I’ve been gathering resources for the display “sheets” on the Oort Temple the last couple days.
Sadly I haven’t been able to place them all, since I don’t have access to all the beacons, and have to wait on @Karokendo to place them.
Getting to the point, I’ve managed to find plenty of the resources, but still need to find some. If someone can help collecting some of them, it would be pretty beneficial, not just for myself but for the community as a whole.
Resources missing, can identify where they’re from with the color index:
Vulpto (57 - 59)
- Ancient trunk, Ancient timber
- Flower 4
Epsilo (54 - 56)
- Twisted trunk, Twisted timber
- Ancient trunk, Ancient timber
- Mud
- Gnarled grass
- Barbed grass
- Growth
- Flower 2, 3 and 4
Nasharil (66 - 68)
Elopor (63 - 65)
Munteen VII (39 - 41)
Septerfon (36 - 38)
- Twisted trunk, Twisted timber
- Ancient trunk, Ancient timber
- Mud
- Gnarled grass
- Barbed grass
- Flower 2, 3 and 4
Alturnik (48 - 50)
- Ancient trunk, Ancient timber
- Flower 4
Andooweem (45 - 47)
Thank you @BoaConstrictor for finding Flower 4 from Berlyn, Flower 3 from Nasharil and Flower 1 and 3 from Andooweem.
Thank you @Xanotos for finding Flower 1 from Therka.
This is right up my alley, I will endeavor to fill some of these requests.
Are you looking for like 5 of each, 10 of each, or it varies by item?
It varies by item, but 4 of each wood, 10 of the seeds and 2 of the rests, should do it.
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Well, nearly two hours of searching on Vulpto…nadda. I found plenty of flowers 1-3, but no 4 or any Ancient Wood. Will resume tomorrow.
I do have several Flower 4 from Berlyn though.
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Set up some plinths to gather the helpful donations of the community.
Fed to the Plinths ten Flower 4 from Berlyn and three Flower 3 from Nasharil.
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Found flower 1 from therka
Got gravel from Septerfon.
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Got Flower 1 & 3 from Andooweem. I’ll try and bring it to the Plinth later tonight. I put the Gravel from Septerfon there a couple days ago. Wow though. A lot of this stuff is harder to find than Gems! haha
Managed to get flower 1 from Alturnik 
Moved the plinths, since we’re doing some work on the temple
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Any idea who found the Growth on Septerfon, and even better where? I’ve spent a good bit of time there and found no sign of it whatsoever. I ask partly from curiosity as well as I suspect the Growth on Epsilo may be found in a similar location/biome; both worlds seem to possibly be clones. Both are missing the same resources but for Growth, and after exploring both a good bit, if not for my compass I might not know which I was on they’re so similar.
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Growth on Septerfon was found under water, close to the Gleam flowers, but I’ve sunk myself in Epsilo with no luck.
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Kewl…hiding underwater they were, lol. I’m beginning to think the Ancient and Twisted Trunk do not exist on Epsilo or Septerfon, but not 100% convinced just yet. Mainly because there seems to be very little variation in biomes on those two worlds.
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I know, also it seems some people have managed to find “sponge” on Epsilo, wonder if that it’s on some planets, because I’ve never seen it.
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I have found Sponge on Septerfon, underwater with lava lakes and Gleam mounds at the bottom of the water. I don’t recall finding Sponge on any other worlds so far.
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sponge is found in the “coral” biomes, and whatever underwater stuff kinda are like that. it’s found underwater for sure
You can also find growth near lava level in caves on Septerfon. There are plants down there too.
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Uhmm… I have found growth on the hills of Andoweem, just out of the ground in the greener area. They come in blocks of 2 or 3 if I remember correctly, and they are not exactly hard to find either.
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