My store has been annexed

After a short break i decided to fire up the game again, only to find out my main store has been annexed…
I’m pretty bloody angry right now!


They were there probably before you set your store there, so they can take those plots

No. They were 100% certainly not. I chose my spot away from people (in the middle of a lake) deliberately.


Ok so apparently my protection status was off… fantastic. Apparently my own fault somehow.


There still isnt a way to opt out of predatory cities trying to annex you, is there?


Nope heh

10 char

What, he’s the one that annexed your place?


It was such a lovely place biitula ^^


I’m sorry this has happened, but I’m so glad to hear you’re back! My favourite store :smiley:


Good luck working it out with this person. :expressionless:

As same thing happened to me & just wanna take the enjoyment outta planning a build or have fun in an area that they have no plans on other than trolling you or prolly hoping you will give up move or leave so they can take
it because they can & are just that nice.
Seriously gluck🎄


This isn’t a problem the devs want to address or have time to address, but it is the most negative aspect of the game.


The land I claimed was abandoned and was never yours to begin with…I do not understand the entitled concept I guess lol

Don’t even have a clue to who you are…

He is the owner of suji’s forging ingredients, I’m sure you know his shop is a floating island in the middle of a lake :roll_eyes:


Not really… planet and coordinates would be helpful.

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Its North west of the Hive.

Next to bridge.


See? That explains it. Who even stops to think about their plots connecting to something in the sky? Accidental, but still frustrating for the plotter and plotee.

When you’re plotting the plot viewer shows other people’s plots so I don’t see how accidental annexing could happen really. Unless I’m just more vigilant than some


And before this goes any further if this was a beacon that burned out somewhere that is your responsibility… clearly it would have decayed to dust in hours had I not claimed it. The fact that I claimed it does not change anything. It’s the land is free it is what it is. Like I said in the other post the planet and the coordinates would be helpful. Some places are stayed because I intend to keep them, others are saved just because I’m being nice figure maybe the person comes back, others are just loot possibilities and maybe I never finished it. Depending on what planet and which one of those categories it was I would have been more than happy to speak to you about it. That being said when you allow your beacon to expire and you come on here saying that someone basically stole your store which is clearly not true

the fact that I’m not even sure as to what Beacon you are referring to makes me suspect that this is a really old one that expired several months ago. Still I would like to have clarification as to the planet and coordinates

I have no doubt that a peaceful solution can be found, as long as everybody stays calm.
After all, Krasniy is a protector of the weak, I’m sure he will have no issue with disconnecting his plots from Sujimichi’s. :slight_smile: