Monumental Boundless news!

Spaceships please!!


I want a spoodle pet that I can drag around on a leash


You already have one Karl :wink:

What you really want is a shop at my new prestigious mall :stuck_out_tongue:


Awesome! But your top priority right now should be getting this fixed: UMG claiming soundtracks on Youtube videos

If you want Boundless to take off, the youtubers and streamers should be able to make videos and streams of the game without it being claimed by some music company from Germany (Deutsche Grammophon, which UMG only claims on behalf of).


His in game name is darthpain not dart :slight_smile:

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I say I’m going to do this…One day I’m going to. One day. Also! I’m truly excited and can’t wait to see this game get the love and attention it deserves!


Nice foreshadowing there! :joy:

I’m happy to see that Boundless has a future. It was always a very special one of a kind game to me.

Looking forward to playing it again! :tada:


Well there goes my “nothing will happen at weekends statement”

Good to have a team on board to take things forward and I think a fresh team in charge with goals and ambition is what the game needs, thanks for bringing the game this far James but moving on was the right thing.

I hope it can now become more than you had hoped when you started


Well, I’ve been waiting a long time for the game to become what I was going to be. With almost 6000 hours into the game and then losing the faith in the game was hard for me. I know many of you out there have more hours into the game =). I always loved the game more than any other game, mostly for the community. It’s been so hard to find a game to replace Boundless. In fact, I’ve not found any other game. I’m just a bit disappointed in all the other games because I still want to play boundless.

@monty1 I really hope Monumental has the passion and love for the game, Just as the community do. Another year to get the game ready is not that bad. As long as you can deliver on the promise that you bring new life to the game. Remember to listen to the community and be transparent with the community. Then you will have great success with this game.

Hey, maybe ill start playing again soon. Anyway still miss you all from the old days.


I think when you and the others on your team should have played Boundless for a while and have a character at a decent level, we should organize a hunt event for all of them.
I nominate @Bethlehem and @Spoodle to help organize that. They’re both dedicated players and @Bethlehem does a damn good job of running a hunt.
For me, hunting is one the most exciting experiences. :smiley:


Sensational :slight_smile:
Such inspirational news, I’ll be there!


Can’t wait for @Bethlehem to say here little :pig2: ies


Now if only Monumental would acquire Worlds Adrift from Bossa and relaunch that one…

Still, I am cautiously optimistic about the takeover. I just hope it doesn’t mean “let’s make Boundless F2P/Subscription and throw Pay2win MTX in” as it was the case with other MMO takeovers in the past (not by Monumental AFAIK, just in general).


There is one fix that I would request that should be able to be done. Shut down the servers and do a maintenance cycle. I think that would stabilize the game a bit.
I’m having connection issues daily. I’m not the only one having this issue. And Boundless is the only game I’m having this issue with.


I feel the best approach from our side as players is to sit and wait. It might be a while before we see anything take place due to recruiting/ onboarding and planning stages before actual work takes place.


Do i dare call the devs piggies…


BIG WELCOME to @monty1 and His team with Monumental!

We in Glitch World look forward to seeing some of the changes being pushed from your team! May the Boundless Dream push forward to another day! I hope to play the game with friends again and enjoy the fun of the game again!

If there is anything we-- the players-- can do to help. Please let us know! I’m sure ANYONE in this community would be glad to assist. :slight_smile:


@Bethlehem we all know your hunters are all vicious piggies lol

Since wipes are not on the table I hope new homeworlds are.


:thinking: Maybe player builds could be used for new trailer ??

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W……I……P……E might be needed hahaha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: especially that’s green shack you have :joy: