I need help with a debuff that won’t go away. I have a sliding on ice debuff even when not holding any tools. It is on my character named Hydal.
I need help with a debuff that won’t go away. I have a sliding on ice debuff even when not holding any tools. It is on my character named Hydal.
You are ON ICE
Now vanilla ice will be stuck in my head for a few hours.
Guess you already logged out and in again?
This happens while on any surface, I have been sliding on anything.
i tried logging out, and also dieing. it looks like it is a bug
Ok yeah looks like a bug… Have you tried to equip something with this quirk and then unequip? Or does it stay then also?
I have equipped different hammers and grapples, but the buff doesn’t change
How long has this been going on for? Can you vaguely remember what you were doing before you started noticing this?
I have had this debuff since thursday night. I was mining gleam with a hammer that had that debuff. But when I unequipped it after mining, the debuff did not leave me.
Do you still have the hammer? If so, could you show the hammer’s forge effects out of interest?
I’ve not been able to reproduce this so far, but I’ll add it to the bug database anyway. Especially since your earlier screenshots show the icon is still visible above the health bar when no tools are equipped.
Yes please, is anyone able to remove the buff from my character?
It makes it really hard to move around and it is still stuck on me.
@james @lucadeltodecso is there anything that can be done for the player’s character in the meantime?
Have you tried to remove everything from your inventory, log out and then log back in? Not saying it would work but if you don’t have it on you when you log out maybe it will disappear.
Additionally, when you were equipping items, did that include the tool with the Quirk in question? As another player encountered a similar issue here:
How about equipping another weapon or tool with a different less annoying quirk like day/night
Might replace it with a less annoying one
No the only debuff on the hammer was the on icy ground debuff. @vdragon
I have removed the hammer from my inventory and cycled my items multiple times since then.
I still have the debuff on my character for over 1 week. Nothing seems to fix or remove the debuff.
Are you doing the swaps in world or only in sanctum? I know buffs tend to be paused while in sanctum.