin from foot fall that they use to buy Oort… it keeps hunters and hubs engaged in an economic relationship which is a good thing…

If Oort IS coin… that would disrupt the relationship… Ether the hubs would be self-sustaining (not good) or they wouldn’t generate enough Oort to fuel their portals… and then what? What reward could they get for providing the community service that they could trade to others to fuel their portals? :thinking:

I like having and using portals, but I absolutely abhor fueling them. I’d rather pay for “super-gleam club” to have any portal on my beacon stay open or something.

Oort makes the BL universe go round & almost everyone wants more coin…so dunno. All of it’s frustrating.


Yes make a slightly higher tier gleam club…


Big hubs would cease to exist except for the few every few planets, I would imagine. If oort was like we envision, then we would probably just warp more instead of using hubs.

Maybe we’d use a hub to cross a big jump and then use our oort warp to access the local universe chain (like the mini PS hubs currently work). The main hubs would still generate a ton of footfall, and then we would warp from there to those local planets. I dunno, it’s a fun idea to think about. It would certainly be a different way of playing!


A cool idea and i’m all for sweetening the Gleam Club pot to encourage support for the game… but i can hear the angry “Pay-To-Win” mob gathering their torches and pitchforks already :trident::rage::fire:… maybe they just want to make smores??? :rainbow::unicorn::star2: