New ways to get coin

I agree there shouldn’t be quests, but ancient ruins and/or treasures make sense. I mean, obviously there was/is something else because we find ancient technology while digging.


We already have ruins, they just don’t give us anything for exploring them (plus they are limited). I have found stonehinge like structures (i have a pic on my old laptop since i bought a new one like 3 weeks ago), and I know on besavrona there are remnants of houses in the form of sporadic areas of refined meta blocks that are chiseled flat.

I have actually considered starting a guild that tries to preserve some of these structures of the ancient Oort, so us Citizens can study them…


I have plotted ruins I found on Angel I. Just in case the rest of them get taken down or plotted over.


That we know of :thinking:

If you’re gonna put 4 weekly 160k coin sinks into the game there HAS to be a way to make that money. And not just “Oh, just have a guild with 100 players who each donate 6,400c per week.”


A couple of times i had suggested a recycling machine. I still think this would be a good way to actively generate some income, also would kind of produce some base line values for in game items.

It would have to be a very low value income, ie 10 rocks=1c, something like that.

And each time a base item is processed it would lose value, to avoid the refined rock xp machine, then recycle the ref rock for same amount of coin as base rock.

Using that for an example would give people a choice, do I grind up my rock for coin or process it for xp.


Eventually the servers are gonna fill up with people’s junk they hoard. Maybe not within the next 100 years, but it’s gonna happen. This game needs a junk sink.

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Couldn’t resist!


If only every member donated that much instead of a few donating what’s required for the buffs

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Roadrunner costume with road runner sounds would be epic!!! Especially if you load a speed brew and run through a busy city or portal area!!

Bring the “HA”

I’m not sure how preserving tools generates more coin…
not against the idea, just don’t see how it helps this particular situation

we need more coin like fish need water!

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Yeah before guilds coin was meaningless pixie dust that people valued for no particular reason. Now it buys buffs.

yeb and if the sink is bigger then the gain it wont see any effect right now but a month or 2 down the line shop owners are going to feel it when they have to start selling forged tools for under 1K cuz people just dont have the coin to pay full price

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I think maybe you misinterpreted what I was meaning!

Nothing to do with preserving tools, and all to do with turning unwanted items into coin!

Or recovering ingredients from crafted items.

ohhh ok like a machine that takes old used tools and spits out coin? strange, but i’m not against that :stuck_out_tongue:
although I can’t imagine this would generate a worthy amount to supply a guild with buffs tho heh.
we need so much more coin revenue it’s ridiculous.

Not necessarily tools, but any in game item.

Have 10k foliage lying about, stick them in the recycler for 1c per 100, that sort of thing.

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ah ok, if you could put anything into it, sure, i’m down with that. almost like the NPC trader idea except without having an NPC!

Yeah, exactly.

And another new craftable machine to play with!

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Work hard. Do shady business. Flip everything you can.

I also think we need other ways to get coin as I do not like the idea of footfall

It may be possible this is by design and the devs want guild buffs to be non-sustainable, either as a way to reduce the total amount of coin in the game (if they are unhappy with that at this time)

or they are trying to make it more of a whole guild effort and not just an leadership effort, to sustain the buff.

or maybe this buff just needs to be treated as a luxury function and have to accept the fact that the buff was not designed to be sustainable all of the time, and then that requires planning of when to turn the buffs on and which ones.

Or maybe I am wrong and there was less logical planning put in to the cost, and the devs failed to balance the cost.