News: Vote#4 results posted

Well put! I think the devs should decide where and how big the capital is, and the players can talk about the designs and the devs can ‘okay’ it or moderate it to make sure its good, and then a group can get together to build it!

Theennnnn go play trove bruh :neutral_face:

nothing intense about trove, that game is casual as hell xD

Weither intense or not its still long enough that your pizza will get their before it even ends if they did it in oort :wink:

what are you even talking about…

The whole point of scaling is so that the difficulty is as similar as possible relative to the number of players near the titan haha. This makes it so that the fight is appropriately challenging without people being able to zerg it to death in a matter of minutes. As I suggested (see below quote), scaling could happen only after a set number of players are already nearby to ensure it doesn’t scale down to make it too easy for smaller groups…(now who isn’t reading? :stuck_out_tongue: )

I think scaling is a really good idea that several games already use to address the issue of zerging that you brought up. As long as it’s still challenging enough to require multiple people and doesn’t scale down to avoid this, I see no real issue with it. Was this your only complaint?

Answered the wrong post :laughing:

oh you think? XD

That it might be tricky, i suggested a titan bubble but i was told no to that… so i guess it would be one thing, but how would you scale a titan to for example 100.players? scaling in theory tends to work wlel, but in practice i havent sadly seen it done well yet, i think the only game i ever saw getting close was GW2 event scaling :smiley:

GW2 scaling (as far as I remember from playing it briefly) was to increase the number or difficulty type (veteran, champion, etc.) of mobs. Here, we’re only talking about one mob.

I’m suggesting increasing the health pool proportional to the number of players nearby. I’m sure abilities such as personalized AoEs (I’m thinking of cave-in mechanics, underground spike mechanics, projectile volley abilities, etc.) could be coded to target any nearby players such that they auto-scale. As long as the health pool scales proportionally, the fight couldn’t be won via zerging.

Well that depends on what people would define a capital is. Like is it a city? can it be a old city like ruins? or is it just a group of per-made structures that are like a starting point?

If its just a starting point it wouldn’t be that bad to have specially for the higher end builders and crafters going to higher tiers that dont have the power to fight monsters they could go to thous worlds do there thing to enjoy the game while supporting there perks that took more of a PVE path while having a safe heaven to start from of course this is if they have to have it.

Love the idea of having the ranking thing that @james stated for the caps XD. because even if the devs did make a capital theirs nothing saying that the players of that world wouldn’t make a better town or a town that is far more popular to the in-game community

I also agree that these builders and crafters should have to do something equal to fighting a titan to go to the next tier specially if the difficulty of the enemy and environment got up to make it similar to what it feels like when you first start on tier 1 maybe even a little harder.

I think it would be awesome to add obstacle too builders that build on higher tiers X3 i think it would be amazing and make builders better to have to deal with such challenges so its not just the same old thing over and over again for builders. so like environmental and inhabitant challenges

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I have played some titles where anyone who tags the boss and is still there when it goes down gets credit for it. In general, I never felt super comfortable with that. However, I don’t always want to have social commitments when my main goal is to relax after a hard days work. In short, I believe that solo players should be accounted for in some way.

Perhaps if there was a random grouping feature to ease the pain. But, I don’t think the worlds will be big enough to make the grouping practical.


Ah, I don’t remember in the survey it saying “of playing.” I chose hours because I was thinking truly epic fight would last 55-65 minutes with several phases, multiple attempts, and practiced maneuvers. I see now that it intended to say hours of play from the beginning. Knowing that now, I wish I could change my vote to “days of play”. The first titan experience should only take 2-3 hours to prepare for though, as the first tier of world’s could act as an unofficial tutorial phase. After that, turn up the difficulty and prep time to 2-3 days, then 5-6, 10-11, and so on. The harder it gets, the more the community will come together to take on the biggest challenges.

About advancing without engaging a titan, I think the simplest way for this system to work fairly would be to require a dropped token from slaying the titan that can either be used once to unlock the next tier or traded to another player. Guilds could stockpile them to advance their builders and craftsmen or sell them to others to finance future quests. To prevent them from eventually losing all their value, they could be used for a small xp rate boost if you’ve already unlocked the tier it grants.


I did not have a chance to vote, but since I’m here:

It should take hours to beat up a titan, I hate mobile games, Paying for special treatment is bad, I like the idea of players forming communities on their own, I expect death to be annoying, This question really depends on what you plan on spending your time doing, I think someone needs to fight titans but not everyone can be the hero of the same fight, titans should be a major hassle for everyone not just a lone hunter, beacons need to last a long time but not forever, home = safe, each world should be unique, I like having wiggle room to make a cool character.

And that’s my vote.


We´ll i was in favor of your titan bubble idea, mainly because I´m afraid that following scenario will happen if titans just scale:

The progress guild xXTitanslayzerzXx is going for their weekly try on the hardest titan. A fairly big number of “rnd” players that also want some titanloot follow them into the fight. Experience tells : 90% of them will be DDs , this means the titan gets +100% dmg/hp but the raid only gains +10% heal which means that the MT is under insanely high pressure because of the rnd players . Also the the healers of the root group are under increased stress (increased mana usage) because the rnd players probably don’t know the tactics the guild has prepared (and even if they knew they would probably ignore it or at least wont execute them correctly.
Another problem is: What happens if 90% of the rnd players get killed by the first cleave of the titan? Does now the guild alone have to deal with a 100% stronger titan just because of a bunch of rnds at the start of the fight? Or does the titan rescale midfight so healers never have a chance to plan ahead with their mana usage?

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Correct. This is more about reserving some space within the center of the world that can be built on by the most enthusiastic players, same as what we have now.

If we had 1000s of worlds at some point, there’s no way we’d be able to build those capitals manually :smile:


I went back and looked at the results from older surveys. I’m kind of surprised that with the results from #2, the feature funding has unlocked in this order. Pets and creatures from a creature builder were put pretty low, but they were asked to be funded before character progression. I wonder how all the wonderful Devs keep up with the changes to opinions to things as new players join.

The trick is that we listen to as much of the feedback as we can, but not swerve or make isolated snap changes based on reactions some decisions we make (recent example: crafting professions). When we look at an idea or feature, we look at in context of the whole game, and every other feature. The surveys are really important (probably moreso than the forum) because they give a much broader and quantifiable picture from our current backers, whereas the forum tends to be skewed towards those who post the most.

Ultimately, you guys were attracted to the game from our initial pitch, we have our vision and hopefully good reasons for the decisions we make :no_good:


ooooooooo video idea how about one of the meetings yous guys have to see how things all go down?

You don’t really want to know how the sausage is made…