Outfits Exp & Targeting! Release 198 Overview | Jiivita's Corner

@Jiivita is so cool. Before I ever new he did these video’s, when I first started playing, I bumped into him and saw a neat Shiny Red Grapple on his hand. I was like what the heck is that… He popped out of this portal and popped back and gave me my own shiny red grapple thing. I threw my old not shiny grapple in the lake, and walked off staring into the light with a smile on my face.

I went back and jumped in the lake to retrieve my old not shiny grapple, because I was too scared to use the ruby one and wear it out lol. I used it only when people came by as bragging rights that I owned one haha.


:rofl: That’s Awesome! Grapples are one of my favorite things to give away… they don’t really cheat the receiver out of progressing through the crafting/gathering/shopping progression… and well, there’s nothing else like strapping that hand-rocket on for the first time :smiling_imp:… really one of the best features of Boundless ^^ that level of mobility is wondrous!


And the feeling you get when you duel wield grapples. OMG ! Better than Spider Man. The 1st couple tiers of grapples was awesome to a new player. But when I got the gem one, HOLY COW it was awesome. I am so accustomed to grapples now, that in other video games I find myself clicking my grapple, which immediately leaves me very sad.


Your unofficial trailer is awesome and inspiring. I want to show it to my friends to convince them that they need to play Boundless.


Thank you! it is by far my favorite video I’ve made so far ^^ I’ve shamelessly watched it countless times despite seeing it at least a thousand times during the editing process… I’m only sad that i can’t go back and do some smoother camera work for some of the shots to make it even better XD… but i guess that just means the next one will be even better ^^

Edit: ok, I did the math… 1k * 4mins = 66hrs… so a bit of an exaggeration since i did make this in a day-ish rofl


A quick explanation of and directions to Hashmalash’s competition!

Forum post

Prizes include Tech Components, Tech Devices, and:

3 Lava Buckets! :scream: (single use item)

and for the regularly scheduled video =P

A quick update to the portal trick (new coordinates for and how to find the hubs) for the newer players out there :hearts:

Have a great weekend everyone and stay :boundless: ^^


Just wanted to chirp about the skills that seem to be “stitched” together. I looked at that section for a bit, and to me it seems that it’s a trade-off, not prerequisite skills. I could be completely wrong, but there are small arrows in the middle of the border where the skills meet. In each of them, it points to the active skill and each set only had ONE active skill. I may be looking into this too hard and half asleep at 2:30a.m., but it makes sense to me based on what the devs have said about accessing all skills from one character. Food for thought :blush:

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Nice observation! Especially since there seems to be two different versions of connections ( a stitched and non stitched)… but yeah, we could be looking at this way too hard. This could be a working prototype nearing completion or concept art full of convenient placeholders for all we know o.o

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Showing off Volantis Insulae (Latin for “Floating Islands”) the HQ for the new RP guild: The Illuninoorti

IlluninoortI Forum Post:


It’s possible that im a little biased but I think this is your best video yet!


Hands down, the best. No bias here neither! :v:


Rly good work with the design. I like how its section based.
Also that reflection is a real eyecatcher


Btw sola you ever thought making a dome like roof to it. Like floating one

A quick video showing off @Steele 's roller coaster competition running from July 5th to August 5th (2018)


  1. 750,000c
  2. 350,000c
  3. 150,000c
  4. 100,000c
  5. 75,000c
  6. 50,000c
  7. 25,000c

Winners announced August 12th



Oh yeah… and for the regularly scheduled video:

A quick video on hunting for Emeralds Requested by Ivo (YouTube)


Ivo actually, but at least you pronounce it correctly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

oops! sorry about that ><

:thinking: Elaborate?

Never mind. My idea was that you would but “roof” to whole island. But i kinda noticed alrdy when i wrote it that there would be no reflection of the island on water.

So I did a combo video this time since, while @Zina 's Jurassic Boundless is really awesome, a video it does not fill hehe, so i finally got around to going over some of the awesome bits of info that can be found the the debugging menu to make your life more convenient ^^

3:55 - Debugging Menu

Simoyd’s threat audio alert post (Demo Only For Now):