No Man's Sky Thread

Diplos or Giant blobs! i discovered gigantic 8m blobs on a planet (26 feet converted) and am making the HQ of a corporation based on blob hunting and taming! those blobs give extreme loot when hunted!Will be awesome. i have been searching for diplos FOREVER! I have come up short with only giant blobs.

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Haha yeah, I love Blob Worlds! :grin:

Ohh Iā€™m all in if you guys do this! Iā€™m loving the game so far but itā€™s lonely, would be pretty cool to have a boundless community :smiley:

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Awesome, it will be great to have you, and yep, I think we could really make a cool community with all us NMS/Boundless fans! :grin::+1:

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Official announcement of crossplay and more! :slight_smile:

Huge yay!! :grin: This is going to bring a TON of people into the NMS community Iā€™m sure. Iā€™ll pick up the Windows 10 versionā€¦ well, I think Iā€™m probably going to go ahead and just sign up for GamePass, there are some other games Iā€™d play for sure. $5 a month isnā€™t bad at all, and automatically upgrades you to Gold, which Iā€™ve let lapse on Xbox.

Edit: Well, I was all confused on the Game Pass thing, prices, how it works (Xbox and PC are separate unless you do Ultimate)ā€¦ but since I own the Xbox NMS, seems to be free to install on PC. :slight_smile: Except it isnā€™t working for some reason. Ah well, will stick to consoles if I canā€™t - any social play will be on PS4 though!

Derelict freighters are kinda a mess right now. Theres invisible and visible obstructions that prevent you from finishing the rooms which is a bummer. Hope they work this out soon.

Theyā€™re super easy, too. Still, itā€™s content.

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yeah they definitely surprise me every update.

I need to play more NMS tbh :heart_eyes: I used to have a massive activated indium farm and stuff, but then I had to wipe my PS4 (before I knew about Boundless) and had to start again :weary::sob:


So like all my games are dropping big updates all the sudden! :grin: :+1:


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Here are the notes, this is the one Iā€™ve been waiting for, being such an explorer and virtual photographer! :grin:

Iā€™ve not done as much on my Twitter for NMS lately even though it was set up for NMS shots originallyā€¦ but sure to get a new flood of them now! :slight_smile:

How did I repay HG? Tweeting these back at Seanā€¦ :crazy_face:

sean6 sean7

ā€¦ Well, he DOES kind of ask for it with his baiting us - but, this just goes to show that the WS crew here isnā€™t the only group of devs Iā€™m an obnoxious photo-butchering annoyance to! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :wink:

Edit: Really great video about the update! -


Anyone try the new Pioneers Expedition update? I just completed it after about 50 hours of play because I ran around and made a few mistakes.

The rewards you get are nice but even though you can move them over I wish all of it was on the same saveā€¦


I just hit waypoint 1, but Iā€™m quite new to the game and Iā€™m still playing Boundless quite a bit.

Losing progress due to buggy multiplayer has lost me several hours of expedition progress though. Probably 20-30% of my time has been lost to freezes, teleporter errors, etc. NMS was not designed for this many people to play in the same space at the same time.

I had a few crashes as well. To help I wouldnā€™t go near the final waypoints right away. This way the system would load better and as I neared the planet for the waypoint I would land far away and make sure I had a save. Then I would slowly move in to that area and maybe land again as I got closer. This way it ended up loading much better. Also I would save regularly and just be careful as I loaded into any heavy area not to move the mouse right away and let things load in.

A few other tips are to do the Explorer Guild missions over the course of all the other quests so it gets done easier. For the Abyssal Treasure, watch a few tutorials before doing so your quest doesnā€™t act up like mine - I also think there is a specific time you should scan for the ruins - after 14:00 and to talk to the entity right around 16:30. Otherwise I was having a hard time getting ruins to spawn. For the Abandoned system you need to actually discover the system. I made sure to get the conflict and economy scanner and started looking at farther away planets. For all the ā€œnew system discoverā€ ones I ended up focusing on red stars since they seem to get less traffic. Otherwise I just focused on getting the stuff done because I wanted the rewards on my other save and not this one.

It was fun over all and keeps reminding me how much fun the game can be especially around exploringā€¦


I havenā€™t finished it yet. I wasted a lot of time on things like ā€œfarming 50 plantsā€ before someone told me to locate a base that was called ā€œfarmingā€, etc. I was also experiencing crashes and lost progress, including my 1st save. I got super annoyed at that. Thank you for the tips. I hope to complete everything by Sunday.


There are a few bases for the 30 sec fall. I have one if you need a planetā€¦ I found a super tall mountain and just built a stairway far upā€¦


Well, I guess I went to the neighbours, while on my :boundless: Boundless :boundless: break ā€¦
ā€¦ and found a sort of [Therka] :thinking:


Looking up into the night sky of Boundless reminds me of NMS

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yes theyā€™re both beautiful games! I love the blocky aspect of Boundless, but I love exploring in creative mode NMS. Did you know that No Mans skyā€™s skymap is based off the galaxy map (at least from my testing, I found a star column and found a star system on the edge of a region next to it and examined the planetā€™s skymap. Sooner or later i actually found the star column on the planetā€™s skymap.


Yep, Iā€™m now at the point where Iā€™m purely playing in creative mode, just exploring and finding cool new planets to screenshot. :slight_smile: I almost never play any games in creative mode since I like a feeling of reward, but here, it is less a game now to me than a chill escape from reality into another universe.

Here are a couple pretty ones I found lately -