MMO Gamer Psychology / Player Personality Test

Pft… well, i bet no one saw this one coming =P…

You are 87% Explorer
What Bartle says:

  • “Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them.” yeah that about sums it up lol


  • 67% Achiever
  • 40% Socialiser - I’m surprised this one isn’t lower… but I’m not one for pvp hehe
  • 7% Killer

So wait… I’m 201% gamer?! OMG there’s two of me!.. HEY other @Jiivita! Get over here and stop slacking off!


You are 87% Socialiser
67% Explorer
40% Achiever
7% Killer
This result may be abbreviated as SEAK

That’s does sound about right! This is a very interesting test.

Edit: I’ve made the test again thinking not only about Boundless, but in a lot of MMO’s and the result changed. I did the test twice and the result was the same.



47 players took the test so far::


24 Explorers: Stormsoul, ElfMarine, Liveey, Chivlet, PendragonTheNinja, Swede, Kirinvar, Spoygg, GreyArt247, Jeffrotheswell, Gorillastomp, Heureka, Xaldafax, FlareQ13, iGoofy, Oggieogham, Stretchious, nevir, Mr-Alex, Samski, DonBab, Ingvar, Sulfurblade, Jiivita
5 Achievers: Woe, willcrutchley, Elsiekelsie, Miaii, Havok40k
1Socializers: virresss
1 Killer: Karko


6 Explorers/Achievers: Kelgors, Dulki, Wschichl, HiggsFoton, Zina, Zidio, philelliott
5 Socializers/Explorers: AmandaPan, MrGamer117, boundmore, the-moebius, lesley64
1 Explorer/Killer: Tarahyumaro
1 Achiever/Killer: MoriOni
1 Socializer/Achiever: Brightstar
1 Socializer/Explorer/Achiever: Clexarews
1 VERY SPECIAL TRULY MULTITYPE Explorer/Achiever/Killer/Socializer: SethLarcomb

Impossible to categorize.
1 Specialist In Failure: @Creegle


This is me, it seems :slight_smile:

You are 80% Achiever
What Bartle says:

:diamonds: Achievers regard points-gathering and rising in levels as their main goal, and all is ultimately subserviant to this. Exploration is necessary only to find new sources of treasure, or improved ways of wringing points from it. Socialising is a relaxing method of discovering what other players know about the business of accumulating points, that their knowledge can be applied to the task of gaining riches. Killing is only necessary to eliminate rivals or people who get in the way, or to gain vast amounts of points (if points are awarded for killing other players).
You are also:

73% Explorer
33% Socialiser
13% Killer
This result may be abbreviated as AESK


added to the list above under explorer/achiever


The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology
You are 73% Achiever
What Bartle says:

:diamonds: Achievers regard points-gathering and rising in levels as their main goal, and all is ultimately subserviant to this. Exploration is necessary only to find new sources of treasure, or improved ways of wringing points from it. Socialising is a relaxing method of discovering what other players know about the business of accumulating points, that their knowledge can be applied to the task of gaining riches. Killing is only necessary to eliminate rivals or people who get in the way, or to gain vast amounts of points (if points are awarded for killing other players).
You are also:

60% Socialiser
40% Killer
27% Explorer
This result may be abbreviated as ASKE


Honestly surprised my killer score is not higher. I used to stalk around Felwood Forest as an Undead Warlock ganking Alliance. Didn’t make it to max lvl before BC dropped, so I never got much max lvl world pvp in Vanilla, but damn was it fun. Flying mounts ruined much of that.

/Cast Soulfire


…when you were answering the questions, were you thinking about, or more in a Boundless state-of-mind, or a WoW one? i.e. If you had been thinking about playing that warlock, do you think your answers would have been different.

I’m curious if Boundless (and it’s community) is perhaps bringing out more Socializing in some people. And yes, by ‘some people’ I mean me :wink:, though I’m wondering if others might feel the same. And perhaps it also softens the ‘rougher edges’ of some of our more PvP or competitive Boundless family members :smiley: I’ve been a bit surprised that some of the people with higher Killers scores on the list are also some of the nicest and most helpful members of the community.

And here’s an interesting followup: If you think you would have answered differently, did you move to Boundless because your interests changed, or did your move to Boundless change your interests? Chicken or the Egg?


In my case, I have always been me. There are some things I am good at so whether in real life or games where appropriate I would come out as 100% killer. That doesn’t match my personality, it’s a matter of necessety in real life and what is easy to do in games. At the same time, I counter killer instincts in life and games with activities that make life relaxing and enjoyable. Put a simple way, Marines are known in real life for tremendous acts of selfless courage to help others, great acts of kindness (like the Marine Corps Toys For Tots program or many things done worldwide to help citizens that are all volunteer driven), and an ability to find ways to have fun nearly anywhere. At the same time though, you aren’t being real smart if you take on Marines assuming all that kindness, generosity and fun mean they lack killer instincts. lol Boundless is a way to chill. It’s not a competition, so I could care less about achievements. It’s relaxation. Star Citizen I mostly use my exploration ship and explore or do business. Some games I’m mostly a killer or healer. Boundless I just exist and relax.


60% Socialiser
60% Achiever
53% Explorer
27% Killer


you have to be my friend otherwise i have to kill you.

as @ElfMarine stated: to be a “killer” doesn’t mean you’r antisocial :stuck_out_tongue:

or @Karko

Highlander - “WE ARE BROTHERS!!!”
A much better definition.

"Multi-player appeal to the Killer
Causing mayhem among computer-controlled people and things may be fun to the Killer, but nothing amounts to the joy of pitting one’s skills against an actual player-controlled opponent. For most, the joy of being a Killer results from a friendly competitive spirit. They’re in it for the sport, trying to read their opponent’s moves and generally acting with honor.

For others, it’s more about power and the ability to hurt others or the thrill of the hunt. One such example is “ganking” or “owning”, a process where the Killer takes their strong character to a place where inexperienced or weaker characters reside, and proceeds to kill them repeatedly. Once a killer finds a weaker character it becomes increasingly enjoyable to “Hunt” this character, stalking him through different zones. Repeatedly stalking and killing a weaker player adds a thrill of a certain type well described in the short story The Most Dangerous Game. Once stronger enemy players arrive to help, the Killer either waits patiently or stealthily sneaks somewhere else to repeat the process. These Killers love to have the notoriety of being someone that should be watched out for, or even better, someone to be “Killed on Sight”.

In other contexts, Killers are also active in the social and economic sides of a multiplayer game. Market control appeals strongly to Killers, many of whom have a natural talent for reading markets (likely an extension of their common aptitude for sizing up strengths and weaknesses, vital to their play style). Social Killers tend to be online community leaders—or trolls. Many make the mistake of thinking Killers are antisocial or without friends, but this isn’t too often the case. Even the more hostile and aggressive Killers can inspire a sort of hero-worship by less-talented Killers or Achievers; and some Killers are nice people who simply thrive on competition. In either case, a bored Killer can be a threat to the community, as their natural drive to compete and sometimes (or frequently) abrasive attitude will push them to stir up trouble even when they don’t really mean to."



Here are my scores:
E67% // S60% // A60% // K13%

:spades: Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it’s tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.


87% Achiever
80% Killer
27% Explorer
7% Socialiser

I’m a little amused at this.


The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology
You are 73% Explorer
What Bartle says:

:spades: Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it’s tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.
You are also:

67% Socialiser
47% Achiever
13% Killer



We reached 52 players (actually: 51 players and 1 developer):


25 Explorers: Stormsoul, ElfMarine, Liveey, Chivlet, PendragonTheNinja, Swede, Kirinvar, Spoygg, GreyArt247, Jeffrotheswell, Gorillastomp, Heureka, Xaldafax, FlareQ13, iGoofy, Oggieogham, Stretchious, nevir, Mr-Alex, Samski, DonBab, Ingvar, Sulfurblade, Jiivita, Ancalagon
5 Achievers: Woe, willcrutchley, Elsiekelsie, Miaii, Havok40k
1Socializers: virresss
1 Killer: Karko


7 Explorers/Achievers: Kelgors, Dulki, Wschichl, HiggsFoton, Zina, Zidio, philelliott
6 Socializers/Explorers: AmandaPan, MrGamer117, boundmore, the-moebius, lesley64, Hashmalash
3 Socializer/Explorer/Achiever: Clexarews, Brightstar, drszxn
2 Achiever/Killer: MoriOni, Minyi
1 Explorer/Killer: Tarahyumaro
1 VERY SPECIAL TRULY MULTITYPE Explorer/Achiever/Killer/Socializer: SethLarcomb

Impossible to categorize.
1 Specialist In Failure: Creegle


I understand after today’s post showing the atmospheric effects for elemental worlds.
You achieved amazing results there, and them effects are supposed to kill at the same time.


If only the test rated sarcasm… we’d all be doomed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


80% Explorer
67% Socializer
47% Achiever
7% Killer


when i took the test i was playng a crafter/miner/lumberjack
after the test, as the result was “explore-killer” i made a second character, an agile hunter, just to see how it would have suited to me. now i can’t stop using it xD

have you guys had a result different from your character(:clubs:), or it was accurate and in line with your choices(:diamonds:)? if :clubs:, have you tryed to follow the result? :smiley:


There are also two interresting videos from Extra Credit about this topic:

80% Killer here btw.