Colours of the Boundless worlds

Made my own natural block display (near to my Gleamtower on Therka in the desert):

Order from left to right: Starters(Therka+Solum+Berlyn+VenaV), Septerfon(EUMoon), MunteenVII(EURing), Epsilo(USEMoon), Vulpto(USERing), Elopor(USWMoon), Nasharil(USWRing), Andoweem(AUSMoon), Alturnik(AUSRing)

Mostly based on this:

The problem is that I cant find ‘growth’ on Elopor, anyone know where to search for it? Or it is non-existent?

And anyone found ‘glacier’ on Vulpto or Alturnik? Of course there are other blocks that are missing, but they are non-existent for sure (until someone prove the opposite).

Oh and one more thing: can someone sell me one compact amethyst? Please? :blush: