Ok what did I miss?

I recommend minecraft, boundless is much harder and is intended to be like an MMO, not a solo crafting experience. However if you would please just be generally involved and communicate a bit more you might love the community just as much as I do. Dont shut it down before you try it :slight_smile: Boundless is only half of what it could be if you’re just playing alone. People and communication and close tight knit bonds are wonderful to have :smiley: I love the friends I made on here and only wish the same to you.


the reason you don’t do both is because the same reason Albion died faster than you can blink… ZERG’S KILL GAMES… If you reward zerging, you will kill your game. It’s always been that way.

But @Liveey EVERY GAME should be like MINECRAFT!

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D: </3 :disappointed_relieved::sob:

I do like minecraft though


Guys. Chill. Like seriously.

Balance changes are happening. Right now. Tomorrow. Yesterday. Some times balance changes are big, some times they are even accidental, but it’s not the end of the world. Leave feedback. Take it in stride and try to roll on. This is still the development phase, expect chaos and carry on.

Some of these issues have already been sorted out, and some are being tweeked soon.




But don’t start bitching and moaning. And don’t start flaming each other. That helps nothing.
That is all.


Exactly why I said I’m nearly 100% positive the dev’s just accidently leaked that the forge will give us HUGE buff increases towards defense and attack to compensate for this WAY OVER THE TOP buff to mobs. It’s the ONLY logical scenario to do ANYTHING like that.

I haven’t had a chance to get on since the update so haven’t experienced what these changes are like yet but on the whole I’m an independent player too. Due to work and life in general my logging in times can be pretty sporadic so it’s not always an option to join up with others plus I don’t have any friends that play boundless, playing in groups isn’t always an option plus I generally like to do my own thing. As far as group hunts go I can’t go on them even if I was able to log on when they happen because as soon as the action starts my character just rubberbands all over the place and constantly dies because of it so the game becomes unplayable. I understand it’s an MMO and I do interact with other players and make stuff to sell and buy a lot of stuff but that doesn’t mean we should have to rely on others just to be able to log on and play … there’s no way I can revolve my life around a game because of who’s logged on and who isn’t.
By the way I’m not complaining, just saying…


The world classifications were an error and are or will be rolled back.

GLAD TO HEAR IT! Any chance you can provide a link with this info?

You catch more flies with honey than with :poop:. And info, too.

Havok40k - Today at 9:17 AM
Ah, fair’nuff
I take it we are going to be settling new t1 worlds soon though?
James-Turbulenz - Today at 9:20 AM
The world level chnage was a mistake.
It’s fixed now.
Havok40k - Today at 9:21 AM
Oh lol that makes sense
Are all gem worlds t3 still?
James-Turbulenz - Today at 9:22 AM


So they are intentionally t3 then? So the forge still should be a huge buff!

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For what it’s worth, Vulpto was technically always a t3 world. Epsilo and Andoweem are the only worlds that were promoted from t2 to t3. Vulpto was normalized to fall more in line with it’s fellow t3 worlds.

Also, the forge is less of a buff, and more of a customization and complexity mechanic. Existing tools with special effects will be stripped of their abilities. You will now add these on to a tool of your choice with the forge. You may craft one Ruby sling bow that fires rapidly, one that deals damage over time, and one with a shotgun spread effect, as examples. You may even imbue these effects to some degree on other grades of materials, like gold or iron. I’m somewhat speculating here, but I predict that some materials may take on higher level forge traits at the cost of lessened durability. We will have to wait and see!

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Yea but vulpto also made the most sense to be a t2 as it’s gem is virtually useless anyway. I mean its OK for weapons but let’s face it… it’s value will never be that of diamond… they could at least customize vulpto to have something good on it now to be given that level!

Ruby Grapple OP, Ruby Bombs OP, Ruby Spanner OP.

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Ruby spanner is only good for ruby which is useless and I was told bombs sucked compared to the crossbow thing, so how is it OP unless others are wrong? Ruby grapple isn’t as good as the green but definitively a close second so I’ll give you that.

Ruby is highly sought after by so many people… It’s a stretch to call it useless…
Actually know what, you’re right. I’ll take those rubies off your hands for cheap. Really, it’s a burden to me to take them, consider this a favor!


I had two strategies for "TET"s. One was hide behind a beacon and pop out to shoot then hop back behind the beacon. The other was drawing them into holes where could creep up and fire then jump back before they fired. Do those things over and over and even with my iron weapon and low 30’s level I still got them. Of course I was in town too so had these things available.

What was funny was when I was out of town after coming through a portal I ran into town not knowing about the changes. One building away from my home I ran into an elite cuttletrunk or whatever the Elite Flying Thing (EFT) is called. I shot it with my iron weapon a few times and saw how little damage I did and got shot. I ran under a porch roof and popped out now and then to shoot. I suddenly realized I was getting hit too as it backed off and lowered itself to get a better angle at me. So, I ran inside behind a wall and checked my health. One more hit I would have been dead. Got saved in the end though and got EFT before moving on to a couple TETs. :sweat_smile:

That reminds me. One graphical problem seen. When I went under the porch roof the EFT lowered apparently trying to get to me. Part of the lower part of it’s body kept being seen by me as it was going through the roof as if the roof wasn’t even there. I was a tad busy trying to stay alive so didn’t think of taking a picture.

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Please do… I have a mountain of them I can’t use because diamond is too hard to get which is FAR more valuable as it’s needed to even use ruby in the first place… honestly wish they would change that… I still don’t understand why the table used for making gem tools isn’t a rainbow and can be utilized by all gems instead of only diamond… :frowning: It’s frustrating.

Because it’s the most basic table that everybody already has and is used to create all tables before it.