Snowball loves snowballs!
Oh, that is so precious!!
What a cutie
So much cuteness!! Lovestruck Exo + the most adorable puppies and kitties =
that is one cute cat
Thanks!! She’s my little Drama Queen… but so attached, so smart… and was SO into me unboxing all that.
In these situations of stress, we need some cuteness.
So here’s my lil’ gurl sleeping while hugging her favorite toy :
Sooo precious, and totally agreed - more cute pet pics the better!!
Seeing as the entire Wonderstruck team are now working from home, thought you would like to see the newest addition to the team!
Meet BB, he is my new PA. He will be taking questions at this time…
Hey BB, got a bag of catnip with your name on it if you can paw the button that launches a new exo!
(My experience is, cats will pretty much sit on anything you are working on or paying any attention to… “Stop paying attention to this and start paying attention to ME hooman!!” )
hehe! He said he will try but he doesn’t know how to use a PC yet!
I know right! I’ve had Spooky screaming at me all morning and Yokai just looking at me like “what are you doing home hooman”?!
(Maybe hook up a controller… then can hit the paws button! )
Aslan here has been bringing us mice as gifts. Luckily this morning’s was DOA. A few days back, brought in a live one and let it loose in the house! Fiona made pretty short work of it (I won’t post the carnage pics here since this is a thread of cuteness, lol). There was one before that we managed to get out alive. Still, we praise him, doing his job after all I guess!!
He’s just trying to feed you all up! (And keep you on your toes by the sound of it!)